Avatar of Slim Shady
  • Last Seen: 1 mo ago
  • Old Guild Username: Slim Shady
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 275 (0.07 / day)
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    1. Slim Shady 10 yrs ago
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I whipped this up real quick, tell me what you think guys!
Huwhyte haha, that's great. And I didn't know O- was immune? I just picked my blood type haha.
@Delphio I think I sent you a PM with some questions involving my character. Also, do you have any idea when you think you'll put up an OOC or anything like that?
I posted, but I left the ending bit a little open ended in case anybody wanted to interact or not. Nobody really specified what classroom they were in after all, at least as far as I was reading. I could also just be blind to the fact.
Kane Anderson

8:15 AM, academy hallway


That's the word going through Kane's mind as he ran through the hallway. Ever since he never had to be to class on time, he had a terrible habit of being late. Not that he didn't care about school, he took all his classes serious and valued the work he put in. However, he had a terrible habit of being late. It wasn't all the time, but Kane tries to stay active and make good use of his time. Whether that meant going to the gym or playing his PS4 til 3 in the morning, he found it productive.

The reason why he was late this time was that he had just come back from a mission the other day, and he was dead tired from it. A surveillance mission, he was keeping tabs on gang activity in the New York area. Even though he didn't have to fight anybody, using his power for long periods of time takes up a lot of energy. He's been working on this, and he hasn't passed out from it in quite some time, but he wasn't above getting food, even if he was late. Breakfast is, after all, the most important meal of the day. How could you say no to bacon and french toast?

With his normal routine of going to the gym before class pushed a bit later, he was finally strolling up to his classroom. Kane was sporting black nike sweatpants and a white sweatshirt with the sleeves cut off. His messenger bag was slung over his shoulder, his laptop, a book, and a notebook shoved in and ready for class. His cyan blue hair was a bit messy, sticking up in random places. He was going for the just rolled out of bed look today.

Kane phased, seemingly disappearing out of nowhere as he passed through the classroom door and sat in the chair, before unphasing in a relaxed, sprawled out position. The girl next to him jumped and almost had a heart attack, while the class turned their attention to him. "Kane... you do realize you don't have this class until tomorrow?" The teacher said, sighing and chuckling softly. She was his professor for emergency medical procedures on the field, and while a very interesting class, it was the wrong class. It was a class he very much enjoyed, but his other class was directly below him.

So not only was he late... he was also in the wrong classroom.

The teacher smacked his head with a ruler, causing him to grab his head and chuckle. "You're supposed to be a role model to the younger students. Come on, get down there and actually learn something. You're already late." she said in a motherly way. It was nice to know that some of the teachers actually cared for their students, even if they weren't the most star students.

"Yes Ma'am" Kane announced, saluting before phasing, as he was gone in an instant. Falling through the floor, he phased and sat in the seat he happened to land in, next to some of his classmates. It seemed as though they were varying age, some his age, some as young as 12. He couldn't even remember what class this was. Did one of his classmates have a pet? Honestly with all the kids with powers running around the place, weird things didn't really seem so weird to him.

As Kane unphased, he already had his laptop out and was typing softly, looking up and very quickly typing all the notes he missed. He'll just act like he was there the whole time. What could go wrong? IT's perfect normal for students to disappear and reappear.

@DocRock I mean when you tempt me with cool words like restricted and limited, I must inquire
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