Avatar of Skrubsetsu
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 72 (0.03 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Skrubsetsu 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current And when her halo broke, she carved the two halves into horns.
5 yrs ago
I have set your heart on fire. You will never burn like that again, except with me.
5 yrs ago
She’s the fire in the sin, and I burn breathing her in.



I see you've stumbled across my biography. Welcome, and read to your heart's content. ~


If you're reading this segment, you'll find that I am a 20 year old female currently living in Iowa, USA. Iowa is my home, and where I was born and raised. I've spent probably the last 5+ years roleplaying, although it's been on a vast variety of platforms. I had joined this website about two years ago, and just recently returned in hopes of stepping back into the realm of roleplay once more, now that I'm a bit older and mature.

I could consider myself a high casual / advanced roleplayer, although I don't tend to put a proper label on those sorts of things. One thing's for sure, I absolutely despise one-liners, at least on a forum's outlook. With what feels like unlimited characters, why waste that on a one-liner?

I am quite the romantic, and I often require it in a lot of my RPs. I also prefer to have mature roleplay partners, ones who can handle a bit of intensity in an RP, whether or not that's smut, intense battles, angst, etc. Drama and smut are always thrilling, so why not incorporate them?

Other than that, I'm pretty open with roleplaying. I enjoy a variety of genres ( medieval, romance, fantasy, etc), although there are a couple that I really stray away from. Anything to do with anime, furries, or fandoms is just really not my cup of tea and I really don't enjoy RPing such. That may be a hard line for some, but that's my line and I rarely move it.


o 1x1 FxM Medieval / Romance RP with @TheDuck Active!
o 1x1 MxF Medieval / Romance RP with @Syrenrei Inactive / On Hold!
o 1x1 MxF Medieval / Romance RP with @LunasRose Unknown?
o 1x1 FxM Custom Plot RP with @Hadrian Unknown?

I'm currently not looking for anymore RPs, however my PMs are always open!


Most Recent Posts


I'm gonna end up starting to set myself flipping reminders so I remember to come check this site and answer to my roleplays, because I can imagine it's getting a tad bit annoying that my responses are slim to like, none. :T

I'm starting to find a balance now at least, between school and work and then social life. Know for a fact that my most active will be during the weekends, but I'll be answering at least once a day at night, after work. Unless I don't work, then. xD
The elven duo had been a bit surprised that the majority, if not all, of that elves that had decided to take the caravan had decided to follow them, as if they were the unspoken leaders of their race in this dangerous journey. Mildor took up the responsibility the best he could, using their heritage to his advantage. He would often send scouts up ahead and have them return to relay information before the group would head forth, elves having a knack for being quick and silent, observant and intelligent.

Aegnith had preferred to let her brother become the unspoken leader of their small race group within the much larger in order to seek vengeance against the chaos that reigned. She stuck with the crowd, almost becoming a phantom within her own rankings.


Mildor was walking alongside his sister now, having been waiting for Sargom to say something regarding the future pathway, and if it would be wise to send out some scouts to look out what was ahead before they'd proceed. His long, pointed ears would lightly twitch when one would speak to him, and he'd turn his head to that who had been crying a lot as of late. It had come to his attention that amongst the causalities, he had lost someone. "Yes, it is." He tilted his head a bit. "And yours is? I apologize. I'm not very social."

See you on TV? xD

Finished the first week. Started the second week. Not as hectic but at the same time, yes. I'm managing though. I love college so much more than high school, but it sucks up so much time. >:T
Aegnith and Mildor would share a timid glance with one another, their shared gaze speaking a conversation without words or sound, before a nod would come from Mildor. He'd give a low sigh before standing, his bow strung across his back as he'd lift a hand lazily and say, "I am, and so is she."

Aegnith would stand beside him, her long blonde locks blowing in the gentle breeze was taking hold across the lands, now that the tainted was done blocking out the nature around them. She would remain quiet, but her gaze was trained forward, fiercely looking at the mountains in the distance.

I know you're probably fed up with me at this point for not answering quickly and instead answering once every couple days, but I swear, life is plotting to kill me.

College started Monday, and it's pretty lax so far but literally, my job scheduled me to work the entire week, minus the weekend. I get home from work, literally spend maybe 30 minutes here and then I leave again. is currently dying.

I just wanted to let you know, and I am so so so SO sorry for being so slow and making you wait so long. ;-;
Mildor and Aegnith sat in their caravan, watching the events unfold, though they were unaware of the mind games that were currently commencing. The older brother of the duo would give an irritated tsk, glancing away from the grouping once the merchant had been burnt to a crisp. "Ridiculous," He'd mutter to himself, but was quickly hushed by his little sister.

"Don't," She murmured, though she was clearly frightened, unknowing of their fate.
Mildor wrapped an arm around her, bringing her closer and trying his best to offer that brotherly protection she so desperately needed in that moment.
Both Mildor and Aegnith stood in silence, watching the events unfold as the Kod spoke, demanding that they all pay tribute in order to continue to travel across the lands. Aegnith watched her brother's face, knowing that he most likely was going to say something that would get his head bashed in. "Don't," She warned him quietly, taking ahold of his arm. "Keep your mouth shut."

He'd give a low tsk, but would listen and not say anything, knowing that he'd only cause more problems if he did.
Mildor watched as the creatures of darkness opened up and rained down their corruption and death, having to look away as the 4th cart was annhiliated. "Aeg," He muttered. "Get your spear and shield."

She slowly got up, taking them out. Both were made of strong, yet light metal. They glinted, even in the darkness. They exchanged weapons, and Mildor knelt down, brandishing the shield and holding it up. "Come on, Aeg. You know what to do."

The woman would nod, taking his bow and an arrow, before getting onto the top of the cart, looking up at the darkened creatures. She hesitated before giving a low breath, and dropping down on top of the shield that her brother was holding. He'd force upwards as she jumped, sending her a good distance up in the sky, in which she'd load the arrow, whisper an enchant, and release the arrow.

The arrow had been covered in an explosive material, and when it hit the creatures, the "bomb" would explode, sending about 4-5 of the beasts into Hell.

She'd land back on the caravan, quickly giving her brother his bow back, and he would continue to give his accuracy and precision to the cause, to save the caravan.

Before the sky turned red, and it all stopped.
"Aeg," Mildor warned, watching at the terrifying beasts turned their sights upon the caravan, and rained down for the purpose of causing death and destruction. "Get down." She'd obey, lowering down against the caravan's walls and hiding between a large crate and the wall of the cart, watching in fear as her brother stood up on the wagon.

He let out a low breath, before he'd turn and grab an intricately carved bow, along with a quiver of seemingly endless arrows. He'd take one out and cock it back on the bow's string, aiming upward. He'd murmur a soft chant, his fingers against his cheek as he whispered to the arrow. The tip of the arrow became alive with ice, the crystal forming around the sharpened stone. He'd then close his eyes and release the arrow.

It soared through the sky, arching upwards to the darkening mass that was raining down on them. When the arrow struck it's target, the ice exploded, casting a ice shell around the being and making it plummet to earth. When it collided with the earth, it shattered in a thousand pieces.

This was Mildor's special talent - Enchanting and bows work.
Aegnith glanced up, seeing the creatures begin to cover the bright sky and bathe the terrain in complete and total darkness. A gasp of fear sounded from her, her hands grasping at Mildor's arm in fear, scooting a bit closer to him.

With a concerned expression, an arm would wrap around his younger sister and hold her close to his side, the older elf gazing up as the creatures swarmed the sky, the sights on the mountain diminishing within the dark.

"W-What's happening?!"
".. I don't know."
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