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    1. smolusagi 6 yrs ago
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Current Can I just uh...delete that weird as pm?
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I’ll be making replies to rps tomorrow!! Also I’ve just finished watching the first season of My Hero Academia and I wanna RP it so bad bc...big gay cuties OuO
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6 yrs ago
Making my rounds of replies! Hopefully I’ll get them all finished today but if I happen to miss you just know I’ll be finishing up replies this weekend as well!
6 yrs ago
fuck florida and its hot ass weather >.> Fucking hate the heat


21 year old brat
Naruto, Black Butler and ouran host club are my favorites
I like to write naughty fanfics
Wattpad: @/petiteusagi
Instagram:(for Roleplay) @/queenofsmut
Currently interested in horror anime’s
Likes to be smol and cute
Doesn’t like loud noises
Fufufus a lot
Hnns a lot
Whines a lot


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Giving this a bump! I’m always happy to get more partners! :)

Ana gave a small nod, prepared to leave with him when he turned around and gave her his pistol, instructing her to go ahead and head out on her own, that he’d catch up with her. A small flutter of panic began to blossom in her stomach, she wanted desperately to tell him no, that she wanted to stay by his side but instead she gave a small nod, grabbing the pistol and turned away, making her way to the motel. Ana grimaced most of the time due to her ankle throbbing in protest to every step she took but she couldn’t risk stopping and tending to it, she could do that once they were both safe in one of the hotel rooms.

As she rushed into the main office, she walked inside to see that the place was practically abandoned. Quickly, the female went behind the counter, looking around for a few moments before she grabbed hold of a room key, taking the rest of the same room key to ensure no one would be able to just grab another one and enter the room they were going to hunker down in. She then glanced over to the vending machine that had been smashed in. With pursed lips, she quickly shuffled over taking whatever snacks and drinks remained and put them in the duffle bags, something she figured they would need.

Finally Anastasia made it to the room in question, right in the front and one of the first ones. She used the keys and opened it up, placing the things inside as she set everything down on the ground. Once she had everything put down and gun gripped firmly in her hand, she went back to the door and opened it to stand there and look for Connor. With a nervous frown, Ana looked around the area, grateful she didn’t really see anyone dead or alive, figuring this particular area must have already been abandoned with hopes to evacuate.

As soon as she caught sight of the male, she lifted her arms waving him over to come to where she was. With sharp eyes, the female continued to look around to make sure there was no one else coming that could potentially harm him or her. As soon as he got into the room she closed the door quickly, locking the doors. Her breath was coming out raggedly as she slid down to her butt against the door, tears threatening to blur her vision. “New rule, we don’t leave each others side, ever.” She whimpered out sternly though her eyes were filled with relief, clearly happy he was unharmed.

Anastasia let out a panicked whimper before the male had reached over her and unbuckled the seatbelt, freeing her. She gave a small nod as he left the car, her attention focusing on the duffle bags she had, quickly reaching to grab them, a sigh of relief leaving her mouth once she found they were seemingly unharmed with nothing broken inside. Shaking her head a bit, Ana shifted and made sure to put them close to her so she would be able to easily get them as soon as she got out of the car.

Ana shifted, her hand reaching for the handle on the car door only to find the thing wouldn’t budge, she blinked in slight panic as Connor came to try and open the door as well but it wouldn’t open. Shaking her head, Ana shifted, banging on the window for a moment once Conner was out of sight. Did he leave her behind? What would she do if he did, but her attention redirected towards the driver side as the door flung open revealing Connor.

His words were calm but full of urgency as he spoke, she knew this was a risk he was taking by trying to save her, she knew he could have easily just left her behind as a lost cause but he didn’t, he was trying to save her. Nodding her head, the female looked to his hand before taking it firmly in her own hands, closing her eyes for a moment as he pulled her out, a loud gasp ripped from her mouth as she arched her back in pain.

Once she was pulled from the car, she quickly grabbed the duffle bags, only taking a moment to glance at her leg. She had hit her ankle pretty bad, probably managed to sprain it but nothing too serious. Looking around Ana had noticed a motel not far from where they currently were. Gently she nudged him and pointed to the motel. “There, we can hide out in one of the rooms until we can think of another plan.” She explained swiftly as she looked around awkwardly for a moment, her eyes landing on the small group of undead heading their way.

Anastasia let out a shaky sigh as she managed to regain her composure, her eyes stinging from the remaining tears that were desperately trying to spill over. Thankfully, Connor’s reply had given her a good distraction from the pain that had its icy grip on her. She looked to him as he spoke, the way he cleared his throat and how he gripped the steering wheel so tightly was plenty to show that he was truly grieving for his fallen comrade. With a small frown, Ana gently placed her hand on his shoulder, lightly rubbing it with her thumb for a moment as she waited for him to calm down and relax his rigid body. “I’m sorry, I know you must have wanted to go back try to find him, at least to keep him from walking around aimlessly like these creatures..” She looked away for a moment, sighing gently.

“Thank you Sergeant Sullivan, honestly if it weren’t for you i’m sure i’d be dead right about now...or well undead i suppose.” She smiled a bit goofily as she glanced back to him but it soon faltered as they came to a halt. She blinked in confusion looking over to the barricade before a frown set on her lips. “Are they trying to keep from the infected making it out of the city..or are they trying to keep us in?” She muttered darkly before giving a nod to Connor and gripping tight to her seatbelt as he reverse, swerving the car back around. Letting out a small sigh of relief, Anastasia looked down at her lap for a second before it all went to shit.

The crash was deafening, the pain even worse. One moment they were turning into another street and the next, something slammed into them. A scream bubbled from Anastasia’s lips as she was thrown about much like Connor, her thin frame not faring well against the impact. Darkness threatened to take over her mind, everything was fuzzy but the smell of smoke was strong in her nose. Ana sat there awkwardly, her body slouched to the side as small shards of broken glass stayed jammed firmly in her left arm. A low groan came from her lips as she tried to get her bearings, her gaze slowly drifted towards Connor who had blood pouring down his face. Shifting slightly, she winced as she fumbled to get the seatbelt off. “W-What the fuck just happened?”

Anastasia let out a small squeak as the male suddenly jerked them into reverse, in only moments taking them out of the parking lot and onto the road. Letting out a shaky breath, she quickly fastened her seatbelt and leaned back against the seat, taking a moment to allow her wildly beating heart to calm down. Once they had been driving for a moment, his reply to her question caused her to wince a bit.

She frowned and looked out the window for a moment, willing herself to not get offended by how he snapped at her. His next words caused her to turn and look at him with a look of sympathy, many have lost someone today, and not just today but it seems many will lose someone in the days to come. Looking forward for a moment, Ana let out a small sigh and nodded a bit. “I’m sorry you had to lose someone like this.”

Her eyes then slid back to look at him for a moment longer. “As much as i hate to admit it, yes we were. We went to Highschool and College together. We were kinda like rivals all that time, even agreed to go to the same program together both to save lives and to see who was better in a sense..” She paused blinking in confusion as she lifted her hand to her face, just now realizing she had began to cry. “He was like a brother to me..but i would rather him be permanently dead than to go around like one of those…things.” She sighed softly, shaking her head.

“What about you?”
giving this a bump, always looking for more partners!
*Cough* This thread has been updated...
heads up, still accepting more people ;)

Panic was beginning to overwhelm Ana as she swerved every which way, her eyes wide as the undead creature clung to the hood of the golf cart. She whimpered loudly as she leaned away in fear but his sudden grasp on the wheel caused her to have a moment of calmness, her eyes lowered slowly to his hand as he kept the wheel steady before a round of shots cracked through the ear.

Feeling a wide amount of relief for having looked down and away from what he was doing, Anastasia let out a shaky breath. Lifting her head, she watched the body drop lifeless causing their little cart to jerk and lift, her own body lifting into the air for a moment before it slammed back down along with the cart. Letting out a small gasp, Anastasia regained control of the wheel and stepped on the gas.

Almost instantly she was told to stop, the sudden command causing her to stomp on the brakes, just barely avoiding crashing into his vehicle. Panting heavily, Ana leaned back against the cart before giving a quick nod and quickly getting out and grabbing the duffle bags, only to stop short and look in the direction Connor was looking in, her eyes widening with horror. It seemed like something out of a bad movie, how the smoke lifted into the air, it even looked like a movie she had seen not long ago.

Shaking her head, Ana ran to the passenger side of the car and got in, slamming the door shut. As soon as Conner was inside the car as well, she groaned and rubbed her temples before glancing to him momentarily. “What do we do now? What’s the next step from here?” While her voice attempted to remain calm, it was clear the female was utterly terrified and confused.
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