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    1. smolusagi 6 yrs ago
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Current Can I just uh...delete that weird as pm?
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Making my reply rounds 👀
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6 yrs ago
I’ll be making replies to rps tomorrow!! Also I’ve just finished watching the first season of My Hero Academia and I wanna RP it so bad bc...big gay cuties OuO
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6 yrs ago
Making my rounds of replies! Hopefully I’ll get them all finished today but if I happen to miss you just know I’ll be finishing up replies this weekend as well!
6 yrs ago
fuck florida and its hot ass weather >.> Fucking hate the heat


21 year old brat
Naruto, Black Butler and ouran host club are my favorites
I like to write naughty fanfics
Wattpad: @/petiteusagi
Instagram:(for Roleplay) @/queenofsmut
Currently interested in horror anime’s
Likes to be smol and cute
Doesn’t like loud noises
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this has been completely revamped with new scenarios and of course added fandom interests!
Hello and welcome! I'd like to share a few ideas for my fellow Roleplayers. These would all be 1x1 type Roleplays, I will add as I go and share with whatever I come up with. That being said, if you find one that appeals to your tastes, please don't hesitate to PM me! I am fine with pm rp or thread rp whichever you prefer or are more comfortable with. I am in the search for some roleplay partners for some interesting plots and such. I do like anime, regular shows and games in the like so there is that. All i really request from you is that you are able to reply at least once a day and you can provide at least 3 long paragraphs. I myself can give you 4-6 fat paragraphs worth or even 8+ paragraphs worth with a handful of sentences. I roleplay in third person only so i would prefer if you did the same :heart: Onto the the plots and fandom pairings!

Scenario 1:
Character A and Character B have been going to school together since kindergarten. Having always been around each other, the two have gotten close to one another more than most could hope to have. It's their Senior year of high school and things where going so amazing! Until Character ___(either A or B that can be decided) has found themselves in love with the other. Now the two spend the whole last year of school closer than before, but will it be destroyed when Character ___ confesses or will this only bring them to a whole new amazing chapter in their life? Only time will tell!

School, slice of Life, slight Romance, drama

Scenario 2:
Character A is a well known criminal through out the streets of London, however, none of the police have been able to capture this Jewel thief. With Character A still on the loose and running about, a new detective comes into town, Character B. Going undercover to become a "Sidekick" to this notorious Criminal, Character B must find a way to get Character A behind bars! As the two end up working together, views begin to change, a fondness grows but can Character B bring themselves to turn Character A in? Find out in a PM near you!!!

Action, Slice of Life(?), Drama, Possible(?) Romance

Scenario 3:
Character A is the head assistant to the queen down below, of impure and odd looking merfolk. These Merfolk have an extra mutation to them unlike normal, or "pure", merfolk. These creatures have a fin on their back or webbed hands and can be any kind of animal rather than your typical mermaid. As the queen sends Character A to find a pure merman(can be either two men two female or a man and a female :3), the assistant is quick to do as told. As she enters the kingdom, she meets Character B who would be perfect for their queen however, through their time there and their journey back to character A's kingdom, a love starts to spark between the two though, both know it could never be...or could it?

Fantasy, romance, Slight action?

Scenario 4:
(based on Kamisama Kiss)

Character A was just a regular teenager in highschool without a home to call their own, that is until an unknown person offers them their home, bestowing on them the mark of a land god. As Character A arrives to the shrine, Character B is there to give a not so friendly greeting, unwilling to accept the fact that their previous master had abandoned their home and their title and status as a land god. Can the two find some common ground to work together to bring the shrine back to its former glory and make a good land god out of Character A, or will things continue to fall apart? What happens when a human land god falls in love with their familiar?

Fantasy, Romance, Comedy

Scenario 5:
(based off of Inuyasha)

In feudal Japan,Yokai and humans are always constantly at war it seems, lesser demons terrorizing villages and killing many humans without any source of remorse. Character A, one of the last demon slayers of their kind was one to be feared, travelling through out the lands to save villages who have become a target for the demons. Character A had heard of the Demon Lord, Character B. With hopes to slay the mighty Lord, Character A sets out to find Character B, a yokai who knows not how to be kind to human mortals nor to feel anything but hatred and disgust towards these beings and yet, after an encounter with Character A, a human, Character B finds themselves overwhelmed with the burning urge to take this human as their mate, to protect and cherish them despite every instinct in their body telling them to slaughter the human. Will Character A manage to kill the almighty demon lord..or will they fall for them and show them that humans arent as bad as they think?

Romance, Action, uuuhhh Drama? Lol

Scenario 6:
In this situation, Muse A is the teacher while Muse B is the student. A school made for the rich and wealthy, its not uncommon for most students to already be in arranged marriages, however, Muse B just so happens to be engaged to one of the teachers there at the academy. The two will endure hardships, temptation and the risk of being caught? Can Muse B accept this arrangement, or will they do everything in their power to break this engagement up?

Drama, Slice of Life, Romance

Scenario 7:
Muse A is a Princess/Prince of the werewolf/Shifter kingdom, mortal enemies to the old bloods Kingdom, or better known as the Vampire kingdom, the vampires had always seen the wolves as a barbaric kingdom full of creatures who act too beastly to be civilized. The two kingdoms had been at constant war, that is until recently both kings had spoken about a possible treaty, forming an alliance and joining as two strong kingdoms. To make this happen? Muse B, the Prince/Princess of the Old Blood kingdom is to be married to Muse A. Muse B will be staying one week at the kingdom of Muse As and vise versa once the week is up. Will the two get along or set the two kingdoms into a feud even worse than before?

drama, romance, fantasy

Scenario 8:
Muse a comes back to a large building within a famous town that used to belong to her grandfather, only to find it was demolished. Confusion sweeps over them as they try to fully understand what just happened however, she was told her grandfather now lives in a city almost all the way across the country! Deciding that she was to find out what was going on, she buys the tickets to travel there by train. Being alone she was randomly paired up with a young male who is there traveling with a group of friends who wanted to go on adventures and explore their country. As muse A introduces themselves to muse B, muse b can’t help but find muse a to be the most attractive an sweet person they ever met. Bringing them around their group of friends, muse b declares by the end of this trip(there will be multiple stops that sometimes the train won’t leave until the next day or two), they would have muse a in love with them. Little do either of them know, muse b is the grandchild of muse a’s grandfathers best friend. Along the way the two get to know eachother, interesting things happen here and there, even muse a’s first kiss? Will muse a fall for the adventurer on the train, or will they give the cold shoulder all the way to their last stop?

So many things can happen in this plot, there can be little hiking trips that they do, or maybe they get to the beach at some point or a lake. Muse a will get to meet a group of new people while muse b will try to woo them, already willing to fall in love with muse a. I’m not going to lie, this was a dream I had were my dream self(who wasn’t actually myself), was traveling on something(idk what the) to go to some grand event. Along the way my not so self had gotten close to the guy and they experienced cute things together or just romantic or exciting things that my not so self unknowingly fell for this person, it was a cute dream so I thought it would be like a perfect Roleplay plot! forgive me for not having more o it, I was forgetting the dream pretty fast lol.

Romance, comedy, some smut

Scenario 9:
Muse A had always been in love with Muse B, they had been their best friend for as long as either could possibly remember. Now Muse B is engaged to get married but with the amount of time muse A and B have been spending together, Muse B is becoming unsure about their engagement. Will Muse B call off the marriage and follow their heart, or was it just not meant to be?
(Not going to lie, this was inspired by the movie Enchanted lol)

Drama, romance, some smut, etc.

That is all I have for now! Please, if you find something to your tastes, don't hesitate to send me a message so we can get a Roleplay going! I accept all pairings, MxM, FxF and MxF. Yes there WILL be sexual scenes in the rps if the time should come but its not solely smut, i want the storyline to be there too so just expect for it to be later on in the rp not right away lol. I don't kink shame, im never one to judge but if im not comfortable with something i will express as such,nor do i fade to black. Be sure to keep a look out for every so often this will be updated with new ideas and such :)]​
just giving this a small bump, im always accepting more partners :) I like other fandoms too so yee.
I love black bird and zootopia feel free to message me and lets plot together?
I love me some Harry Potter, I love the idea of shape with and oc and
Of course oc x oc message me and lets plot together :)
Damn, that’s a lot im good lol! Either way, I’d like to rp with you some time
You seem pretty interesting! Shoot me a pm and lets see what we can come up
I clicked on the thread, may I have pets now please?
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