Avatar of Strawberry425
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Strawberry15
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 468 (0.12 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Strawberry425 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current How do I turn into a peacock? I want to wow the ladies with my flashy colors and long elegant neck.
9 yrs ago
I just saw an ad online. "How older men are increasing their testosterone." What in god's name is in our cookies that prompted THIS ad. Oh boy.
9 yrs ago
I farted while I was underneath a blanket please send help


My Character Sheets | Santa Somabra | Maximum Comics | Verthaven | These roleplays are from roughly 2 years ago.

Hello all! I'm an Advanced RPer. I've been RPing for quite a while now...since I was a kid. I'm expecting a Bachelors in English this coming May (don't ask how; my skill as a creative writer has taken a seemingly irreparable blow after an encounter with major depression) as well as a minor in Psychology. I am an avid animal lover, photographer, and writer. I do a restricted amount of dabbling in drawing and painting.

About two years ago, I stopped using RP guild. It was for a myriad of reasons, but the topmost ones are major depression, the passing of my parrot (pictured as my banner at the top of my bio), and a relationship issue.

I'm back now!

Roleplaying always kept me at the top of my literate game. My vocabulary took a huge blow during my depression, and I'm eager to refine it. I've spent the last two years fixing my life, and I'd love for roleplaying to be an active part of my daily routine again!

Types of literature I'm interested in (in order of interest):
-Adult Fiction
-Science Fiction

My general interests and hobbies:
-Animal Welfare and Rights
-People Welfare and Rights
-Drawing (Amateur)
-Video Games

Most Recent Posts

This OOC moves way too fast to even follow.


Word. You guys are moving extremely wayyy too fast.

Got home late today after some majorly annoying and unexpected delays on train. Post coming tomorrow. I've got to read the IC first, too.

Also @Ruby
Pls consider using this pic of Diana pls

| Identity |

Selina Kyle

| Alias |


| Origin & Backstory |

| Attributes |

Original Fighting Style (Derivative of Martial Arts)
Selina, while not a professional in Martial Arts, is a professional in whatever she has created for herself. A lot of her fighting style owes its origin to her knowledge on Martial Arts. She has refined some of her skill by taking sparse classes, but mostly relies on her self-made style to get by.

Thievery/Cat Burglary
Selina has perfected the art of theft, and, given her reputation, it only makes sense. If you need something stolen, she's your girl. Of course, nothing is for free in Catwoman's world, except for the things she procures for herself. Hiring her means paying some price, large or small. Selina has an unacknowledged moral compass that occasionally leans towards the side of "good," meaning that...favors from her are not unheard of.

Catwoman isn't her only mask. Selina is extremely proficient at disguising herself, utilizing a variety of aesthetic tools to help her pull off appearances that are so totally not Selina Kyle. She's fortunate enough in this skill to be able to appear as a different person for every ball she's ever attended. Not to mention the fact that I.D. forgery helps push along the authenticity of her disguises.

Well, the name says it all. Selina is able to maneuver her body around tight spots when it's called for. It's not a superhuman ability; just a talent she's nursed since childhood.

She's daft with that whip of hers. Catwoman can use the bullwhip for a plethora of purposes; it is the Catwoman equivalent to Batman's grappling hook whilst simultaneously being Selina's weapon of choice. Alice is tinkering with the whip to see if she can create an electrified version of it, but no luck so far, or rather, not enough resources at the present moment.

Diamond Encrusted Claws
An extremely recent addition to her weapons, crafted by Alice from diamonds stolen by Selina. Retractable diamond claws that fit snuggly against Selina's hands, protruding and retracting with the click of a button. Of course, the whole thing isn't diamond. Just the tips of the claws. The rest of the thing is sturdy metal skeleton.

| Character Notes |

| Character Goals |

"Be rich. Money, money, money."

Selina is young. What semblance of a privileged life that she did have was stripped from her when she was ten. The subsequent eleven years were spent in poverty and, frequently, desperation. What would you do, if you realized you could do something?

So, yes, she is young, and she is naive, and she is selfish. The world is ripe for her picking, and as far as she considers it, she doesn't have to share with everyone. As a result, to say she desires to help superheroes in any way is a long shot. She works on a 'me' agenda, where her well-being comes first and foremost, with the only exceptions being Holly and children and other similarly young and deprived women, all of which she has tender spots for.

It could also be said that she feels safe in her present position. Vigilantes can deal with the world's people and the world's problems.

| Post References |

Welcome aboard.


Added 'em, though for convenience sake here they are

Ah I knew I was forgetting something! Well post references are easily added. Do ya'll want 'em before I put Selina in the Char tab, or am I cool to plop her in and add them there instead of here?
Hey, I think I'm done with Selina. I added Holly and took some creative liberties with her, and added Alice (new char in N52) because, as Selina is only really just starting up, it doesn't make sense to say she got her equipment out of the blue, and Alice seemed to conveniently fit that role.

Either way, I tried to push myself to finish it so Icould get on with tbe RP, so there might be some discrepencies. I'm tired rn, but I'll review it when I get home (or in the brief break between classes, if I have time). Though, hopefully, everything looks alright.

And you might be more girly than I am. :p I have a bit of a tomboy in me, but not much. xD

We might actually be about the same. I tend to identify as girly because I prefer...physically presenting? myself that way and I prefer fem girls, but I've had my tomboyish phases. When I had my mohawk was the most I was ever mistaken for gay, because apparently mohawk = gay girl. Buuut, I was still more girly and still ended up getting pegged off as straight for the most part. It's my face. Too soft, small, and feminine
Hehe, fair enough. ^.^ You sound like you might be a girly girl too! I just so happen to be a gamer girl on top of that. :p

Yep, girly as fuck Think short, racially ambiguous, less model like Catwoman. As for games...I dunno about being a gamer girl, but I do love me my Skyrim.
..... lol!! The video I showed was Diablo 3 - it's just a game. Nothing to do with sports in the least. I don't even do Wii Sports. :p

I dunnooo, Diablo still requires more skill than Wii Sports I think that qualifies it as more of a sport than Wii Sports

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