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    1. Tangletail 9 yrs ago


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@CollectorOfMyst just noticed this. But doesn't Cassandra also have +3 temporary points? Or did the fall from the horse rough her up?
I might not have killed the Kobold... but I am sure I fuckered him up at least....... Kicks the internet dice
Vaal's Turn | Init: 18

HP 7/7 + 3 | Status: In Cover

From behind the safety of cover, Vaal had time to contemplate his life choices and muster up what little wisdom he could have of this. Was this what it was like to be a body guard? Have charges who actively sought danger? Or maybe it was simply to make the body guards earn their pay. He certainly recalled hearing stories by various adventurers while he caroused (it wasn't moping) about in taverns. About how people felt invincible when there was a man or two with a sword by their side.

Yes, that was very likely. The Kobold did not know that backup would be arriving so soon. But there was no way Cassandra could have known either. Which meant... she was the variety of heroics or suicidal stupidity. The sort who says to hell with longevity it seems. It wasn't something the Kobold detested. He found it admirable... but foolish.

The Kobold CRINGED as he witness his charge take a rock to the throat. He could already feel his eyes being lowered for allowing such harm to come under his contract. Maybe he should try being more firm with her in the future?

Though his position did also give him additional insight. It was strange, but he hardly knew a Kobold for a liar. Cunning, clever, hostile, and occasionally dumb. But rarely a liar. Even to others. It was nice to have confirmation about their plans however. As Vaal watched the cluster of humans lope their way up to him. He could see the validation.

The children looked mostly unharmed. But the adult male? Nearly dead and barely hanging on to life. So was his honorable wife, a dagger to the gut tends to do that.

But why did a blue dragon want human children of all things? They hardly made good and loyal servants, like Kobolds. A ransom... that might have been worth something - except the Kobolds had apparently burned a good deal of the City... and WEREN'T looting. And... any blue worth their weight in salt wouldn't squander their claws in a siege. It was more skillful and prestigious to simply control the merchants or politics.

Maybe the blue dragon just enjoyed collecting children. It was ridiculous to think of it like this, but maybe it just wanted children to raise. Blues did raise families, unlike the other heathenish colors. That wouldn't be too odd, the kobold supposed. Maybe the blue was down on his luck in relationships. It may be a tad offensive to its servants... but they would manage. No, that was silly. It's heartbreaking to see creatures you held so fondly die, no sensible blue would put themselves in that sort of torment.

Finally the little caster turned his full attention back to the brawl. His gaze slid over the kobolds whom favored their slings. To the ones in the melee. And finally settled on the one fleeing. He contemplated that one. Others may find it cowardly. That was foolish thinking.

Vaal found it smart. That kobold would live. He could carry information. Information was what won skirmishes and wars. Information about him... a turncoat who was never on their side. Information about the children who had escaped. Where they were last seen. And possibly collapsing an entire force on their heads. It was very tempting to silence that one permanently.

His gaze turned towards the Kobolds in the melee. The ones who are fighting, and killing held priority. With a deep breath, Vaal stepped out of cover for a moment. He raised the hand with the sleeve that wasn't covering his claw. He began an incantation in draconic. Frost formed at the tips of his claws and crawled up his arm. It was a down right rough shot to take, but the little kobold took it anyways. And managed it.

He fired a ray of frost, barely managing to weasel it by Linan to strike the Kobold who was targeting her and caught it at the chest. Vaal clicked his tongue when he saw the damage before he slink back into cover.

Ill have a post up tonight
@Tangletail Children and a man with a wounded leg are not going to go very far. Linan is just as quick as you.

Just making a joke.
For a family named swift, Im surprised they aren't all that swift.
@The Harbinger of Ferocity Welcome!

I get home from my trip to ren faire in some hours. I will post then. Of course, Collector can do it for me as well, as I believe we collaborated on that element
@Tangletail Hey, I don't control where pinterest takes me. Kobolds aren't normally what I find, and even then it's very hard to find good ones.

Oh I know!
Oh look, it's Vaal

Vaal is more fabulous than that! But it works.
@Tangletail You can assume at this moment that everyone can ride the horse well enough. It's a riding horse - it has been trained for stuff like this.

Not poor Vaal!
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