Avatar of deegee


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17 days ago
Current =W= forever. Today's jam: Jamie (acoustic.)
29 days ago
Waldo took some time off and finally found himself.
2 mos ago
Why shouldn't you argue with a dinosaur? You'll get jurasskicked.
2 mos ago
This book on anti-gravity is so surreal, I can’t put it down.
2 mos ago
Just type.


Howdy. I'm Dee. Been tabletop RP'ing since '90 (D&D 2, 3, 3.5, Rifts, Palladium, D20, Pathfinder, Shadowrun) and writing collaborative fiction for nearly ten years (JvS, represent!) In my day-to-day existence, I'm a theatre technician, a parent, I tend to work too much -- and writing is my escape. I take it pretty seriously.

I'm a pretty big fan of Sci-Fi (but I'm pretty selective about what I read,) Post Apocalyptica, certain Fantasy works (though I prefer my sword-and-sorcery via tabletop...) and Zombies. Used to watch a lot of movies, and read a lot, but having a three-year-old stymies that quite a bit. (2022 edit: the three year old is now nine!)

Some character inspirations: Harry Callahan, Max Rockatansky, William Munny, Snake Plissken, Tyler Durden, Cpl. Hudson (RIP,) Severen (RIP,) Peter Venkman, Malcolm Reynolds, Han Solo (to be continued...)

I tend to look for small groups of dedicated, talented writers who post regularly and love the unknown of spontaneous or semi-planned RP. Hit me up with ideas!

Most Recent Posts

AOK by me!
Heyo, I'm Dee. If I've written with you before, nice to see you. If you and I are new to writing together, and you're just checking out this 1X1 because of the snazzy title, welcome. (and HA. Sucker.) I wrote Star Wars fic for years, over on Jedi vs. Sith (if you know, you know. If you don't, don't bother checking it out... it's really not very inclusive. I essentially left years ago.) Thing is, I feel the void left by not writing Star Wars fic anymore. I would like to again, in perhaps a small group.

Anyone who's anyone knows the real interest in the Star Wars universe isn't the Jedi, or the Sith. Force-Users are boring. I knew this years before the Mandalorian made it cool. Smugglers are the life-blood of Star Wars. I've watched some of the new Star Wars stuff. Haven't watched other bits. I like some. I dislike other bits. **shrug** that's the life of a Star Wars fan, these days.

To borrow a phrase (poorly paraphrased, I'm sure...) "get a ship, keep it in the air, keep flying. Barely. It ain't much, but it's enough." -attributed to Malcolm Reynolds.

I'm looking for a crew to pull some jobs. I don't intend to pull them off very cleanly. I don't intend to come out unscathed. I don't even intend to make a whole lot of credits. I may not be a good Captain, but that's the role I fell into.

Who else thinks Star Wars can keep its laser swords, and wants to go do some crimes?

*placeholder* --PC on the way
First things first, hoss. I ain't no GM. I mebbe a player. And I mebbe come up up with some semblance of ideas. But this ain't my tale. It's the tale of them that write it. We'll do well to come up with a plot ourselves, as we go on.

Now, that ain't to say I don't have some ideas my own self. I'm a man in need of killing. I ain't no good. Never was. Probably never will be. If I get the chance to take down them that deserve it along with me, so much the better. Won't even the score. Not even close. But if I can do that on my way out, it'd pay some penance that I owe.

I hear tell there's a town in need. I plan to see they get the help they needs. For that, I'll need me a crew. I might be a rough'n tough'n son of a bitch, but even I know I can't do it all by my lonesome.

Who'll ride with me?
Gunther -- good to see you! (Last wrote with you in that Serenity RP a few years back.) Haven't made the OOC yet, but I'll linky it ASAP. I need to dig thru your PM's and get back at you.
Anybody? Let's go... don't make me get the lasso...
Hey -- Western lovers! Come on in!
ok, send me a PM, we can work out some form of Google Doc!
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