Avatar of Sorrelmyst
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 64 (0.02 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Sorrelmyst 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
I realized I forgot something on a CS... an hour after I posted it X3
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7 yrs ago
*that feeling while you're waiting for replies or okays* .........
7 yrs ago
I read the RP rules, but I never see the 'put ______ on your characteer to confirm you read the rules' ;-;
7 yrs ago
Bluuuuhhhh... I hardly ever have actual time on computers ;-;
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I don't really know how this site works yet, but I think this is probably right?
Looking for a Magical Girls RP... or really any kind. I'd do pretty much any RP.
So... Cuteness:

Most Recent Posts

@Invader Len Okee :3

"Saving the multiverse huh? Sounds familiar," Karkit grumbled. "But seriously- a wish with almost no limits? I'm kinda interested in that. I'm also interested in everybody, y'know, not dying. Just gonna say now though, if they somehow get the human's Jack on their side, we're all pretty much screwed." She sat down and crossed her arms again.

"In other words, in case it wasn't clear, I'm in for it."
@Invader Len No problemo :3 Should I update the character page too?
Okee, Mage version of Kyra coming right up!

FYI, the only changed things were the quiz and the 'mage or familiar'/'leave this out if you're a (mage/familiar)' things.
@Caits No problem :3 I meant to add a highlight, but I haven't used BBCode in so long....

@MiddleEarthRoze Ah, I apologize! x_x I suppose I meant scizophrenia, yes? However, I'll just put 'dual personalitied'. I've just always heard of bipolar describing dual-personalitied people.

EDIT: Fixed it above :3
Here we gooo!

@Caits ;3

EDIT: (hopefully) Better color and a few other changes incorpoorated! :3

Karkit stood up, her right hand on her hip.

"Look, Entertainer, jerk, or whatever the hell your name is," she shouted, "I was in the middle of some very important leaderly stuff when you brought me to wherever the hell we are now." She was obviously irritated-- however, she was even more irritated at this scenario than she was on a regular basis.

"I don't have time to deal with things that 'trump my current business' when my entire business is SAVING THE ENTIRE MULTIVERSE." At that she crossed her arms in front of her chest, jutting her hip out to the side, a deep furrow between her eyebrows. "I really kinda need to get back to doing that if people want to, you know, LIVE and stuff like that." She hasn't even noticed that she hasn't been cursing like she normally does.

"I do have to say I am curious at what could trump the FATE OF THE UNIVERSE, but whatever," she sighed. "My team needs me as their leader, or they'll probably start killing each other."
@PaulHaynek Coolbeans, I'll get that up :3
Herro! I'd definitely enjoy something like this :3

I saw that OCs were accepted in the OP, so I've got one in the works rn

Okay, she's in.

Coolbeans :3 Is it alright if I post in IC, or should I wait?
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