Avatar of Taeryn
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    1. Taeryn 8 yrs ago
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I'm just a guy from the good old United Kingdom with a penchant for sci fi and general fantasy in a nation based roleplaying scope.

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The Apps? I don't expect much more than a paragraph or two, but it helps to know if people are paying attention to things.

My own sheet has had plenty of time to percolate and shouldn't be what people aim for instantly.
If you express an interest there's no reason why I wouldn't hold something for a few days at least.

Legacies of the Exodus

The future is not everything it could of been. From the memory of what was once in the shadow of Earth's rings to the fields and factories of the Leningrad System, mankind has been marked - and so in turn has made its own. The Orion Arm became a sanctuary and in time, home. Thus did its worlds became the new seat of human culture, innovation, ideology, faith and greed.

War may never change, but politics, politics is as fickle as the men and women who pursue it as their path to power, and everyone must pick a side in action or word. This is the future, and it is not everything it should have been, such is the legacy of our exodus.

2291 Dawns.

The Details


Application Format:
[b]Nation Name:[/b]
[b]Government Type:[/b]
[b]Government Description:[/b]
[b]National Leader(s):[/b]
[b]Nation Capital:[/b]
[b]Estimated Population:[/b]
[b]Brief Nation History:[/b]

[b]Cultural Information:[/b]
[b]Society Information:[/b]
[b]Notable Locations:[/b]

[b][u]Military Information:[/u][/b]
[b]Military Doctrine:[/b]
[b]Military Strengths:[/b]
[b]Military Weaknesses:[/b]
[b]Foreign Policy:[/b]

[b][u]Additional Information/Queries:[/u][/b]

Note: There is no need to go into exquisite detail for your application - that can come with time, RP, in character development and discussion, just hit the basic points and all will be well.


If anything confuses you or you wish to know more, please PM me or use the thread and I'll be happy to help you. While this is a mix of realism and space opera, there will be no real gamification metrics and I will be extending a measure of common sense to individuals to keep it orderly and not have fleets of thousands of ships, don't make me regret it ;).
I'm going to flip this into the actual roleplay section within the next 24 hours or so where it can encourage a few more people to take a look at it.

EDIT: It is so.
So there's no noticeable patterns in node generation? (Like correlations of node amount to the mass of a star or such)

Not that human science can currently explain, which isn't unthinkable given its a technology they didn't even come up with personally.

@Taeryn Sure, I can be Athena. Is it all right if I tweak the nations, and perhaps the population (probably keeping the population of the whole Athena system below 5bn at maximum)? I thought I might put together a world based around city-states that are extremely autonomous, ancient philosophies being the driving force behind the disparate government systems and a love of a simpler lifestyle combined with a few technological conveniences as the primary way of life. That would require many more, though smaller, nations.

Tweak all you like - I'm not demanding you be Athena, you're free to be more than a singular star system, I was just pointing to it as an example.

No-one really knows - the wildest theory is that nodes are artificial and as such beyond current means of understanding, while others say its just a very specific natural manifestation of the weakening between subspace and realspace - the latter has its own doomsday proponents that eventually subspace will subsume realspace or cause some other catastrophe, but I'm getting into crazy fictional arguments about fictional lore here and I need to stop myself.

Pretty much every colonized system will have one "path out" - or in, depending on your viewpoint. Two is the norm and Three are relatively regular, the real hub systems occur when four or rarely, five are present, Sol has four for example and still has a fair portion of through traffic. I have my own personal, terrible paint maps of the Soviet Systems and the node lines and spurs they would go into, but its very condensed how I imagine basic in universe maps would be presented for simplicity's sake - like the variation on Earth projections to fit maps - and again its in paint and isn't super useful for anyone but me.

It's still possible to go to stars unlinked by a node line by using a variation on in-system skimming, but that comes down to time and economics which is why its not super common, but not unheard of.

I'll likely pop this post in verbatim somewhere if needs be. Its effectively a system to create strategic and tactical depth in space where typically it can be lacking - theres still some "could come from anywhere" like I say but skimming a fleet poses its own risks and challenges.
I wouldn't want to rush to moving this into roleplays in full, as there are discussions that will happen irrespective of where the thread is - but is there any suggestions people would like to make, such as information they would like to see clarified or removed?
Greeks proper were part of the EU in the Exodus, but you can make them, or a part of them, break off if you desire so. Feel free to look at the independent system "Athena" in the third post's notable independent colonies and see if you want to take that concept and make it more than it is.

We might end up with a sea of minors and middle powers in between a handful of npc's and big ones at this rate XD.
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