Avatar of Spade
  • Last Seen: 3 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: Spade
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 120 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Spade 10 yrs ago
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Avi - "Swordtember" Sketch by @BeckyCloonan

LA area roleplayer and writer. Currently going to school for a degree in English, I'm usually here to practice the more creative elements of my writing since schoolwork can be so dull.

Most Recent Posts

Name: Subject ID: 562 / "Johnny Volatile" by the security team / Johnny


Age: 23
Height/Weight: 6'1 / 205 - 6'2 / 215 with powers at max capacity

Personality: Subject 562's emotional levels show a consistent correlation with the use of his abilities. Whilst in Lockdown, Johnny displays a shy, quiet demeanor. Generally keeping to himself unless otherwise confronted by a peer subject, often found in the study hall reading historic tales of adventure. While in a group environment, Johnny displays a proficient ability to carry normal social conversation, showing the occasional bit of humor in moments of relaxation. There is a dramatic change in behavior when testing and completing simulations in The Box. Vast spikes in confidence, humor and borderline braggadocio are on full display, earning him the nickname Johnny Volatile by certain members of security and the observation team, one time proclaiming his love for a "great llama". These traits remain for quite some time after trials are complete and 562 has entered his "cooldown" phase, where he reverts to normal behavior.

Powers/Skills: Subject 562 possesses the ability to manifest high intensity flames on his forearms, manipulating them into his hands to create projectiles (eg: bolts of flame, rifts of fire) and even the ability to coat his entire body in fire. 562 also possesses an extreme tolerance to heat, both of his own and of the surrounding environment. There have been remarkable changes to the subject's physique and physical abilities correlated to the intensity of the flames manifested by him. Instances of increased speed, strength and agility have all been recorded and verified, as well as increased height and muscle mass.

Other: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jgpp6xnqMg0
Very interested, working on a CS now.
Would love to submit a CS if there's still space!
Definitely gonna check out that OOC!
Lennon79 said For the record, his name is BLARGH.

Dude I was so confused
I was like "is he in pain or is that someones actual name?"
Hope everyone had a good holiday
Still here
Sorry guys, had a busy last few days but I'm still in this, just threw up a post.

Skepic said
Alright, Krauss's post is up, hopefully helping things move along.Spade, feel free to tell it from Varrot's perspective, ect. I just gave the general movement of the pair.

Yeah, did exactly that, not sure what the Captain's gonna want to do so I didn't touch that without Lennon giving the OK.
Varrot and Krauss were in full swing at the top of the clock tower. The young private spotted well and his Corporal continued racking up the kills, the two shifted positions constantly, covering their squad as well as other friendlies. After a while it became apparent they were supporting units in retreat, blue uniforms routed through the debris stricken roads of Rinneheim. Damien stood up and surveyed their situation from their perch, only to have his Corporal break his focus with exhilarating news of armor entering the city. The scout's eyes widened as he picked up his rifle and made his way down the ladder, jumping off and taking a short fall rather than stepping all the way down. As small bits of brick and wood chips peppered them from above, the ground shook and Damien grabbed the ZM Kar from the dead scout, slinging it across his back before gripping his X-1 tight and using the butt of his rifle to bust the door open. The ground shook and the sound of squeaking treads along with chugging motors began to approach. Damien led the way down the block to a nearby home as he shoulder bashed a door open, checking the room and listening for any occupants, the place was clear. Damien gave his Corporal a nod and got on one knee, grabbing the radio from his pocket.

"Varrot to Sarge, we're making our way out of town but we've got Imperian armor in the area, medium and light, watch yourselves out there, we'll see you at the silo."

Getting up after catching their breath, the pair ran back out into the streets, trying to stay quiet as they hustled around piles of rubble and blown over vehicles. The ZM Kar's added weight made running only a slight more difficult, but it wasn't long until they had slowed their pace to navigate the small walking streets and alleyways that would eventually lead them out of the city. Varrot was watching their rear when they bumped into Captain Meulemann, quickly standing at attention and giving him a quick salute before hugging the corner at the entrance of the alley way and keeping an eye out for anything Imperian. Keeping an ear on their conversation, Damien hit the wall next to him in frustration as he realized that this was the second city he had to abandon. There was no honor in it, but his pride would have to be set aside, he had his orders after all.

"Things seem to have quieted down in this part of town Corporal, if we're gonna make it to the silo, now's a good a chance as any." he spoke, checking his weapon and walking over to his Corporal and Captain Meulemann, "Captain, I've got some ragnaid here for you."
"Varrot, I need fire on whoever comes out the other end of this alley. We'll smoke 'em out, then pull back and find a way around."

"Already on it sarge!" Damien responded, and before you knew it Corporal Krauss was at his side cracking shots and threading needles, braining one unlucky bastard right away and making sure another would never play the piano again. Varrot watched for a moment, taken back by the sniper's precision but what else did he expect out of a sniper? Picking up his rifle, Damien made sure there was one ready to fire before lining up his sights the best he could and taking a few pot shots down the alleyway in the distance. The range of his X1 wasn't nearly as close as Krauss' GSR but he was still able to lay down some decent suppressing fire, nailing one Imp soldier in the leg. As the Imp fell to his knee he caught one in the head from Krauss. It was an impressive display of coincidental teamwork. Looking around before taking his next shot, Corporal Krauss gave the order to move on to the clocktower. About the same time, Damien spotted an Imperian lancer being escorted by a trooper towards their position. He turned to grab the radio before putting it up to his mouth.

"Sarge, we got Imps closing on so we're on the move, heading towards the northeast clock tower. We will contact you upon arrival, Varrot and Krauss, out." he finished, grabbing his rifle and stuffing the radio inside his pocket, "I'll lead the way Corporal, I checked the route while we were up there." he said, opening the hatch and dropping in, hustling down the stairs he waited until Krauss was behind him to open the door. Cracking it open slowly, once he saw the coast was clear he swung it open and took off, rifle in hand towards the east street. Hugging the wall at the corner, he peeked over quickly to find nothing but rubble and smoke. Waving Krauss over, they made it to the other street just in time to hear the lance fire off and hit their old position, the old stone shook the ground it fell on. From their it was a straight dash to the clock tower already in view. As they approached the clock tower, Damien quickened his pace and reached the door before Krauss, swinging it open to find an Imperial scout sifting through cabinets. Damien raised his rifle and fired, nailing the scout twice in the chest. Poking his head back outside, Damien wiped the sweat from his brow, "All clear corporal, ladder's on the far wall."

Damien swung his X1 across his back and got the radio out, "Sergeant Harald, we just reached the clock tower, where'd you need our eyes?"
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