Avatar of Spectral
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    1. Spectral 5 yrs ago


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I’ll see about having an update for you soon. Been pretty busy all weekend.
Seeing how early it still was is, you could probably just do a small retcon in this case.
“Elysia, eh?” He smiles to his small party member, giving her a thumbs up. “That’s a nice name.”

At that time, the young king spoke up once more. He lets out a whistle when he hears the amount the coin they will be receiving as starting funds. While he wasn’t sure exactly what the monetary amount would be equivalent to back home, it was likely a very hefty sum. Definitely want to get some equipment for himself and whatever his party member may need. Maybe he can get a weapon to wield so that he has something other than his shield? His thoughts were interrupted once more, this time from Elysia.

“Aww, don’t worry about the inexperience Elysia,” he goes to reassure her. “It would be rather hypocritical to complain about such things, considering you’re surely more experienced than the guy who just got here, eh?” He chuckles at that. “And as for getting new equipment? Absolutely! When you plan to head into the dangerous and unknown, one should always be as prepared as possible, after all. We can even make way there first thing once all this is done with.” He then places a hand on her shoulder. “Also, don’t be afraid to ask me if you want something or need to speak to me about anything. We’re partners now, so we’ll have each other’s backs, yeah?” He again just gives an easygoing grin as he says this.

“Oh. And please, just Garret will be fine. Mr. Garret makes me sound like I'm an old man or something.”

I’ll try and have a post up sometime today.
I was waiting to see if Elysia was going to respond before continuing
Well… at least he’s all gung-ho about this, is all Garret could think of as the scythe wielding man spoke aloud to them. He felt a bit good at the idea that someone was considering joining him, though he agreed with Marcino that saying aloud his focus on two of them over the others could be construed as rude.

As the young king added to the discussion, Garret could just feel the sweat drop from the last part of the king’s statement. “Even the shield hero, huh? Geez. That sure sounded like a backhanded assurance…” he grumbles rather quietly under his breath. It wasn’t like he chose the shield himself.

It was during his grumblings that he sees an unexpected sight. One of the adventurers, small and near fully cloaked, had stepped out from the group and headed straight to him. He blinked as said individual said nothing to him, slipping into place behind him. There wasn’t much to go on with said person, with what seems to be a dagger sticking out from the front of the cloak. He thinks he sees motion on the back side, though he couldn’t see what exactly it was from here. Another weapon, perhaps? In any case, it would seem he would need to start the introductions himself.

Leaning over slightly to get closer to eye level, he gives a little wave to the hood. “Yo. Nice to meet ya stranger. You may have heard my name, but just in case, I’m Garret Lancaster. But you can simply call me Garret. May I have the name of the first to decide to join my party?”

Seems you may need to go ahead and make a note in the first post that the hero slots have been filled so that the confusion is cleared up for the future.
"She seems like if she is a whole load of fun. I'm just wondering what a microvirgin is?"

Garret couldn’t help but stumble for half a second as he hears the older guy ask him about what the spear girl had called them. Luckily, with him soon after introducing himself, Garret took that chance to keep from trying to give an explanation for the previous comment. “My name is Garret. Nice to meet you Fredrick. Even if the way we met was through a rather strange circumstance.”


Well… if there was any doubt in me left about this whole summoned to another world business, I believe this confirms it, Garret finds himself thinking as he takes his stand with the others in front of what seems to be a young king. Younger than all 4 of them, if he had to wager from his looks. After the king introduced himself and asked them for their names, the sword guy introduced himself in a straight, no nonsense tone, as Cole Smith. After him came spear girl, who boldly declared herself Rin Matsunaga and an apparent leader of a gang in Japan. Garret felt the sweat drop on his forehead as she finished up her introduction. While he certainly didn’t mind her confident attitude, her brazen talk reminds him of some zany bullies from various anime he’s seen over the years. It was then he realized he was next in line, turning back to facing the king and looking him in the eye.

“I’m Garret Lancaster. I too, hail from the United States, where I worked part time at a local tavern as I attended university. I’m 20, since everyone else so far has mentioned it. As I’m sure it obvious, I’m apparently the ‘Shield Hero’,” he adds, lifting up the shield on his arm to present it to room. After doing so, he then ended his introduction, letting Fredrick introduce himself.

The King then went on, giving more details to the situation as a whole to them. Clearly, things are definitely going to hectic with the coming ‘Waves’ they were called to fight. Garret swallows at the thought of all the fighting and the monsters they will see. His mind shifted away from that as another man stepped up and informed them on how to check their status. This certainly got him curious about what stats he has, so with a bit of excitement, he opens the window.

He could only blink to himself as he looks at the stats before him. While not surprising, it was quite obvious that his defensive stats looked really solid for being level one. But it was when he looked at the strength stat, or lack thereof more aptly, that he felt concerned.

I know I’m called the shield hero, but shouldn’t a hero class have more strength than this?! He sighs to himself at that. He’s certainly got his work cut out for him with stats like these. It was a least a little comforting that they all were going to get training from Mr. Marcino before the coming battle. Maybe with that, he’ll know more about what this shield can actually do.

It was then announced they would not be alone. Turning to the opening door, a sizable group of people stepped into the room. It would seem they were here to become party members to the heros after they had been summoned. The thought that there would be those to back him up was comforting, though there was a certain weight that came with it too. Those that joined him were placing their faith in him to look after them as much as he would be placing his own in them to fight beside him. To maybe even die in one of the waves. He feels a chill with that thought.
As the two other heroes start heading towards the stairs, Garret finds himself scratching at the back of his head, sighing at the little information that was given to them. Not to mention the rather… colorful commentary from the spear hero girl. Turning to the older man still standing beside him, he lets out a small sigh before lightly clasping a hand on his shoulder and giving him a small grin. “Well, she seems fun, eh?” Garret says to him, with an obvious bit of sarcasm in his tone. “But anyway, the other two are right in that I think we need to go and see this king. We won’t learn anything else if we stay down here, after all.” Letting go of his shoulder, Garret then too makes for the stairs after their other two.

Thinking back on what the acolyte said about their choosing, he looks to the shield on his arm once more. ‘Was me being summoned truly just a random chance?’ He thinks to himself, tracing a finger along one of the shields edges as he ponders this thought. ‘Or was there more to it?’


Merunda, Miricia

“We certainly want to set up an ambush if we want to have the best advantage against them,” Zachary speaks up. “With our current numbers, a forward assault would more than certainly lead to us having some injuries.”

At hearing the young boy, Nova, Zachary finds himself nodding as he continues his own talking. “Nova here has the right idea. Him and I should take up positions up on a couple of the empty houses.” He then points to two buildings on opposite sides of the road. “We should take up positions on opposite sides of the road, so that we can pincer them between both our attacks. Anyone else who can fight at range is also free to join up with us if need be.” Zachary once more turns back to the Prince.“If I can make a suggestion, Prince Erik? I believe that the best time for you and the others on the ground to attack, is after we have initiated the fight and they are still likely disoriented.”
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