Avatar of Styrgwyr
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    1. Styrgwyr 9 yrs ago


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Enchanted Light Plate Armor set (Only covers the vital areas): A light-plated armor made of magically hardened materials designed for nimble movement.

Okay so she only has a Mithril Longsword now. (Daggers reverted back to basic steel)
Should I put it up in the char section now?
Well, her spells beyond Telekinesis and Chilly Breeze are just reserved moves for those Just in-case situations where it is really needed. It's not something she often uses because her Mana reserves aren't that great.

As for the Equipment, I just wanted it to be made in a material one cut above over steel. Any suggestions?

Hmm, alright, wind it is.


Chilly Breeze: Creates a comforting cold breeze
Wind Blast: Funnels the wind into a concentrated, one-directional shockwave that can blow even grown men away.
Air Bubble: Can be conjured on allies to allow them to breathe underwater, and on enemies to silence them by creating a membrane of vacuum around a certain area to prevent sound from travelling afar... for those covert missions that need some measure of discretion.
Razor Wind: Fires a small barrage if wind blades that can slice up a man apart with apparent ease. (Long Casting Time, And Heavy Mana Depletion)

How about these?
And I assume the rest of the sheet is good?
Just give me the OK and I'll post it in the Character Section.
@Raineh Daze
Really? lol XD
You'd think it'd be okay if I remove the Icy spear and Freezing Fields?

(I honestly would just like her to be able to create Cold Breezes... unless that's also the current Ice Specialists shtick)
Already got an ice mage, too. Err... fire? Rocks? Wind? xD

Why can't we have two of one element again? DX
It's not like she'll be a dedicated Ice Mage.
Silfern Valenthorn





Silfern stands at 5'5 feet, sporting shoulder-length black raven hair and pinkish purple eyes. A small head adorned by childish features sits atop her petite frame.

Silfern is easy-going almost to a fault. She has a gentle nature and kind to most people she meets outside the battlefield. But when she gets to work, she does it diligently. In battle, she prioritizes the lives of her fellow knights over the mission (if said mission does not hold the lives of innocents in jeopardy). Few things can break her aura of serene calmness but on the very rare occasion something does...

Brief Backstory:
Silfern's family is an odd little bunch. Her father, a Count, wanted a son so badly he began to raise Silfern as a boy when they couldn't get another child. Silfern's mother was naturally against this and did her best to put a stop to her husband's shenanigans while trying to teach her daughter proper manners befitting of a proper lady. But Count Valenthorn was a persistent man, even if he couldn't directly go against his beloved lady's wishes, he would secretly train his "son" in the ways of a gentleman, grooming "him" to become an honorable Knight of Chivalry that would follow in his footsteps.

In the end, Silfern became her own person, retaining some of values from both the paths her parents tried to force in her. She had both the grace of a lady and the chivalry spirit of a gentleman. She kept flower arranging as a hobby as she went on and became a Chivalric Knight as his father wished... just not in the same Order he was in, much to his dismay.


Enchanted Light Plate Armor set (Only covers the vital areas): A light-plated armor made of magically hardened materials designed for nimble movement.

Siege Crossbow: A powerful heavy crossbow with a crank-operated reloader. Silfern only uses this in Sieges or in times she thinks she might need it.

Mithril Longsword: A sturdy light-weight blade, forged especially for Silfern's use.

Daggers: Multi-purpose weapons for combat, survival and other miscellaneous things

Plate armor set, Heater shield and Steel Lance: When fighting in an open battlefield, Silfern can fight as a heavily armored mounted Knight, although not as well as on foot.


Despite being a woman of honor and chivalry, when it comes to combat, Silfern fights to win through any means necessary. Her main fighting style is made unique and extremely unpredictable when supplemented with her telekinesis. Whereas she uses it to deflect, parry, swing and strike with her sword in ways nobody would expect.

Horse Riding:
Silfern’s equestrian skills are above average at best, that doesn’t mean she can’t get creative though.

An unpopular novice spell made deadly in the hands of Silfern. elekinesis is a spell that lets the user “move” things around with their will. Although even at full power, It's still barely powerful enough to lift Silfern's sword.

Wind Spells

Chilly Breeze: Creates a comforting cold breeze
Wind Blast: Funnels the wind into a concentrated, one-directional shockwave that can blow even grown men away.
Air Bubble: Can be conjured on allies to allow them to breathe underwater, and on enemies to silence them by creating a membrane of vacuum around a certain area to prevent sound from travelling afar... for those covert missions that need some measure of discretion.
Razor Wind: Fires a small barrage if wind blades that can slice up a man apart with apparent ease. (Long Casting Time, And Heavy Mana Depletion)

Has a natural affinity to cats, especially kittens.
Is fond of Dwarves in general.

Okay, I wasn't sure if the last one was accepted but like I said, I wasn't thinking straight when I was constructed that sheet. But regardless of that, I want to apply with this char sheet now.
Honestly, there were about several other backstories I'd thought of for this character.

One had her parents be executed in court for some kind of crime, turning her into an orphan and a street urchin at the age of five. She'd spent the rest of her childhood begging and stealing in the streets before getting captured by slavers just before puberty. In this slavery ring, she'd be put through terrifying, traumatic experiences that would be left to your vague imaginations. Then later, a detachment of Iron Rose Knights would come in and break this slavery ring. Seeing this, Silfern decides to join the Knight Order with the vague goal of eradicating slavery. (But with this, I can't think of a way for her to learn magic)

Another one had her be spoiled rotten for five years, before her madman of a father suddenly decides to kick her out of the house. Simultaneously teaching her the importance of money, influence and power. Then I realized this kind of background doesn't fit this story.

Perhaps describing her as an inborn Psychopath who's good at hiding her mental illness would fit more?

forget my first sheet, I wasn't thinking straight when I made it @_@.
I'll write up something better later.
sorry about that m(_ _)m
Silfern Valenthorn





A petite and lithe girl boasting the height of 5'3 feet, Sporting raven black hair and purple pink-ish eyes. Combined with her childishly adorable features, Silfern is often described as "cute".

Silfern, on first impression, is a very easy-going, free-spirited girl with a penchant for mischief, who spends most of her time looking for various ways to amuse herself. To an extent, she can be seen as a soothing character that projected an aura of peace that infected everyone around her. Underneath this façade is an extremely ruthless individual who possessed no morals, capable of the most cruel and vilest acts imaginable. Silfern is a bonafide sociopath. She is unable to feel any emotion besides anger and amusement, albeit tamed even then.

Brief Backstory:

As the third daughter of a now impoverished noble family, Silfern was never expected to amount to much. But when she began to show talent for magic, her father was quick to hire the best magic tutor his meagre funds could afford. To his dismay however, he quickly realized that he had acted too rashly. While Silfern did indeed manage to master a few novice spells and one particular advanced elemental spell, she was unable to progress any further than that.

Seeing her father’s disappointment and growing depression, the young Silfern thought of a way to make her father happy. Inspired by the tale of knights and legendary adventurers from the novels she had read, the little noble girl pestered some of the household guards to teach her swordsmanship, an art she had much more affinity with than magecraft. Though her father was a little skeptical this time around, he still opted to hire a sword instructor for good measure, albeit one of less quality this time, to help with her training.

To his pleasant surprise, his second investment on his daughter was a resounding success. Silfern began to excel in a rapid pace, quickly surpassing her instructors, growing even more adept by the day. And at the age of fifteen, she managed to join the prestigious ranks of the Order of the Iron Rose Knights, bringing in the much needed funds that pulled the Valenthorn family back to its feet.


Mithril Longsword:
After bringing back her family back to its former glory, Silfern’s father graciously gifted her this sword. This sturdy, un-rusting blade, is Silfern’s current main weapon of choice.

Silfern always keeps a couple of daggers on her person for both survival and combative purposes.

Heater Shield & Lance:
Although she prefers to fight on foot, any proper knight is expected to be capable of fighting with lances on mounts as a heavy charger unit.

A very useful weapon during sieges. Silfern only brings this weapon on such occasions or when she thinks she might actually need it.


Silfern uses a very unorthodox way of fighting. On top of mixing the different styles she’d been thought by her instructors, she uses her telekinesis to supplement her swordsmanship, making her extremely unpredictable and effective in a melee fight. (Excellent with parries and counter-attacks)

An unpopular novice spell made deadly in the hands of Silfern. Telekinesis is a spell that lets the user “move” things around with their will. Although even with it being perfected, this spell is barely powerful enough to lift Silfern’s sword. Despite this, Telekinesis remains as Silfern’s favourite spell.

The only offensive spell in Silfern’s magical arsenal. This spell can be conjured in three power settings. Weak (Enough to inflict a grown man with a short, stinging shock)
Moderate (Enough to inflict damage to normal humans)
Strong (Half as strong as normal lightning)
Severe (As strong as lightning)

Silfern’s equestrian skills are above average at best, that doesn’t mean she can’t get creative though.

An average shot with a crossbow.

Unlike most knights, Silfern is an agile fighter. Opting to use her acrobatics and dexterity(sleight of hand) to land deadly pinpoint strikes on her enemies.

Has a natural affinity to cats, especially kittens.
Is fond of Dwarves in general.


PS: Might need to tweak this more if I find something needing to be changed after I read the IC.
@Styrgwyr: Yes, you absolutely can join.

Just make a knight who's been part of the order for at least a year, we have so many new knights. ^^;

I'll be reading the IC posts to catch up~ But I already have a character idea~
Um, I know it looks like this thing's been going on for a while, but can I still apply for this RP?
I really regret not seeing this 6 months ago
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