Avatar of Sputnik
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  • Posts: 360 (0.12 / day)
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    1. Sputnik 8 yrs ago


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Current pbs.twimg.com/media/C1rq-zR… --- M o o d
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"lol pls I can finish an entire thesis revision in the course of 9 hours. no problem" - a now crying and hopeless idiot who is also me.
7 yrs ago
I've had an adorable little kid mistakenly run towards me at the store, called me mommy and woke my inner maternal instincts without warning
7 yrs ago
so sleep deprived, even my eye bags have bags.
7 yrs ago
actually, watching television and surfing the Internet are really excellent practice for being dead."


I'm awful at doing Bios.

Sorry for the rudeness, I'm now taking the time to write this thing. So, yeah just your 20 something college student slash soon to be corporate slave and resident roleplayer here. I consider myself a casual to advance writer, or so I would like to think. I will join anything ranging from slice of life, sci fi, fantasy, apocalyptic or anything that involves superpowers. I balance life, video games and comic books and I balance it well.

My dream squad.

RP Involvements:
Soulless Regency-#YOLOTH-Formerly
Edenridge - Formerly
Eden Gardens - Love Where You Live - Inactive
Redwood Apartments - Inactive
Upper lake Institute - Formerly

Most Recent Posts

Frances Warwick

Location: The Glimmeric;

At the butcher shop, Big Bernie stands towering next to the stall waiting for the boy preparing the cuts for the madame, his gentle eyes resting at Thomas expressionlessly. Most of the time nobody really knows what goes on inside his head, and is just easier for others to regard him as simpleminded. Although there is some bliss in seeing things so simple and bare, with all that complications of politics and the suffering it brings. Bernie always sees things that way, what does he care about the statuses of people who come in and out of the brothel, if this person owns half of Scotland or the whole of Britain or if he would lie dead on the street the very next day. Though he knows much to bury them properly before it starts rotting, just like any dead animal. Bernie only does best in what he is told to do. And commonly, if that same lord were to put harm on the people he work for, it's his job to lug them out the building. Told to or otherwise, nobody hurts the little people if he was on watch.

Back at the brothel, Ruby still couldnt shake the nervous feeling at the madame's possible conjecture. "Right" she broke the short silence between them "Say, if some savage demon's prancin' around in front of our streets this very moment, and we're just not realizing it. You don't suppose it's wise to close our doors for this evening?"

Frances took some thought into it, her fingers rubbing the skin of her elbow. From a business perspective she would want to take the risk, but at the same time it was not in her best interest to have these girls be the bait for whoever's doing this. Money was important, but not as much as these girls safety. But if they're only dealing with one person as opposed to a group of attackers, still, she couldn't help but be torn with the decision. This has to be fixed in some way, and as soon as possible. Waiting around would do them little.

The madame took one more look at the Sarah Anne from the other room, "I agree." and turned back to Ruby "But then again when it comes to the business, disregarding the problem would be very much against my nature. So I suppose we should have this over with before it poses further inconvenience to us." she spoke nonchalantly, pacing towards her chambers as Ruby tries to catch up behind her. She somewhat got an idea of where the madame is going with, and this made her raise a brow.

"You talkin about using some of that Caribbean magic on the lord, aint ya?" Not a lot of people know of Frances skills, so much as her past except for Ruby, who was nosy enough to pry her about it. Frances wouldn't even think that she would make use of it again until now. Definitely it would have been a while.

"Probably. If it keeps from another body from being afflicted, or spreading." Frances went over to her table, under the locked drawers are a bunch of materials and tools specifically used for the soulless, opening a case which consisted of unidentified herbs, tiny bottles of ashes and ground bones. Ruby watched as the madame expertly distincts them from one and the other. "And hopefully it would get us to the bottom of this before things take a bad turn."

Hey hey, I'll be getting a post up sometime this weekend.
Frances Warwick

Location: The Glimmeric;

Frances quietly watched the girl rise up to her seat and walkt towards the window, she could see the relief coming over her yet her voice still has a small hint of troubling, trying her best to keep herself together. Frances slowly nodded acknowledging what she said, "Of course." the madame didn't leave for a while, partly making sure if she was truly fine like she said, although this still doubts the madame. As she quietly observed the girl, Frances wonders the things that goes on in her mind as she stood fixated on the view outside the window. She's not quite sure if staring at the scene of the crime would really help her find some peace. Frances truly believes it will take some time before she can recover, though she knows internally she's stronger than what she seems. They always are.

The madam then left Sarah Ann to her peace, Ruby following her out and both women exchanged glances as they stood outside her room. Up to this moment the constable has still not arrived, as what they have been expecting the whole morning. Ruby voiced out her worry that they would be pressured or even blamed at the seemingly odd and suspicious murder that happened just in front of their establishment. "I know, but that is not entirely what I'm worried about." She gave her a look, it took a short while before Ruby knew what she was talking about. Her face turned to worry, that specially Frances could tell under her curved a sarcastic smile. "You don't mean...". "I'm not going to have us risk a murderous soulless being this close to us. What happened at Almacks, the docks, a very unlikely coincidence, no?" Ruby kept silent, and was still trying to make sense of what the madam has said "If alls that true, then what should we suppose to do?" "For now, I suppose we wait. " she said sternly.
@mnkee I look forward to this.
@Joshua Tamashii yup, still around.
As the image drew closer, it all became clear what was really going on. The elf's eyes widened in disbelief when a bolt of magic struck the supposedly suspicious stranger coming their way. Aseema's first instinct was to run away. Might not be wise to dally too long lest they get caught in the stampede. And anything involving an angry tevinter mage is definitely bad news to anyone, that even she herself wouldn't take risk for.

Aseema was ready to sprint at the opposite direction when Ovra called out for them to move, realizing that she actually meant running directly towards the obvious danger. "Really?" Everyone else was on guard, as they immediately hurried towards the injured stranger. This wasnt entirely part of the plan, and unlike their previous encounters they had the choice to ignore it, but of course she should've figured this would happen. Seems like everyone else was focused on dealing with this little off course, but although she wasnt entirely a fan of the descision, she greatly trusts Ovra's instincts more than anyone's even herself. Plus if that stranger is worth being chased by a group of hunters, they might at least get some benefit out of it. Admittedly though she is rather curious to know about it.

As she caught up on the group, she could see the pursuers are drawing dangerously near. Aseema looked down at the injured fellow, and to Shok, hearing Krios suggestion shegiving them an assuring smile. "That's just what I thought." She wasnt sure if this would be "engaging" enough for the other party, none the less it was the only way that could buy them some time. Slamming her staff on the sandy surface she summons a wall of stone around them, just enough to keep them from quickly going through or to shield them from any more attacks. She would hold that position as long as it's deemed necessary, which from the looks it, won't be any longer now. "Better hurry up with that Shok, they're coming at full speed."

Gerard Connolly

Location: Westminister Hospital

It is more so out of instinct that Gerard was feeling mildly wary of the man next to him. His experiences and relationship with the british military was not entirely good in memory, almost half of his life they were his enemies. He had killed plenty like him in his time pillaging ships, and in the process equally taking his closest friends. That is why to Gerard, it felt almost strange enough that they were exchanging hospitable words rather than swords and bullets.

He did try to produce a response, only more or less out of courtesy when their attention was caught by the doctor's earlier statements regarding the current matter. What he provided was indeed of great help at least now they know where they should start looking. But the doctor's last statement had set off his determination, he could feel his heart rapidly break out of his chest. He wanted to leave set forth as soon as possible.

As the doctor left, he was now alone with the man who introduced himself earlier as Fryor. Seems like fate meant to partner them together for this, and seeing that they're the only hope Millicent has got, he himself truly hopes that they will all come through this. After a few short silence Gerard thought to reconcile their cut off introduction, giving him a rather awkward nod, "I'm Gerard Connolly." said, he could not seem to maintain eye contact with the man. " Sir Fryor, what do you suggest we should do first?" It would seem imprudent if he were to lead between the two of them, even though Gerard was eager to the entire time. Dr. Graham did suggest Sir Kildragon's regiment, so it will be most likely they will start there.

Frances Warwick

Location: The Glimmeric;

Frances took it to mind what Sarah had said. Could she be saying this because she did not want to keep her from staying? The madame had made it clear for the girls to come forth if there are things that would bother them, specially to the one's like Sarah Anne. But she now took some concern on the nightmare she had, though it may come of as silly and may only be nothing more but a terrified girl's harmless dream, there could be more to it although not necessary directly. Frances would take it as a sign, or a warning most like it. After all how the body was found unusually, and rather suspiciously she would definitely bet on something sinister about it. It was partly her first thought when she first saw the body. This might only be an overthought but assuming it were ever true, then she's only a short walk away from Nuetermyre. Or maybe she should probably just drop by, just to be sure.

"Yes, no need to fret about it. The body has already been taken off the street. You can go see for yourself. " she gave her a reassuring smile. Frances stands up from her sitting and looking down at Sarah "If you don't feel like resting, you could always go out and interact with the others. If only to keep your mind away from it." she suggests. "Although they may jest on it, I'm sure they truly sympathize. It could turn anyone's good day into a terrible one."

I'll have a post up for Aseema when I get home today.
@Lady AmaltheaMost relatable thing I have read in a while.

Dang. Okay, I'm in class so I'll only be able to get a post right after I'm off.
Going for a female Don Draper type. Will start on her done as soon as I'm able. ^_^
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