Avatar of SlashInfinite
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  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 219 (0.06 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. SlashInfinite 10 yrs ago
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7 mos ago
Current yes hello it's time for my annual return
2 yrs ago
Godspeed, Elizabeth o7
2 yrs ago
"Mother, I crave violence." // "Son, it's Tuesday."
2 yrs ago
I wonder if stubbing your toe is the real life equivalent of rolling a natural 1 on dexterity?
3 yrs ago
If you haven't seen it yet, do yourself a favour and watch Arcane. I'm suffering from serious post-series depression from it


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Almost done with cs, some things came up today, so not sure I can finish it for tonight. Going Italian character tho :))
Omw home atm, so I'll get mine done tomorrow! Doubt anything I get done after 01:00 would be presentable haha
@AlShayatinAhem oh um what ahem

I'm not home yet, but I'll get a character done when I get home if I'm still down! Should be home the day after tomorrow
Won't be home for a few days but pretty sure I'm committed.

Also @caliban22 I think we were in a brief TIE Fighter RP?
This looks like a lot of fun! I might be joining this!
@AlShayatin Haven't got a premade one, no. But I can dish something up fairly quickly.
I might be interested in this too! :)
Year 2556.
Earth, UNF International Airfield, France.

Loud engines roared across the skies, as several ships flew around the busy airfield. Marines and crewmembers ran about their business, be it prepping ships or running errands. White and blue uniforms swarmed the airfield in neat formations and organised patterns. The airstrip was still kept repaired, even though it had grown quite obsolete in modern times. It was a symbol by now, of the old times, before interplanetary ships and vertical launches. Several large UNF ships were stationed in the base, which had been expanded several times over the years. It was the size of a small city by now, with hangars, offices, barracks and apartments. It wasn’t solely military personnel either, but plenty of civil workers worked there as well. It was late afternoon by now, and the sun had begun setting. Even so, the day was far from over for the most of them. That included Mireille Lemaitre, who was on her way to the Intrépide, a multi crew ship. 60 meters in length, and 13 meters in height, the French-produced assault and transport ship was sturdy and trusted. The Nostradamus Class-A had been used for both fighting and transporting, serving as a heavier ship than a standard one-man fighter. The crew aboard it, consisting of seven, was quite the international gathering, from all across the world. Flight Lieutenant Mireille served as the primary pilot, under Captain Lewis, a Canadian-born officer.

The crew had gathered the last things, settling in. They were set for Beijing this evening, having been assigned to the UNF Bismarck in the last minute. Mireille had been told little, and her natural born curiosity was getting the better of her. She dumped her belongings on the humble bed, allowing a sigh to escape her. The day had been so awfully long and busy, especially with the call for mobilising the crew on such short notice. She peered at herself through the mirror, frowning slightly at the sight she saw. The woman before her looked dreary and stressed, her neat braid being the only thing that made her look presentable, at least in her own opinion. Mireille flipped a card around between her fingers, giving it a brief look every now and then. The letters on the card glowed a passive blue. The official identification each UNF employee was given at the employment. Each bit of the information was due to change and would do so automatically, quite nifty, the thing. Her eyes glanced at the card.

Lemaitre, Mireille
Female, 27
Blood type, AB
Flight Lieutenant, UNF Intrépide, Nostradamus Class-A Military Ship
United Nations Force
French Department

“Mireille! Packed your things?” A familiar voice spoke up as the footsteps approached. The girl looked up, offering a tired smile towards Alexander Neumann, one of the gunners aboard the Intrépide. He was slightly older than her, somewhere around the mid-thirties, far as she recalled. Alexander was a German-born marine, having been assigned to the Intrépide for just as many years as Mireille by now. He always carried a formal but welcoming smile, and today was no different.
“Yes, yes.” Mireille started, her English having a clear French accent. “It’s been a long day, don’t you think? You’ve heard anything from the captain? What we’re doing in Beijing?” She asked, eager as ever.
Alexander nodded, rubbing his newly trimmed chin. “I’ve heard nothing. Lewis is yet to return from the meeting. I assume he’ll brief us as we fly.” Alexander rolled a shoulder, as the two headed towards the cockpit. The entire crew was gathered, exchanging greetings and whatnot. They had been off for a week, as they were stationed in France.
Lewis returned not long after, ordering an assembly within the crew quarters. He was well around his forties, and had been in the navy for more than twenty years. His face was stoic as ever, as he addressed the crew, fancy clipboard in hand. He did love that clipboard of his.

“Very well. I’m glad you all were able to prepare so quickly. As you know, we’re to fly to Beijing tonight. Upon arrival we’ll certainly be briefed even more. Nonetheless, we’ve been assigned as a support to the UNF Bismarck, a corvette to escort the civilian exploration vessel, The Avalon.” Lewis wet his lips, looking up from the clipboard briefly. The crew was listening, each of them as curious as Mireille was each day. The captain continued. “We’re to embark on a mission to the outer reaches of the Milky Way.” They were silent; though it was clear they all had questions of the nature of the mission. Lewis squinted his eyes at them, smiling slightly.
“We’ll know more in Beijing. For now, welcome to Operation Illumination.”

“UNF Intrépide, you’re cleared for launch.” The radio buzzed through the speakers in the cockpit. Merielle, Captain Lewis and the secondary Pilot William Miles sat ready, plotting coordinates and flight route. The Intrépide’s engines roared loudly, as the ship fired up. It pushed itself directly up into the air, lights flashing in a steady rhythm by the end of front and rear of the ship. Several spotlights lit the ground beneath the ship up, as it took off in the night.

“Launch successful, retracting landing gear.” Mireille’s voice echoed through the radio system. The ship roared again, as it flew upwards, ascending with incredible speed, leaving behind trails of smoke. The trip wouldn’t take more than two hours through international air, the Nostradamus classes being known for impressive speed in the atmosphere, as well as in space. The ground beneath them seemed to move quicker than one could fathom, the lights of cities passing many kilometres beneath them. It wasn’t long till they were in Asia, and soon China.
UNF Headquarters, this is UNF Intrépide, requesting landing pad.” Muttered Captain Lewis into a microphone, releasing a green button. The button turned red for a few seconds, until it began blinking yellow. Lewis held it down again, listening to the voice.
UNF Intrépide, this is Tower One, proceed to landing pad five.
Lewis nodded to himself.
Acknowledged, proceeding to LP five.”
The ship descended between the skyscrapers, just the street across the UNF Headquarters building. Mireille admired it with a smile, as they brought down the ship upon what looked mostly like a parking lot for ships. A swift bump announced the landing, as the headlights of the ship were turned off. Now, only the lights of the landing pads and buildings surrounding them lit them up. Mireille could almost make out the offices in the building, as they removed their belts.

Into the Abyss

“The dark dangerous forest is still there, my friends. Beyond the space of the astronauts and the astronomers, beyond the dark, tangled regions of Freudian and Jungian psychiatry, beyond the dubious psi-realms of Dr. Rhine, beyond the areas policed by the commissars and priests and motivations-research men, far, far beyond the mad, beat, half-hysterical laughter... the utterly unknown still is and the eerie and ghostly lurk, as much wrapped in mystery as ever.”

― Fritz Leiber
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