Avatar of Stephanie Dola
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    1. Stephanie Dola 9 yrs ago


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@Angel of Light@thewizardguy@Wraithblade6@Snarfulblast@kishin asura@supertinyking@ShadowVentus

He was big, he had power, and his stride was that much greater than a normal man, but that still wasn't enough to cover the distance in the time he would need.

Lina completed her spell as soon as she arrived, releasing all of its destructive power upon those who opposed her. Oddly enough, it lacked destructive power. All it did was make rain pour for the sky. It was raining incredibly hard, but it was just water in the end, and she was sure normal water couldn't take down this Behemoth.

The Goliath was charging at her, but that would never break Lina's concentration, even if the spell didn't much of it anyway. It was a simple spell, most novices could do it.

Even if he could close the gap milliseconds ever she recited the spell, it would not be enough time to keep up the rabbit's teleportation speed. She was truly a valuable ally, as long as she lived up to her end of the deal of course.

At this point, Lina's major part was done. It was all about cleanup from this point forward.
Working on my post right now~~~!
If you ever need a merc, there is a cute Valkyrie for hire~

Name: Godelvia Hundingsbane

Gender: Female

Birthday: 19/11/?? BC

Age: 43

Height: 155 cm

Weight: 57 kg

Appearance: Like every other Valkyrie, Godelvia appears much younger than her actual age. She has wings on her back, as they're usually the best place to have them.

Equipment: Spear, shield, animal food, a pack of Asiatic Lions, a pack of Central European Boar, a Eurasian Brown Bear, and a Nose-horned Viper


Merits: Approachable, Empathetic with animals, Good caretaker

Flaws: Lacks empathy with people, Lonely, Poor social skills

Tragic Flaw: -

Personality: Godelvia cares deeply about her those under her care and protection, which happen to be animals most of the time. Of course, they'll die in combat sooner or later, but she has accepted that, and know that they will be welcomed to Valhalla for serving her. While she is great with animals, she is rather poor at interacting with people, given her job is to take souls to Valhalla. These poor social skills and lack of Empathy has led her to live a rather lonely existence, with her only comfort being animals.

Culture and Country: Germanic

Languages: German, Latin

Public Record: There isn't a whole lot to her, but its generally considered a bad idea to head into the Marciana Silva (Black Forest) in Germanic lands. Anybody who is brave enough to enter usually ends up getting maimed by her pack of animals. Many souls have been given to Odin over the years, just having her patrol the area.

Private Information: Other than the obvious base in the Black Forest, at the end of the Rhine she has control over the small island of Vileland, where she keeps her sea animals that can't survive in fresh water.

Loyalty: Mercenary

Military Rank: -

Magical Girl Rank: Heroic-Iron

Soul: 0/10

Magical Familiar:

Jocasta: A raven granted to her by Odin. She doesn't really do much unless she is ordered to do so, so in that respect she is rather lazy. Likes apples.

Magic Trait:

Positive: Sea Monster(Will start with baby version of a seamonster. Starts out at animal rank, but it will grow into being a Divine Animal. Has unique potential)

Negative: Magnet(Attracts lots of seamonsters of various ranks for a reason unknown to them)

Magical Abilities:

Animal Training(Sea Monster)(2): Training animals to obey and follow the user. Each rank corresponds to an equal monster rank. Specialized toward any kind of Sea Monster.

Storms(M)(1): Manipulation of weather. Extra effective on the sea.

Vigor(M)(2): The ability to enhance morale and cause a second wind. Also reduces stress, both on and off the battlefield

Illusion(M)(1): Creation of things that aren't really there.

Fear(M)(1): Capability to use magic that instills fear. Specifically designed to damage enemies stress and morale.

Naval(1): Capability to use ships. Gives all abilities from the Seamanship skill group, with the rank here being equivalent to the same there. Limited by mentality.

Flight (1): Allows flight

Power Manifestation:

Levi: Godelvia's baby sea monster. It hasn't done much, but in time, it will blossom into a beautiful monster that will bring death to thousands.

Tamer: Other than her uncanny ability to train animals, Godelva can combine her Fear and Vigor to break the moral of animals, and quickly raise them to serve her with an surprising amount of faith for animals. This allows her to quickly create an animal army to serve her every command. Also grants further power and moral boosts when they are getting praised, or when Godelva is in danger.

Bait: A trick she uses to lure out animals is to create an illusion of said animal. The animal can be extremely detailed. It can't exactly do much, but it is great for fooling animals, especially males.

Weather Control: As her ability in it isn't very high yet, she can only modify the current weather slightly. She can't create storms from no where, but can make the increase or decrease the intensity of an already existing storm. If there is high enough humidity, she might be able to force a weak rain, but nothing beyond that. Can create water from nothing, as well as control the movement of water. Godelvia can also control the wind speed. Often used to make more relaxing conditions for sailing, increasing the speed of sailing, and searching for animals under the sea. Her power in this will grow over time.

Skills and Metastatus:

Seamanship- Signaling, rowing, maintenance
Navigation- Astronomy, helmsenship
Naval Artillery- Operation, Maintenance

Survivalism (Tracking): 2
Survivalism (Sneaking): 1
Calvary (Riding): 1
Language: 1
Warrior (Light weapons)(Spears): 1


Miracle: ???
The spess mehren asked if Lina was crazy, a fool, or a heretic. It was just a mix of all three
@Angel of Light@Snarfulblast@supertinyking@thewizardguy

It didn't take long for Lina to get to a safe place, an area too far away to aim correctly, and in safe distance to avoid the damage from her own attack. She said she would end the fight, and she wasn't one to go back on something she said.

The conflict that was going on got seriously intense. She wasn't able to catch all of it, but from what she could, a giant explosion of fire came from the Goliath, yet nobody seemed to have died. There had to have been something there to allow that, and she was assuming it was the man fighting against the giant. She wasn't sure what kind, if any magic he could do, but everybody surviving the attack had to do with that.

Sadly, they wouldn't be able to survive her next attack.

Lina truly didn't want to kill anybody but the Colonel and his men, but they all intervened. It was more their fault than anything. Hopefully it would teach everybody watching to trust the words of a beautiful mage.

Just as she was about to being her chant, she had been interrupted by the girl in Priestess garb. Lina was ready to get rid of her too, but she came with another warning. It was annoying at this point, but it really did seem like her heart was in the right place. She would give the woman a warning herself, and it was her choice to follow it.

" No, I don't need to get out of here. I said I'd end the conflict, so I'm going to end it. I'm going give the Empire here a message, one that they won't be forgetting anytime soon, you don't survive if you anger Lina Inverse! Normally, I'd get rid of all of you for intervening, however, your heart seems to be in the right place, so I'll give you a warning. Get your men out of there, take anybody who you deem important, but leave David and his men. There is no way mere men, no matter how powerful they believe they are, will survive this. You have until I finish my incantation, now go! "

It really wasn't her plan to kill everybody there, but the message had to be given across. You don't mess with Lina Inverse, and expect to live long. She was the Enemy to All Who Lived for a reason.


And then a girl with rabbit ears appeared next to her. What was with random people showing up right when she was ready to slaughter everybody?

However, after listening to the rabbit's talk, a large smile appeared across her face. This would surely leave a big impression on the Dominion, as well take far less effort than her original plan. It would be up to her and the rabbit, but that was all they really needed. She began preparing a spell, and kept going as she was teleported by the bunny.
@Angel of Light@supertinyking@Snarfulblast@thewizardguy

A Psyker seemed very similar to a sorcerer, so it makes sense that he confused her for one. Some spells did call upon the powers of the Dark Gods, but they had no real way to influence you by that alone. They don't really care about having humans worship them, if anything, they preferred it if all humans feared them more, and would accept being slaves to them.

While learning about Psykers was interesting, the far more interesting thing was his answer regarding the Dark Gods and the Warp. The Warp came from Chaos, and while the Gods come from the Warp, and stay there, they were created by the sins of mankind. That was very different than the world Lina came from. Chaos always existed, and for a long time there was only Chaos, until all life came from her, including the Dark Gods. Other beings, including higher powers, demons, and humans came as well, but none could compare to the individual power of the Dark Gods.

" I see, but don't worry, I'm not under the influence of anything. Using a spell isn't enough for the Dark Gods to be influence the caster, but there are people who do want to work with them. Soon after of course, they realize that trying to work with them will only result in your death. Each one controls their own worlds. The one who once controlled mine was split into several shards, two of which I have destroyed, and I do plan on destroying the rest. The other was complete, and was far more powerful than anything I've ever encountered. Thankfully, I managed to destroy him, and hopefully, in turn, save the people from the world he was in control of. I don't know much about the other two other than their names, but I don't think they directly intervene with their worlds much. Anyway, I think our Dark Gods might reflect each other slightly. Both are immensely powerful and evil, have beings who serve under them that are powerful, then below them, and so on. "

Of course, Lina didn't think they shared a parallel world. Nobody could ever be as powerful as Lina was, while being as beautiful. It could only happen once, never again would such a combination exist.

Sadly, it didn't seem like they would have time to continue their conversation. People seemed to be dying. Pity.

A lady in what appeared to be priestess clothing was the one behind all the damage, and claimed to be there in order to assist Lina. She really didn't need it, her threat wasn't a bluff. It was within her power to annihilate the Colonel and his men with ease.

Things however, got even worse when a strange man appeared from no where and asked if he should start shooting, as well as the behemoth asking Lina to assist him, or she would be considered an enemy. Which probably meant he would hunt her down. Fantastic.

" Alright, I can end this conflict quickly! I need to get some distance, so cover me while I back up a bit! Just have to not die, and make sure I don't, for a minute or two! "

She probably didn't need that much cover, but you can never be sure. Hopefully they could keep the others occupied, and give Lina enough time to get far enough a way so she could channel her spell in safety.


The wind shield created by Raywing kicked up a dirt storm , making it nearly impossible to see Lina. She then flew as fast as she could to a decently far away area. As long as she had where she wanted in sight, she was sure it would be fine. Raywing should block out the bullets from most enemy fire, so there was little to worry about.

Lina was also extremely confident in her ability to end the conflict really quickly, she just hoped she didn't have to pay for property damage.

. . .

Did she anger the Lord of Nightmares? Or maybe this was all a dream? She honestly couldn't believe it was purely bad luck, she really couldn't. She had been in some unlucky situations before, some were far worse than this, but the odds of all of this happening at once was simply too high. How do you get transferred to a different world, get the military after you, meet a giant man who seems more confused then you were, and have him want you dead?

Of course, Lina was pretty sure she knew why he was asking her all of these questions. She had no real idea what a "Psyker" wise, but he instantly reacted when she was going to channel her spell. That must mean that a Psyker to him is a sorcerer in Lina's world, and where he is from, magic must be outlawed. If magic was outlawed, there must be a different kind of connection to it then the one Lina was used too. His reaction was totally normal given the circumstances, but that didn't mean Lina wouldn't give him hell if he tried to attack her.

Thankfully, it seemed like he just wanted to talk, despite tightening his grip on his hammer and stepping forward. In reaction to that motion, Lina took a few steps back. She could hold her own in a sword fight, but a giant hammer was probably more than she could handle with her short sword.

" You're asking a lot of questions, despite being pretty suspicious yourself. I'll answer your questions, but I hope you'll answer mine as well." Lina had to figure something out about this man, anything really. He was a giant of a man, and more than likely had some way to deal with these "Psykers", though she hoped that her magic would be much more powerful than anything they could do. If they really could do what Lina could, they'd be the ruling class instead of this Goliath.

" I'm not a Psyker, nor do I have any idea what one of those are. I'm not sure where you're from, but it isn't where I am from, which isn't here, so I can't explain to you what the Psykers on this planet, if there were any, used to channel their magic." Two questions down, and only two more to go. " I'll cast any spell needed to defend myself, even if they are servants of the "law". I personally don't find threatening an innocent girl who had done nothing wrong, other than be extremely beautiful and elegant, as something that is very "lawful". They were going to attack me, so I used magic to escape. If they try to attack me here, I'll eradicate them. It is really only self defense against corruption at this point. "

Now his final question was a bit of an odd one. Not only was she a heretic, but he assumed her allegiance was to these "Dark Gods". Now, in her universe there were Dark Gods, four main ones, and a bunch of those who served the main four. While some of her spells came from these Dark Gods, she would never say she was aligned to them, quite the opposite really. Lina served only Lina, anyone else really wasn't worthy of having Lina at their service.

" My calling isn't towards anyone other than myself. Now, I'm going to assume that our Dark Gods are different. I myself have killed one of the Dark Gods in my world, as well as 2 shards of another. Like I said, I only serve myself, and will defend myself if anything tries to harm me. It may be a petty bandit, or the most powerful god in my realm, they're nothing compared to me. "

Lina purposely neglected to mention her sister, as her sister probably would have killed all of these people by now. They were lucky that she was such a kind, generous sou.

" Now, I'd like to ask my own questions if you don't mind. What exactly is a Psyker? Why do you call them heretics? What is this "Chaos" you speak of?How does magic where you're from work? And What are these Dark Gods like?"

She had a lot more questions, but they were really more general than anything. Hopefully, he'd answer her questions, and they could leave this situation without killing one another.

Of course I'll join, just the same as last time~!

. . .

Why did she always get the freaks? Not only did she have to deal with this crazy Colonel and his men, but now there was a giant standing over her. Couldn't she just, deal with normal people for once? Maybe just a random civilian trying to mug her? She would even take a simple con artist trying to fool her. Truly, being this beautiful and powerful meant that freaks from all corners would gravitate to her.

The man himself was truly a giant, and would probably drive fear into any normal person. Lina was rather unaffected by the man's frame, nor the blood on his armor. She has stared gods down, so why would this man be anything compared to that? If anything, she was more interested in what the man said than what he looked like.

Pure of Chaos? That was odd. Chaos was the foundation of Lina's world, as well as the source of many spells. Chaos wasn't inherently evil, nor was inherently good, just a forever moving neutral power. The Lord of Nightmares was a powerful being, yes, and while she did wish for all to come to end, she wasn't a being of evil. Lina knew that first hand.

The Colonel's talk only further added to Lina's confusion. Outlawing magic that warps the mind? The body? What kind of Chaos did these people know? The Chaos these people were used to was much different than the one Lina knows, and they obviously had a hostile outlook towards it. It was for the best that Lina didn't mention anything about Chaos.

Out of the corner of her eye, Lina notices a solider take aim. She gave them a warning, and it seemed like this one screw up would be the cause for all of their deaths. Pity.

" B-"

Oh, it appeared that the Colonel dealt with him. They rest would get to live, for now anyway. Hopefully, no more would have to die, and Lina could escape and be on her merry way. She also hoped that nobody realized she was about to channel a spell. It was time to play it off as if she was going to start something else.

" B-banned magic? Good to know, I'll make sure not to cast any spells like that. I'm sure that is all you guys wanted to tell me. I'll just be on my way now, no need to hold all of you up. How about you guys go show our new friend here around, and I'll just go to another planet or something. No need to worry about me. "

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