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    1. Stitches 10 yrs ago
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"I am no idiot," Mort chastised Ardonne. "Fear keeps you alive."

Ardonne cocked her head slightly, chewing on the inside of her cheek in thought. She got the distinct impression that Mort wasn't too keen on having a conversation but...she had plenty to ask. Her gaze flickered away from him and back to her book. Her brow furrowed. She clenched her jaw and said nothing, and for a while left him to crane this way and that anxiously. Her fingers gently pressed into the smaller prints of her younger self left in the corners of the pages of her field guide. Her mouth formed the syllables of a two hundred page prayer that she knew cover to cover, bound tight, kept safe. For now, she settled into her comforting routine.

"Something's coming," Mort hissed.

Ardonne lacked the keenness of her companions but she felt it before she saw it. A peculiar wrongness that plucked at her nerves, made her alert. She raised her gaze beyond the scruff of a man to scan the horizon, not quite catching the shadow due to her own foolhardiness. She didn't want to come off as jumpy and...in a way, even she couldn't deny the superiority of everyone else gathered around her. When her eyes did adjust to the gloom she calmed somewhat. A goat or, more likely, a deer coming out to nibble the grasses. It had what appeared to be lace lichen across its antlers. Strange though, since that herb didn't grow anywhere near the province. "It's just a deer," Ardonne dismissed it but never took her eyes off it as it approached.

It grinned at her. She grinned back.

A whole cacophony of emotions hit Ardonne at once with such severity that her breath caught and released in a breathy chuckle of incredulity. She was elated to finally meet the murderer of her father, eager to get close, excited to toy with him long enough to be a memorable way to go...but fear overwhelmed her. She had a stubbornly powerful survival instinct and, to her credit, a sliver of common sense that she often chose to ignore unless something triggered her fight or flight response. Several theories ran through her head in tandem, a thundering mass of noise that occupied her consciousness enough to prevent her from running headlong into the beast and getting gored across the grass.

First, Ardonne didn't want to die here. In fact, it had to be somewhere beautiful and far away from the province so they can't recover her body. Second, the beast didn't attack beyond the borders of his domain - at least, she thought he didn't. He must be incredibly bored and lonely in his woods. He probably wants to play with his food. Scaring it back into the valley would be counterintuitive. But then again... maybe he didn't care. Maybe he'd go so far as to attack in the night and drag everyone into the treeline. She just didn't know - it frightened her. It made her grin. This was going to be an exciting way out of a very boring decade of imprisonment!

Ardonne carefully chose to ignore the smaller, more genuine voice - her own, rattling in the back of her head - telling her she was a fool and a hotheaded little brat trying to make a statement that nobody would care about when she passed. She was mesmerized by the beast but didn't make any move for her weapon. All she did was put away her field guide so it would rest comfortably next to her thigh when the beast decided to make a move.
We cannot give you a review without a completed sheet. However, if you're worried about your sheet right now, we recommend you view some of the accepted characters and join the discord. We can answer any questions you have during the application process, but you only get one review before your character is accepted/denied.
Ayyy welcome back! You'll have to tell us when it's complete so we can give you your review.
Hey, any ETA on when the IC is coming? I'm just checking because people are busy with finals and the like.
Spooky. I'm still waiting for a response from @Lugubrious so I'll wait for that then reply.
Just a little post on here to say that we're currently accepting TWO new applicants! It's not first come first serve, so everyone has a chance of getting in.

Solid players, chill posting schedule, and big things planned in the future. Come join in the fun!
I love that everyone's introspection goes "and then there's this asshole" whenever they think of Ardonne. Glad to know I'm doing a good job RPing her like I imagined her to be!
Ardonne gingerly flipped a page, regarding the culinary and medicinal uses of nettles as one of the party was abruptly awoken from his slumber. Initially she just watched Mort. Her eyes were full of questions - out of everyone assembled, it was starting to become apparent that he was the object of her fascination. She was dismissive towards the rest but curious towards Mort. Whatever it was that held her attention would remain unspoken for now; there were more pressing matters at hand.

"What is it," Ardonne hissed as Mort looked to and fro. "Are you frightened?" Even now she spoke with a goading sneer but...it didn't seem intentional. There was a reason, after all, that she had come to be known as a generally unpleasant little shit by the people who knew her. There was no way she was looking for a fight at this time in the morning, surrounded by capable and level headed veterans who'd pummel some sense into her if that's what it'd take. She just seemed to still be ruffled the wrong way by their meeting and a lack of sleep.
Abigail was starting to crash, big time. Now that the initial shock wore off and the twinge of fear from being technically alone had started to quietly worsen, All she could think about was how tired she was and how much she didn't want to be standing around talking to strangers. Unfortunately for her, that's precisely what happened; all eyes turned to the kid in the crowd who looked bewildered at the sudden influx in attention. "What? Oh. Uhh…"

There was something in the way Zephyr said it that made her situation seem almost... comforting. Cool as it was to stand off against giant centipedes, the burning Man imprinted on someone's memory - she didn't catch who - made her realise that not only had she got off lucky, but that everyone really wanted to hear that she did. Exaggerating her trauma or complaining about the way she felt was just going to be another nail in the coffin. These people were adults, they were meant to know what they were doing. Everything was scary and uncertainty seeped down into her pores. The anxiety alone was enough to make Abigail yearn for a brisk jog around the mall to get away from these atrocious vibes. But if she could alleviate it, just a little - give these haggard souls some watery sense of relief…

"I actually started casting magic by accident in front of my folks. Grandma freaked out and I bolted like a jack rabbit 'cause I was so scared." It wasn't truly a lie if she just omitted what she was scared of, right? Abigail chuckled and continued. "Well it turns out this guy had scoped out my place and was waiting for me to turn. Followed me a mile out into the brush, calmed me down... said it was going to be okay if I'd just get in the car with him. Nat'rally, I didn't believe him at all. But y'know, the FOE were coming and he ain't got no badge so I hopped in. Guy was super nice, in fact. He had drinks and snacks and everything. We met up with another fella out by a shed and there was a little scuffle with the cops but nobody got hurt bad and I spent the rest of the journey hiking in the woods, which was chill."

Abigail...amended some parts, omitted many, but when she looked at it that way she was just thankful that the ride had been comparatively smooth. She smiled drowsily at Zephyr. "So yeah, I got off lucky I guess," she added on, stifling a yawn as her legs started to feel leaden. She felt better after talking about it though and seemed a little proud to be included in the grown up talk. After all, nothing was more validating for a teenager than being treated like an adult when it suited them.
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