Avatar of smolusagi
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    1. smolusagi 6 yrs ago
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Current Can I just uh...delete that weird as pm?
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5 yrs ago
Making my reply rounds 👀
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6 yrs ago
I’ll be making replies to rps tomorrow!! Also I’ve just finished watching the first season of My Hero Academia and I wanna RP it so bad bc...big gay cuties OuO
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6 yrs ago
Making my rounds of replies! Hopefully I’ll get them all finished today but if I happen to miss you just know I’ll be finishing up replies this weekend as well!
6 yrs ago
fuck florida and its hot ass weather >.> Fucking hate the heat


21 year old brat
Naruto, Black Butler and ouran host club are my favorites
I like to write naughty fanfics
Wattpad: @/petiteusagi
Instagram:(for Roleplay) @/queenofsmut
Currently interested in horror anime’s
Likes to be smol and cute
Doesn’t like loud noises
Fufufus a lot
Hnns a lot
Whines a lot


Most Recent Posts


Hello and welcome to Usagis harem thread! Here, depending on if you want to be on the giving or receiving end, will meet a group of lovely candidates to win your characters heart!!! But before we can get to meeting them, first you must select what plot line you’d like to be apart of!! Next to the name of each plot line is a (0/2) right next to it, this means that there will be an availability of 2 roleplayers per plot line. This helps me to keep track of how many are doing that plot and of course keeps me from getting burnt out on one rp plot alone! Once a week a new plot line will be presented, if a plot line already has its availability full, it will be crossed out until it becomes available again, YES most of these rps will be long term, hence the reason why I’ll be continuing to add plots as we go any plot can be a harem or reverse harem, yes all pairings go, MxM, MxF, and FxF!

Note: A few of these were inspired others completely thought up, the inspiration to DO a harem 1x1 rp was based off of a popular thread I encountered, though this is completely different in a sense that there isn’t already stories and scenarios planned out, it’s a play by ear kind of Harem!


Welcome to The Drama Club!(1/2)

Junior year, you never thought you’d be spending it as a new transfer student to an elite high class academy. Your first day wasn’t so bad, though you find yourself hearing all around about how the drama club is accepting a new member, some were going on about how jealous they were though none of them knew you were the new member. What you couldn’t fully understand was WHY everyone was making such a big deal about it, what was so special about the drama club here?

Well you soon come to find it’s because of the members of the club, a group of three very beautiful men/women who appear to be very excited to see you arrive. Will this be just your normal club? Or will you be exposed to the charms and a very tempting invitation to find true love? You get to choose, who will your perfect match be?(available:popular princely/princess type, Out going Hot tempered type, quiet, smart cold type)

You’re...an Animal!? (0/2)

The animals of the zodiac! You’ve always admired them, how cute they were, how amazing the stories were but never in your life did you think you’d meet them!! Three of the zodiac spirits had been dropped at the doorstep...your doorstep. It doesn’t help that you’re a full time college student and working a part time job just to keep your small little apartment. Now you’re stuck with these boys/girls who have no other home, and soon come to find out, they turn into their zodiac animal every half moon!!! (Can choose regular zodiac or Chinese zodiac!)(your choice of any three zodiac)

Hear no Evil, See no Evil...Speak no Evil(0/2)

Back in Japan, before the city lights became known, before cars began to pave the roads, there were top Shoguns, Samurais, even Ninjas. However one clan, The Hojimato Clan a clan full of Samurai of all kinds of different backgrounds, serving under japans most fearsome warlord of the three, Oda Nobunaga. This clan of samurai have a small secret however...they are not human, but white haired, red eyed demons who thrive off of blood. Due to their vow to protect their country, they have only stuck to animal blood, while some rebel against the clan, feasting on human blood. However, a feast like that comes with a price...their sanity. You were traveling through the clans main village, where their headquarters are located. You had come dressed as a male samurai, hoping to find your brother and bring him back home to take over your clans household. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time...experiencing the..wrong part of the clan. Being cornered you were saved by the clans second in command, prepared to kill you with the ones who have gone rogue, yet the head of the clan says otherwise. You are now forced to live with the clan after you explain your situation, both to help find your brother and to prevent you from going out and exposing the clan of what they actually are. (Ah I’m sorry I hope that was explained well enough, inspired from Hakuouki)(the leader, second in command, or medic)

Welcome Aboard... (0/2)

In the city of London, irritation had become clear from the queen. A band of pirates had been pillaging through the city, stealing within the depths of night for the past month, tonight is the night they take off into the sea, your only opening to figure out how to take down the pirates from the inside out. As the cities top detective, you have come to “join” the pirates with hopes that by the next month, when they dock, they will be going straight to the jailhouse. But will that be the case? Or will you find yourself falling for one of these handsy pirates?(the Captian, the Second in command, or the chef)


These are simple made bios, YOU get to choose which character gets which role when we discuss our rp!



For those who want to be on the giving end, you may make your own three characters for it if you do choose~ below are two characters a male and a female that can be the one receiving the harem moments should you so choose you want to be the one giving a harem.


1- if you are interested in this, please just pm me, more than likely I won’t see your comment until much later, so Pm is the best way to reach me faster. If you do message me, please note that the name of the pm must be the name of the plot you’re wanting to do!

2- Please always have a second plot in mind when pming me, for there may be a possibility the plot is full by the time I get to you, this IS a first come first serve so keep that in mind and I sorry if it ends up being full ;-; also! I’m happy to rp in thread or pm so whichever you prefer, sometimes u might want to do thread at times~

3- you MUST be at LEAST 18 years of age. These plots DO have smut within them. The first IS a highschool age and I will only be comfortable doing smut with that so long as my partner is 18 or older as well!

4- patience, all I ask is that you be patient with replies, at times I can’t reply right away or not until the next day, yes, I am always online because I don’t log out of my accounts that’s the reason why I’m always shown as online, aside from that most of these I’ll be playing three characters for your one character it’ll take me a bit to get into the groove of things :’)

5- you must be literate guys, please be able to give me third person responses, 3 paragraphs minimum. I say three because I put a lot of work into this and I’d like to make detailed long replies..you know? Make a story with me! Not have me struggle to make a long reply to a short one :’)

6- please, if you no longer are interested in the rp just let me know and I can do my best to make it better for you just DONT ghost me it hurts my feelings :’)

7- Have fuuuunnn I want this to be a fun and exciting experience so.. :’)
I’d be interested in a Harry Potter or twilight
Roleplay if you’re still searching :)
Bumping as well bc rp is fun
Giving this a steady bump~
Hello I’m also interested in this Roleplay with hopes oh
Are still on the search?
If you have seen the anime Blood+, can give 2-7 paragraphs
Worth of a reply, that’s a flexible post length, basically
Just be a literate roleplayer, and would like to rp either
In PM or in a thread please message me, I’m willing to double
Up, do OcxOc and create a whole new era or just talk about
It please message me if so, I’d be eternally grateful thanks.

Anastasia was becoming uneasy about the whole situation. After she had told the nurses to clean up the O.R and leave the body there for a later autopsy to be performed to figure out what exactly was wrong with the woman aside from the deep laceration in her neck, she had come out to see the lobby and ER filled with multiple injuries, much like what had happened to her lost patient. “Anastasia, we need to move these patients, more keep coming in..” A petite nurse whimpered gently as she looked around the area.

“Yes, I know..” She murmured and glanced around, her eyes scanning over every person, momentarily landing on Connor and Hicks before another nurse came rushing up. “Dr, some of the patiences families are demanding immediate help, alot of these wounds are the same as others, deep bite marks or flesh torn off from their body..” The male trailed off before letting out a shaky breath. With a long sigh, Anastasia gave a nod and grabbed one of the staplers on the nurses station.

Without waiting, Anastasia began to slam the stapler onto the counter over and over letting its loud noise sound out throughout the room until everyone fell silent to look at her. With a small smile, she left the stapler and looked around. “Yes i know you are all worried for your friends and family, we are worried as well. Right now we cannot do our job unless you all are cooperative with us. We only have so many nurses and doctors at the moment.” She looked to each person before nodding a bit.

“What i need to happen is that everyone who ISN’T wounded to come up in an orderly fashion and one by one explain where the wound is on who you brought with you today and how long they have had it, the ones who have been wounded the longest and or have the most severe wounds treated first. I need you all to understand we are working as fast as we possibly can, this will go much faster if you can help by doing this one thing for us.” Anastasia glanced around to see that most, besides those injured, were calming down and nodding in understandment.

Just as she was about to speak up once more, a loud scream of pain came from behind the double doors that led to the O.R rooms. Swirling around, Anastasias wide eyes only seemed to widen more as Robert came stumbling through the door, gripping his neck as blood seemed to flow out nonstop. Rushing up, Ana caught him before he could fully hit the ground. “Robert?! Robert what happened?” She demanded nervously, her clothes instantly becoming stained by his blood. Silence of shock seemed to spread through the room as the male gripped onto Anastasia tightly, tears streaming down his face.

“I-I was heading back to the O.R room b-because i had left something…” He groaned out coughing up blood, his breathing ragged and wet. “When some bitch came out of one of the O.R rooms...s-she attacked me Ana! The bitch tore into my neck and i-i ran.” He coughed out once more, his back arching in pain before he closed his eyes, becoming still in her arms. Hazel eyes wide with fear stared down at the male in disbelief. “What?” she mumbled, the silence was sickening, suffocating her as she slowly looked up to see a stumbling body push through those double doors.

What exactly was going on?! “B-but thats...no she died..i watched her die!!” Anastasia screamed out, her body trembling as screams began to fill the air. She couldn’t move, all she could do was stare up at the woman with half her neck torn out..watch as clouded eyes seemed to be staring right back at her.
Bumping because I’m always welcoming new partners~ I’m capable of doing
Pm rp and thread rp!
Avkyrie: An Introduction

Ꭲhousands of years ago, there were nine realms that lived together in harmony. Ꮣt was a peaceful time, full of prosperity and advancement. Ꭲhis era was known as the Ꮐolden Ꭺge of Ꭺvkyrie. Ꭰespite all the realms flourishing, one specifically prospered the most. Ꭰruilas, the realm of the humans. Ꭲhese humans were mostly sorcerers, practicing advanced magic that was far more impressive than that of the witches or even the merpeople. Ꭲhe humans learned and grew constantly, some content with their revolution and others unsatisfied. Ꭺ darkness rose from this prosperity, a greed for further knowledge and power. Ꮎne man felt as if Ꭰruilas was not reaching its full potential. Ꮋe spoke of greater glory privately, swaying other humans to his side over a mere few years. Ꮋe became known as the Ꮣcolis Ꮶing and his real name was lost. Ꮋis followers were known as the Ꭰruids of Ꮣcolis. Ꭲhey practiced dark magic with the intent of evil, unlike some of the Ꮪybil witches, who practiced it peacefully. Ꭰuring this time, the Ꮣcolis Ꮶing managed to uncover a spell that forced monsters to do his bidding. Ꮎne of the great sorcerers of Ꭰruilas by the name of Ꮯaesus discovered the Ꮣcolis Ꮶing's threatening plan and confronted him. Ꭼnraged that he had been exposed, Ꭲhe Ꮣcolis Ꮶing attacked Ꮯaesus. Ꮋe was overpowered by the experienced sorcerer but managed to escape when Ꮯaesus showed him mercy. Ꮋis face was badly scarred from the fight though and he donned a simple mask of gold with nothing on it but two empty black holes for eyes. Ꮋe and his followers went into hiding, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Ꮎne fateful day, every realm was attacked by a number of druids and monsters. Ꭲhis became known as the Ꭰruilas Ꮲurge and the death and pain that began that day lasted for weeks. 𐐥atives were slaughtered and villages were destroyed. Ꭲhe good humans were all massacred, and the entirety of Ꭰruilas was burned and destroyed, creating a desolate wasteland. Ꭰuring this time of terror, the Ꮣcolis Ꮶing personally led an attack on Ꮩakriah after getting his revenge on Ꮯaesus, who he murdered during the genocide in Ꭰruilas. Ꮋe and his army slayed the people of Ꮩakriah and tore the land to pieces while harvesting some of its precious resources for themselves. Ꮋis true interest in the realm was never uncovered— its resources were less valuable than Ꮓaphris so that reason was eliminated. Ꭲhe witches managed to banish the Ꭰruids of Ꮣcolis after a long battle. Ꭲheir prison is unknown. Ꮣt is also unknown if the Ꮣcolis Ꮶing discovered what he was looking for. Ꮇuch about the Ꭰruilas Ꮲurge is a mystery, and many of the details have faded throughout history.

Ꮣn the aftermath of the battle, the prophets of Ꮪybil had visions of Ꮩakriah prospering again, inspiring hope. Ꮋowever, the high priestess was visited by Ꮮora, their goddess, who told her that the druids would return and wreak further havoc. Ꭲhe high priestess insisted on casting a spell to make Ꮩakriah vanish in order to ensure that it would never be harmed again. Ꭲhe prophets argued that erasing it from Ꭺvkyrie and acting like it didn't exist would be manipulative. Ꭺfter an argument, the witches split. Ꭺ small number followed the prophets, while most sided with the high priestess. Ꮩakriah was hidden, the entrance nowhere in Ꭺvkyrie. Ꮣt became a myth, a child's fairytale. Ꮇost no longer believe in Ꮩakriah or the Ꮣcolis Ꮶing or the Ꭰruids. Ꭲhey have different theories about what caused Ꭰruilas to become a wasteland. 𐐥o one will ever know if the story is truly history or fairytale. Ꭲhat is⠀.⠀.⠀.⠀unless they return.

Available Realms/Races


Ꮋybrids are the offspring of members of two different species. discrimination against hybrids is common is certain realms and it is illegal for hybrids to live in zaphris, as their people look at hybrids as abominations. sakril is arguably the most tolerant of hybrids and many hybrids of any species move to live there. hybrids have limited rights in riklah; they are not able to open their own business or be a priest or priestess. katirans are extremely open to hybrids because they don't care about others or what they do most of the time. the only hybrids that can come from witches are hybrids of light and dark witches, which is very illegal in loril but tolerated in erine; all hybrids go to rosiry. pikalos are unable to reproduce with other species due to them being naturally tiny and unable to shrink a fetus down with them. mutiayans nearly never leave the jungle so there are no current hybrids of mutiayans and another species.

Things to add to your character sheet: Species, realm, backstory, and crime. You only need to put a short summary Of your crime since you will be having Your full intro posted in the intro thread. Your characters sheet can be as long or As little as you wish just so long as you Have those things in the sheet. If you Have any questions about a certain Ranking or role that you want to have Please PM me and we can talk it out. Down below are the hybrids that were Spoken of earlier and how many Slots are available for that race. Will Be updated every time someone joins As a specific hybrid.

Ꮋybrid Ꭺvailability:

⠀⠀⠀⠀Ꮲirans⠀⠀⠀༴⠀0 / 3

⠀⠀⠀⠀Ꭱialka⠀⠀⠀༴⠀0 / 1

⠀⠀⠀⠀Ꭼriols ⠀⠀⠀༴⠀0 / 1

⠀⠀⠀⠀Ꮯaorins⠀⠀༴⠀0 / 2

⠀⠀⠀⠀Ꮪaoris⠀⠀⠀༴⠀0 / 2

⠀⠀⠀⠀Ꮇykalos ⠀༴⠀0 / 2

⠀⠀⠀⠀Ꮣcalis ⠀⠀⠀༴⠀0 / 2

Monsters In the Realms

Government System



Ꭲhe terrain of avkyrie is very vast and
diverse. from desert to woodland, all nine
realms have unique environments that impact
the natives' way of living.

The Monastery

࿓⠀⠀Ꭲhe monastery sits at the edge of a
⠀⠀cliff that stands over the jungle. vegetation
⠀⠀surrounds the monastery

⠀⠀࿓༅⠀⠀ᴛ⠀ʜ⠀ᴇ ⠀ ʟ⠀ɪ⠀ʙ⠀ʀ⠀ᴀ⠀ʀ⠀ʏ
⠀⠀a giant room on the first floor filled with
⠀⠀shelves of scrolls and books. the floor is of
⠀⠀wood and there are many open windows in
⠀⠀the library. pillows are set up for people to
⠀⠀sit on, along with tables.

⠀⠀࿓༅⠀⠀ᴅ⠀ᴏ⠀ʀ⠀ᴍ ⠀ ʜ⠀ᴀ⠀ʟ⠀ʟ
⠀⠀a long hall that has many rooms on either side.
⠀⠀each room has sliding doors (based off of
⠀⠀japanese sliding doors). each family has their
⠀⠀own room; they have two beds maximum and
⠀⠀if a family has more members, then mats are
⠀⠀used (parents usually sleep together). on a
⠀⠀rare occasion, a person will have a room all
⠀⠀to their self.

⠀⠀࿓༅⠀⠀ᴅ⠀ᴏ⠀ʀ⠀ᴍ ⠀ ʜ⠀ᴀ⠀ʟ⠀ʟ ⠀⠀(delinquents)
⠀⠀the delinquents have a bigger room at the
⠀⠀end of the hall. the room has six bunk beds
⠀⠀on either side, making twenty four beds in
⠀⠀total. there is a small pool of water in the back
⠀⠀the room for zaphrins to sleep and reenergize
⠀⠀in. there is a giant bathroom connection to the
⠀⠀dorm, along with a trunk for each guest to
⠀⠀keep any possessions they may have in.

⠀⠀the kitchen has shelves and storage for food
⠀⠀and supplies, and stoves have been set up for
⠀⠀food to be cooked.

⠀⠀࿓༅⠀⠀ᴅ⠀ɪ⠀ɴ⠀ɪ⠀ɴ⠀ɢ ⠀ ʀ⠀ᴏ⠀ᴏ⠀ᴍ
⠀⠀there are many low tables and
⠀⠀pillows are sat on instead of
⠀⠀chairs. fresh air flows in through
⠀⠀the open windows and plants
⠀⠀grow around the room.

⠀⠀a staircase leads outside into
⠀⠀a bath, where there are many
⠀⠀natural pools of water. there
⠀⠀are pools for washing clothes
⠀⠀and swimming. it is a nice place
⠀⠀to relax. the bath pools are four
⠀⠀pools sitting beside one another
⠀⠀against the rock wall that
⠀⠀surrounds the bath area. each
⠀⠀bath is separated by a rock wall,
⠀⠀and privacy curtains serve as a
⠀⠀doors (like a dressing room but

⠀⠀an indoor greenhouse that
⠀⠀connects off the dining room
⠀⠀has many different plants:
⠀⠀herbs, vegetables, fruits,
⠀⠀flowers, etc. a woven wood
⠀⠀cage surrounds the plants to
⠀⠀create the greenhouse, rather
⠀⠀than glass.

⠀⠀the roof of the monastery
⠀⠀doesn’t have anything but
⠀⠀people like to climb up in order
⠀⠀to sit and watch the stars.

⠀⠀the playroom is a small room
⠀⠀for the children. there are wood
⠀⠀toys, balls, and other things to
⠀⠀play with.


I know this is alot to be reading but i promise this will all be worth it! There will be three different threads, one for characters, the second is the intro to the monastery where you can find everyones entrances and of course the IC thread where the roleplay will take place, any questions or concerns please feel free to message me about them! Thank you!
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