Avatar of Zoie Hart


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4 days ago
Current I’m not here to hand you everything on a silver platter. Do it yourself and learn. Show me that then I’ll help you. I hate lazy people.
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7 days ago
8 years…and HOA is just *now* concerned about my yard. If they were so concerned they could get off their retired butts and help someone whose paying their retirement fund.
8 days ago
When life gives you lemons, find someone whose life has given them vodka…and have a party.
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9 days ago
Do you know why tomato soup goes well with grilled cheese? It’s because it’s a deconstructive cheese pizza. Change my mind.
10 days ago
I don’t know what I’m doing. I need an adult. (I’m the adult) I need an adultier adult.
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Hi I'm Zoie

I've been at this RP thing for 15+ years. I've seen a lot of stories and wrote them too. I write as an escape so I try to make this light and fun as possible. I don't have to have anything complicated but I love a good story. The only genre I will not do is horror. I don't enjoy it in real life, I don't want to write it.

My main characters are mostly female and I typically like to write MxF. Just something I am comfortable with. I hope you understand. I typically do casual to advance (2-5 paragraphs), though quality over quantity works for me.

Here are some themes I enjoy:
Slice of life
Post Apoc

Drop me a PM if you wish to talk out a story. :)

Most Recent Posts

collab with @Tlaloc

The security office of the Basilisk was barely functioning. Several security consoles were empty of crew while a lonely officer sat in his assigned chair. The console beeped as the shift went on, the monitor above flipping to several empty corridors. Occasional a few officers or troopers could be seen roaming or patroling the hallway. For what? Nothing. The planet of Lotho had no indication that anything could happen. Even the Hutts stayed away from it. The monitors flickered again, two troopers and a maintenance worker flashed on the screen on Deck 77. It quickly moved on, the security officer didn’t think much of it. Medical floor, nothing out of the ordinary. He had received word a leak had formed and several crew were working on it. An hour or so had passed, the shift was dragging along like always. The officer rubbed his eyes, drinking what appeared to be coffee which had long turned cold. He was starting to stand before he noticed two figures on the screen. He sat up in the chair, pressing a few buttons, pulling up the footage. Two technicians were dragging bodies across the hallway on the medical floor. Then blasted the door shut. Kriff. He moved his hand to the other side of his console pressing the alarm. “Suspicious activity on the medical floor. Send a squad to investigate.”

Aellyn was more concerned that Fel hadn’t answered the comm channel yet. Thoughts ran through her mind, were they captured? Dead? This ship was a ghost town and what was so important she was risking her life for. Plus dragging in med tech who seemed to have as much trust in her as she did him. This point, they both needed each other to get out alive. She stopped at a service elevator as she looked upward, a surveillance camera turned away from their position. She knew there would be some cameras on the ship but as Viszt stated, it was a skeleton crew. Who would be watching so closely? The door to the elevator slid open and two officers stepped out. No word, they just went on down the hallway. Aellyn looked toward Viszt with a sigh of relief before stepping onto the lift. Floor 85. That was when it turned south.

The lift closed as she heard Fel on the comm channel. They had grabbed whatever they came for and were headed to floor 85. Great, at least they were on the same page. It was that moment the lift came to a dead halt. Floor 80. Kriff. The alarm rang over the intercom as the doors slid open. Aellyn stepped out, turning to the med tech. “We need another way off this ship. Or we can act like we belong here and still get to the docking floor. ”

Viszt’s pulse quickened. It seemed he would be granted no reprieve from high intensity situations on this day; in fact, he considered, he’d probably encountered more drama in the last two hours than the last year of his life. A Star Destroyer wasn’t the ideal place to find yourself in trouble with Imperials – even worse if you were one. It seemed like his decision had been made for him. Though unconsenting, he was just as implicated in this as his captors, so it struck him that he’d have to invest his trust in them, wholly, to ensure his survival. The thought wasn’t a reassuring one, given that the crew of brigands barely seemed to trust one-another, but it was the only plan he had.

The lift’s abrupt halt set the pair on edge, and as the doors opened, the familiar, dreaded sound of marching stormtroopers echoed from down the corridor. Viszt locked eyes with Aellyn. He could tell she was thinking the same thing: they were moments away from being discovered. He glanced towards the empty corridor, mind racing. Floor 85 was their goal, but now the situation had changed. The skeleton crew wouldn’t be much longer, not with alarms blaring and squads mobilizing.

”We’re not going to bluff our way out of this one,” he replied. ”We need to find a way to get to your friends. It’s our best chance. – Shoot that out.” He pointed up to the surveillance camera that was aimed in their general direction.

Aellyn watched him closely as he pointed to the camera. She shrugged, it was a plan, at least. Raising her rifle, aiming and firing two shots. “Done.” Her attention went back to Viszt wondering what else he might have thought of.

He stepped towards the elevator’s control panel and fiddled with the box, opening a small hidden compartment on its side. There, he pulled a concealed lever, and within a moment, an exhaust sound emerged from the side of the elevator, and a hatch opened out into the elevator shaft. If they were going to get to Floor 85, it’d have to be this way.

”Always helpful to keep informed on maintenance crawlspaces and emergency protocols,” he winced, glancing down into the dark, gaping pit beneath the elevator. There was a maintenance ladder running down the side, but it still looked incredibly perilous. However, as the march of stormtroopers grew closer, he inhaled, pulling himself through the gap and down onto the ladder. ”Quick – we can lose them if you close the hatch.

“Definitely useful..” Aellyn smirked, watching him climb into the shaft. The stormtroopers were drawing closer as she managed to crawl into the gap, closing the hatch behind her. She held onto the ladder hearing the boots against the metal floor as the troopers passed the elevator. One of them noted the surveillance camera but continued down the corridor. Aellyn looked up to Viszt and waved her hand to motion an all clear.

The two managed to quickly move up the five flight decks to Floor 85. Stopping shy of the hatch, they listened to any sound just outside their position. Hearing nothing, the hatch was removed as both Viszt and herself climbed out. Aellyn swiped the hallway with the rifle as Viszt placed the hatch back on. “Gotta move.” Picking up the pace she hurried down the hallway, seeing the docking bay just head.

“Hey, you! Aellyn turned and saw two stormtroopers pointing at them. Kriff. “Run…get to the shuttle..” She yelled to Viszt as she raised her rifle, shooting off a few stun shots in the troopers direction. This time, they shot back. Kriff! Aellyn turned and ran toward the docking bay, seeing their companions talking to another pair of troopers. Another few shots from her rifle. “We gotta go, now! Get the cargo on that shuttle…” She made sure the med tech boarded before she followed suit.
collab with @Tlaloc

Aellyn watched through the black slits of the trooper helmet as her two accomplices and the fall guy disappeared down the corridor. Splitting up may not have been the best idea, her mind raced with thoughts of instant regret. What if their task was quicker, getting what they came here for. She would be stuck on this ship and no doubt be stranded. Aellyn felt she drew the short straw of this deal. Her rash decisions definitely put her in a bind. She would have to deal with the outcome and hope they would not leave her. As her head filled with new plans, she realized the med tech had left her side, already halfway down the hall. Kriff! She mumbled and had to jog to catch up to him.

Moving along, one step behind, the Chiss was obviously in a hurry. What was he said back in the alley? She remembered their encounter, lots of threats but ultimately nothing of interest.. The tech said something about an incident he needed to get back too. That was going to take time, an hour was not enough. Her eyes flashed toward him as she noticed he was staring at her. Did he ask her a question? Maybe? Her mind was elsewhere and she needed to get this armor off. It already clouded her judgment.

As they approached med bay, she proposed the question and he nodded toward the opposite hall. Perfect. Though they would separate for only moments, she would have to trust him to not sound the alarm. Fel, on the other hand, would reprimand her for trusting someone she had just met. Aellyn stepped to the other side, leaving the med tech to do his job. Moving down the row of lockers, she opened several until she found an older uniform that seemingly would fit.

Within moments, she pulled on the familiar uniform. She never thought she would be in one again. Desperate times. Stuffing the armor into the locker, she picked up the rifle and returned across the hall to med bay. Leaning against the doorway, she didn’t announce herself and the way Viszt peered back to her, he didn’t make her presence known. Though odd, she figured it might be a good sign. He didn’t want to be shot and she didn’t want to shoot. Aellyn stood back, watching the repair work before recognizing the chemicals they were working with. They were medical grade and definitely volatile but the good it could do. She wondered if there was a remote chance to take something for herself. Fel, might have his own agenda, but she was forming her own.

She waited. Waited more. This was going on for too long, was he stalling? She thought. She chewed her bottom lip before making another rash decision.

The rifle was already up, she figured she was going to be dead either way, four to one. She didn’t like those odds. However, three on two, she liked.

”Can we just… calm down, for a —”

The words exchanged happened fast. The movement happened quicker and her instincts kicked in. Three stuns, three bodies on the floor. That wasn’t good at all. Lowering her rifle, she looked to the technician. Her heart raced as she quickly went into a panicked explaination. It was direct and to the point, perhaps missing a few details but the idea was there. He was either going to sound the alarm where she would stun him or they were both going to leave here together. Fel wasn't going to like option two.

The med tech asked for her name. The way he had asked and his demeanor caught her off guard. Was he truly thinking of helping? Or maybe a ploy? If it was the latter, he was an excellent liar. She didn’t have time to debate. Aellyn already trusted him to this point. After all, she brought him into this mess.

”We need to move fast.” Viszt looked around. He’d made a decision, whether he realized it or not. There’s no way he’d be able to fix the leak alone; not in these circumstances. He was satisfied that the leak was stabilized enough that the whole med bay wouldn’t explode.

”Alright. Let’s get these bodies into the locker room. Can’t have someone show up and find them.”

He nodded in reply. He could tell that this woman had significantly more experience than himself when it came to life-or-death scenarios, so he seemed happy — or at least content, to follow her lead.

Aellyn watched as Viszt lifted Benaire up from under the arms, dragging him out of the room. “Sure, yea. I’ll just grab the other two….” Rolling her eyes, she shifted the rifle behind her, taking the two engineers by an arm each and dragged them across the med bay floor.

”There’s surveillance cameras watching just about every room in the Basilisk,” Viszt said dryly, choosing not to panic, huffing slightly as he dragged Benaire. ”The ship is running on something of a skeleton crew, so, if we’re lucky, they won’t notice what just happened immediately. But it won’t be long before they know what’s going on, and as soon as they do, things are going to get bad, quickly.”

Aellyn stopped, how did she end up dragging two bodies, twice her size. She huffed looking over to Viszt. “Right, well. Just like you said…move quickly…let’s get out and don’t get caught. A small smirk formed on her lips.

Together, they glanced down the hall, checking for patrols; of which there were none. Benaire and the engineers were moved across the hall into the locker room and slumped against the wall. Viszt nodded at the button panel controlling the door, and then to Aellyn’s rifle.

“Yea…give me a moment.” Aellyn responded to his nod. She went back down a row of lockers to where she stowed the trooper armor. Grabbing the helmet, she peered inside and ripped out the comlink before making her way back to the door. “Let’s hope the others still have theirs on.”

They stepped into the hall as Aellyn then aimed her weapon toward the door panel. Two shots. The door was sealed. For now, they were undetected. She looked toward her new found friend. Still unsure if it was a ploy but she had put a lot of trust into several strangers of late. No turning back. Pulling out her datapad, she hooked the comlink up as her fingers went to work. Lines of data ran across before eventually fading. Unhooking the comlink she spoke. ”Hour is up, boys. Headed back to transport…” Her head turned to Viszt. “...plus one…” The comlink went dead. Whether they heard her or not, she was getting off this ship.

“Transport? Then maybe a stop to the warehouse, get some chemicals, some kolto? Sound good?”

”I think it sounds pretty crazy. But we’re past that point,” Viszt winced. ”So — yes. Sounds good.”

Aellyn shrugged. Yes, it was crazy. Crazy she left home and crazier she is in the middle of a heist. She turned and headed back down the hallway toward the transport bay.


Aellyn held on to a grip above her as the transport left the small square heading toward the Basilisk. Fel had moved pretty quickly in the store house. The plan had gone sideways long enough and he wanted to get the job back on track. She understood that reasoning, though she should have asked more questions on the UA before she decided to take matters in her own hands. In the blink of an eye, she had her helmet back on. Following in line beside the Chiss, her mind raced with thoughts of what her plan was going to be, once on board. At least she didn’t have to deal with the kid.

The troopers in the square didn’t give them any problems. At least Fel was quick thinking, giving them answer to get them on board. Here she was, standing between the lieutenant and the med tech as the transport made its way bumpy way toward the cruiser.

"ETA three minutes to the Basilisk... so, how long you three been on LRP here?,"

Aellyn froze, was he talking to her or the group in general. Her eyes moved toward Fel but I was the Chiss that answered. She had to hand it to the guy, he was good to get out himself out of bad situation but at least he didn’t blow their cover. She would have to keep her promise about shooting him where she had no intention to keep if something does happen. As they stepped onto the ImpStar, Aellyn did what she had done up this point, make up a plan. She swiped a security pin from the Med Tech and stepped to the side. Hiding herself from plan view. Pulling out her datapad, she inserted the pin and quickly went to work. Easy enough to over ride it, this would get Fel and Jet into where ever they wanted. Hoping it wouldn’t set off any alarms. Buying them time to get whatever they came for. Tucking her pad away, she turned and passed the pin to Jet, hoping he would know what it was for.

“Hour.” She whispered to her counterparts before turning herself toward the Chiss. “Lead the way…”


I didn’t want you to think we are ignoring you. The crew is full at the moment but we may need more later on! Thank you for the interest and will keep you in mind as we float amongst the galaxy!

This plan was going swimmingly, just like she predicted. Hence why she took matters into her own hands, saving the lab worker and coming up with something different. However, the kid falling into the middle of their little gathering, took this plan in another direction. Even if Fel didn’t have the helmet on, his body language said it all. He was furious that his simple plan was being changed by the second. Entering the storehouse, the poor workers, scattered out the back while Fel threatened them. Yea, perfect, scare the locals, that will surely make this easier, she thought. Standing there, observing the scene, she noticed the Chiss take a seat out of the corner of her eye.

"Some town... Even if I had gotten out of that alley, I'm not sure I'd have got back to the Basilisk with all my internal organs intact……Thanks again.”

Aellyn didn’t answer the lab worker. Though a small smile formed own her lips, hearing the thanks from the Imperial. The gesture seemed genuine. She looked up toward Fel, who seemed to be staring right into her soul. He took off his helmet, which made her perk an eyebrow under her own. There goes the element of surprise, she thought. He spat off more death threats. They were really wasting time, here. As Fel, questioned her, asking her what they were going to do next. She really didn’t know. This plan was crumbling fast. She opened her mouth to speak but the Chiss started first.

Turning her head toward the Imperial, he talked like he didn’t want to die. Giving them an alternative plan so he could live. Smart, though this plan had nothing about the Admiral, she assumed and the Chiss must have thought they were rebels. Made sense.

“Let me live and I’ll forget I ever saw you.”

How many minutes past? That transport was not going to wait forever. Aellyn composed herself and lifted the helmet off her head with a twisting motion, sticking it under her arm. Her hand fixing a few strands of her hair. She had studied the lab worker, either he was a really good lier or his words were true. His manners in the alley seemed like he wasn’t a fighter, just a simple worker for the Empire, much like she was. Doing his duty.

Her attention moved to Fel as she spoke. “I was not sure how we were going to get a uniform, then I saw him in the alleyway. I took a chance. He is our ticket to get onboard. The Basilisk is one of the most highly classified ships in the fleet. Even with papers or slicing our way in, someone would notice eventually. He can buy us time.” She turned to the lab worker. “ We are not after the Admiral….We are on a smuggle job. There is something on the ship that he wants..” Aellyn gestured toward Fel.

“I’m not one to trust people I just met but I trusted you to give me passage and here I am, helping you. We are losing time. We get on the transport, I’ll take the Chiss to medical. You do what you came here for. We meet back at the transport and get off this dumb planet.”

It was the best she could come up with at the moment. Aellyn then pointed her pistol toward the Chiss. “If he thinks about double crossing me. I’ll shoot him myself. What about the kid?”


Aellyn crossed her arms, watching as the Chiss peaked around the corner. Did he think that the junkers would come back with more of their friends? Her thoughts stopped, she didn’t consider that. Standing straighter, she stepped toward the main street as he introduced himself. Her head tilted down as he extended his hand towards her. Aellyn didn’t return the offer.

“We need to move…” She spoke matter of fact, taking him by his upper arm, shoving him forward before releasing him. They made their way back up the street,side by side, silent, until she finally approached her ‘squad’.

“Sir…” Speaking to Fel. She paused, she didn’t know what story to come up with, so she improvised. “Found the technician that needed transport back. Believe he got lost.

Aellyn just turned this plan inside out, she hoped that Fel and Jet didn’t mind the small hiccup.

How do they see in these things? She muttered to herself as she fell behind Jet and Fel after tripping on yet another pile of junk. The armor smelled, the planet smelled, yet her moral compass landed her here. Her Empire way of thinking had come out again. Thinking she was better than this and some low level grunt could do it for her. Sighing, she adjusted the oversized helmet and hurried off to catch the crew of the UA. Aellyn wanted to see what her actions did to the galaxy, to the innocent people, like her father. If this was part of the journey, than she would suck it up and do it. Though, she would have to get dibs on the shower if they make it back to the ship.

As Fel made the called to halt, she stepped to the side of Jet, just so could see the settlement just above the rise. The helmet didn’t help much, seriously, how do they aim? She listened to the plan, the thought of just walking on seemed too easy. Even if they had papers. Maybe she should have waited with Wrench back on the ship.

“…just act like you own the place..” Fel muttered. She scoffed biting her tongue, sixty percent, her thoughts reminded her. Enough to get her to her next destination, her next check from her list.

As they entered Derrivan’s Point, Aellyn’s heart dropped. Her head turned left, then right as the realization of the Empire’s might came full circle. The dwellings were built into the massive piles of junk and scraps. The settlers using what they had around them to build some sort of life here. What life that was, she wondered. It wasn’t like anything she was use too. How could the senate let this happen?

As she was about to turn to catch up yet again to Fel and Jet, she saw, down an alleyway, a glimpse of a familiar looking uniform. Gray jacket, pants, black boots. A Chiss. All the way out here? Stopping, she figured she would take Fel’s words to heart. Act like I own the place.

Approaching the three junkers and the Chiss, she mustered up whatever courage she had and spoke directly to the Imperial. “Do we have a problem here, sir?” Her robotic, distorted voice coming through the helmet.

The twi’lek turned as well as his friends. They seemed to square up, like they wanted a fight. However, she seemed to have caught them off guard for now. Maybe this armor was useful, as awful as it smelled.

“This guy cheated in a game of Sabacc. We want our credits.”

Aellyn figured the Twi’lek thought she would bring justice to an outsider. That wasn’t the Empire’s way. “I doubt that is true. I suggest you three leave or I will arrest you. For disorderly conduct against an Imperial officer.. ” That seems like a good threat, she thought.

The twi’lek’s hand gripped the blaster on his right hip. He seemed to think on it before spitting on the ground next to his mudded boots. He turned and spoke to the Chiss. “If we see you again, let’s hope this trooper isn’t around.” He motioned to his friends as the three made their way past her, back toward the main street and more than likely the cantina to swindle more patrons.

Aellyn sighed in relief and looked back to the Chiss. New Plan, she thought. “Do you need an escort back, sir?” She had found an officer though she had hoped, she would have found a uniform to get her out of the one she was wearing.

About a million questions started to flow inside of her head, however, she kept her mouth shut this time. The plan was going to go forward, whether she accepted it now or never. Aellyn picked up the helmet again, turning it over in her hands. If they were seen coming out of this pile of junk, no doubt they would be caught. She hoped that landing so far away would minimized that discovery. There were holes in this plan and has meticulous as she was, it hit every nerve. The thoughts lingered for mere moments. She sighed softly as she turned her attention to the mech.

“Are you really into this plan? Because honestly, this is half baked.” She spoke stepping toward the crate full of trooper uniforms. “I really hope these were sanitized before they were place in this crate..” Aellyn gave in and pulled out one of the smaller uniforms. “This smells of bantha poo-doo…” She scoffed, leaving the cargo bay and taking the few steps back to her room.

She had just finished pulling on the uniform when the ship landed. It didn’t fit quite exactly but it will do. She tucked her data pad inside the uniform and picked up the helmet. Stepping out, uncomfortable as she was, Aellyn made her want down the ramp to the junk filled planet.
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