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Had a rough day. Sorry my post was so late and it's kinda crappy. It's mostly just Zeke thinking instead of interacting, but I think I left a few openings. Sorry.
@Regitnui @Esailia

Zeke smiled in response to Rhen, though it was only a courtesy. Affected since birth by monochromatism, Zeke was completely unable to distinguish any color. He only knew of color from the words of others, though was never able to grasp the concept. As such, he often forgot entirely of its existence, as was the case here. To him, it seemed as though the shadows on the changeling's face and hair shifted to the other side, with the occasional dark band in between.

He tried to hide his confusion, but honestly Zeke had no idea what he was looking at. Instead, he focused on Rhen's words. They were indeed correct about him not being interested in girls, though he didn't really care to mention that. Unfortunately, he had already revealed it by failing to recognize the flirtatious nature of the changeling's smile. "Well-" he realized, too late.

"Erm." He decided against saying something else, and instead maintained a prolonged silence. Good job. You were not only unsuccessful in conversing with the changeling, but you've also made yourself into an awkward fool. Congratulations. Zeke touched the tip of his nose with the knuckle of his index finger. Well, maybe so, but this is normal behavior in this regard. If anything, it makes me look more relatable.


He continued working at the wood, vaguely paying attention to what the others were saying. "Maybe there are no animals because a large group of strange people just appeared from a foreign magical device," he muttered. Magic was viable here, since the portal could bridge and Rhen had obviously just used it, but that didn't mean that magic was actually an aspect of this world. What if they had introduced it by coming here? From what Zeke knew, magic could be self-contained, so this was entirely possible. And were there humanoids here to begin with?

Then he had another idea, one so profound and probable that it actually made him stop walking. The only form of life they had seen were plants. What if this was a relatively new ecosystem? These grasses would be the pioneer species, unable to support more than one or two tropic levels in a food web. He knelt to feel the ground. The soil was rough, which could indicate rocks had been recently broken down. The grass was the same way, a hardy species adapted for survival.

It made perfect sense. Zeke scanned the horizon - there were a few flowers and trees, but not many; the next stage of succession was underway. It fit too well. His heart pounded loudly, he couldn't breathe. Was it the truth? Would he be able to study a fresh, uncontaminated ecosystem?

But as he examined the mountains, Zeke released his breath in dismay. They were sedimentary, clearly eroded over time by wind or water or dust. They were not very tall. What reason would there be for old mountains to be near young plants? Unless it was the erosion of the mountains that helped create the soil? He thought furiously, though didn't have an immediate answer.
I'll start writing a post when I wake up tomorrow.
Sebastian wasn't certain what he should do. Both of his teammates seemed unwell. "Do you want some water, Daya?"
"Um," Sebastian wondered, turning to Ethan. "I'm not really sure. He was acting kinda weird the other day," the hybrid whispered. Walking over to him, Sebastian put a hand on Ethan's shoulder. He was still unresponsive, sitting there still as a statue. "Ethan?"
"Oh, um," Sebastian glanced around, as if looking for someone of higher authority to confer with. There was only Maya and Ethan. "Uh. Well, sure. I don't see why not, aside from it being dangerous. Can you handle yourself in the wilderness?" He cleared his throat. "Why did I ask that? Sorry." Hybrids were attuned to nature, so it went without saying that Maya was probably more than capable - not including the fact that she'd completed the first two years of training.
Sebastian giggled. "Yeah, that's understandable. It's pro'ly best I don't know where you live, as you'd have two people screaming at you in the morning."
"Oh, well, I was going to ask whether you guys wanted t' go on a mission, but if you're not up for it, that's okay," he said. Ethan didn't answer; he continued to stare at the wall.
@Regitnui I ship it.

As they neared the mountains, Zeke paid attention to the sun. There was nothing out of the ordinary about it, though he'd need a few nights to be sure. He didn't know whether this was a heliocentric or geocentric earth - that was, if it was even a planet at all. An idea struck him. What if it was a moon? Were they orbiting a greater planet now, and was that one orbiting still yet another planet? The thought was absolutely ludicrous, though fascinating and thus worth contemplating. But another time.

Kneeling momentarily, Zeke gathered a few solid rocks. They were abundant in this area, so he decided it would be best for him to take some now. He quickly stored them in his pack and pulled out a few of his wood rods. In order to help him make sense of this new world, he would need to run a few tests. That was precisely why he brought these rods, and so he began to work at them, boring holes and cutting notches with a utility knife. Hopefully he'd be ready for his first test by the time they set up camp. If he wasn't, though, it was hardly an issue. Being an astronomer, he'd have to stay up through the night anyway.

Zeke nodded slightly as Esailia talked, but refrained from asking her any more questions. Other group members wanted her attention, and he didn't feel like fighting for it - especially when he had nothing worthwhile to say. When she mentioned that he might work with others to determine cardinal directions or otherwise develop a map, he wasn't very enthusiastic, especially considering the people he was to work with. The halfling - Shel, was it? - didn't seem so bad, but Rhen was a different story.

As soon as Zeke was aware that a changeling would be entering the portal with him, he knew there would be problems. How could anyone trust a creature with the ability to change its appearance at will? It put him a little at ease that the changeling seemed so unsophisticated, and thus less of a threat, but still he couldn't know for certain whether that was accurate. Rhen could be hiding anything.

But as much as the changeling was dangerous, Rhen could be an even more formidable ally - provided Zeke would be able to withstand their apparent lack of maturity. It was for this reason that he approached Rhen and tried to strike up a conversation, thinking long and hard about the first thing he would say. Do you often use your face as a projection of your personal qualities? He coughed. "I've not met a changeling before. If you don't mind, er, what kinds of forms can you take?" he asked politely though curiously, absently whittling.
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