Avatar of TaroAndSelia
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 486 (0.13 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. TaroAndSelia 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current As Spring grows, so too does the itch to dream, to imagine, and to create.
7 yrs ago
It's Christmas time! Put up the lights, and hold up your light! #LightTheWorld
7 yrs ago
And it's impossible to edit a status. Wonderful. I meant to say my hard drive is down; I'm working out of a flash drive now.
7 yrs ago
Whoops. That's one flash drive destroyed. Kids, take good care of your toys! For those concerned, thank you! I don't have any storage, but I do have access to a browser; roleplaying continues!
7 yrs ago
Driving on my lunch break when a random kid on the sidewalk yells, "It's the internet man! Hi internet man!" Spend the rest of Monday feeling like a champ.


*Picks up the profile*
*Looks at it oddly, as though it vaguely reminds him of something he read once*
*Blows off a mountain of dust*

Ah! That's what this is! It's my old role-player guild account!

Hello, folks, from a friend new and old. Old in that I spent many happy hours fictating way back in Old-Guild before Lost Christmas, and then I spent some time in New-Guild during its beginning development; new in that I've been gone for two years, so a lot of the "faces" I was familiar with back then don't seem to be haunting the place these days. Whether you've known me before or not, I extend to you a hearty greeting and a virtual feast. If you'd like a name shorter than the full one, please call me Taro. I'm rather comfortable with that one.

Well, you didn't come here just to hear about my history. You're probably looking to see what kind of a role-player I am. Truthfully, I'm not totally certain right now; two years without practice does bring on a multitude of changes. Then again, even in those two years I've kept the creative spark fed and fanned, in isolation though it may have been, and I can tell you this much with great certainty:
I like light-hearted laughter, soul-searching questions, and that precipice of commitment.
My favorite settings would be:
High Fantasy
Modern Fantasy
Science Fiction (new worlds, a newer Earth, even just in the immensity of space)
I consider it a given that, where boys and girls coexist in a story, Romance will blossom.
Horror I have a very weak stomach for. (I read the basic instructions for Betrayal at House on the Hill and had to consciously tell myself that night that everything was fine and I would sleep safely. I didn't even play a game; I only read the instructions!)
I stay away from graphic violence, sexual depictions of any nature, and profanities. I'm very much a PG-rated writer; I plan on sharing everything I write as bedtime stories with my kids someday.

I play a convincing dude (I'm sure you never would have guessed that), but a vast majority of my favorite characters are female. So if you have romance in mind, I'm happy to play either party. If you don't want a romance, you will probably have to tell me that plainly. Then I'll just go with what feels right for the story, subject to a few personal whims which I hope will only bolster the plot and development.

I'm very picky as far as my own ideas go. I'll try just about everything I can think of to break the idea in order to insure there are no gaping plot holes. I invite everyone else to examine my ideas in a similar light--different people, different thought processes, different problems discovered--and to offer any compliments or constructive criticisms you have. As part of that, I absolutely love pushing the boundary of an idea as far as it will stretch, or looking for that odd, "I never thought of using it like that" approach to a character's abilities.

What else would I say with this space? I really like old poetry; reading Isaiah gives me the happy trembles. I hope I've presented a fair assessment of my writing style and capabilities through this brief introduction. I love creating--creating characters and bringing them to life from the page; creating worlds filled with fascinating lore and beautiful locales; creating stories, be they narrations of ordinary men and women facing their trials or epics of fated heroes overcoming every obstacle to save Dwarf-kind.

And, in closing, I'm excited for the chance to work with you. I should be able to post daily. PM me anytime, especially if you have a question about anything I've said here or elsewhere, but even if you only want to chat. You could even ask me about my mysterious two-year absence. I'll tell you now that I was in California, but that doesn't really answer the question. I'm happy to talk anytime.

Sweet water and light laughter until next we meet!

Most Recent Posts

@Conscripts! Dude! Good to see you. (given a certain value of 'see') Dear Gamer was, what, nine months ago? How've you been since?
Koph leaned on her spear, waiting calmly but impatient on the inside. She was happy to see Mily; but she was even happier with the speed her advisor employed in setting Voltaire up for beginning his life as an adventurer. Mily always moved faster than the Song while at work. When they were finally ready, though, the advisor had to advise. It wasn't something Koph particularly liked to hear. "Mmm," was her simple response. "We're familia."

Koph lifted her spear and spun about, not even waiting for Voltaire to finish pulling on his new chest-piece.

Though the morning was young, the flow outside was already moving toward the Dungeon. Amid the errands being run, the shops being opened and visited, the many daily chores that kept a city running, there was undeniably a current pulling people toward the Dungeon. It was as though the Dungeon, too, was just waking, sucking in a deep breath that pulled all the adventurers into it. Koph's feet carried her into the current, her body melting into the flow, her heart longing to be swallowed by the Dungeon.

It was only with effort she stayed aware enough to make sure Voltaire was still with her, that she hadn't drifted too far ahead. It wasn't until they were standing in the grand plaza before the tower than another thought crossed her mind. She spun around to ask her new partner. "Volter-kun, is a dagger enough?"
"Vol-tear. Vol-tear," Koph repeated under her breath as she quickly wiped down the table; then she wiped off the chairs and flipped them up onto the table, freeing up a little more space to move. Voltaire had finished the dishes just as swiftly. Koph rushed to the back room to push her nest into the corner (where Solome wouldn't run into it if he needed to come grab something) and collect her spear. It was a good weapon, one her mother had given to her when she departed the tribe. The entire length was made of steal, from the five-foot shaft to the eighteen inches of sharp blade. Standing next to her, it was close to a foot taller than Koph; the reach it gave her was wondrous for the dance.

With spear in hand, Koph was ready to head out the door. Amaterasu called to stop her before they could leave. "Remember Koph-chan, Voltaire-kun. I want you to do your best, to push yourselves and grow strong. But more than that, I want you to be safe and come home. Watch out for each other."

"Yes, Amaterasu-sama. We'll be back soon." Koph leaned her spear against the wall, then stepped into the waiting embrace of her goddess. She wrapped her arms around Amaterasu, returning the hug for a long, comfortable moment. She felt warm. The song was still, preserving a warm chord that resonated with the emotion she felt. The goddess truly was her melody.
"Voltaire-kun, good morning. It sounds like you rested well," Solome greeted as he entered the kitchen himself.

Koph didn't stop to acknowledge his entrance. She was eager to explain everything to her new kouhai--that and to eat. "Evenings, everyone is busy; so we have breakfast together. Before we delve and Amaterasu-sama heads to her kitchen."

"Now, Koph-chan, slow down with your explanations," Solome chided as he took his own seat. "Voltaire-kun, when you find yourself with questions, you can come to me and ask. As for what Koph is saying, Amaterasu-sama has always ensured the familia has a meal together every day. In the past, it was dinners; but with how everyone's schedules are, we've found breakfast is the best time now."

"Eat fast so we can go sooner," Koph added, her hands already gripping the edges of her wooden plate.

"But not until you've cleaned the kitchen," their goddess chimed in, giving the amazoness a very meaningful smile.

Koph nodded. Twice. Then rolled her shoulders. "Voltar-kun, dishes or table?"
Koph wasn't bothered in the slightest being told squid weren't a part of it; ideally that just meant squid grew well and would make good eating. Her fingers drummed twice across the inside of Voltaire's arm--she really couldn't stop it, even though she didn't want to disrespect their meeting--running in a line from pointer finger to ring finger, then back. "You're familia now, yes? Partners. We'll be exploring the Dungeon together. Fighting monsters, collecting crystals, gathering herbs if we're fast enough. Oh, and we make sure the other doesn't die. That would be bad, you dying," she finished, releasing his arm and pulling both hands behind her head. She laced her fingers together to make them behave; but her hips simply took over the task of counting the beat, swishing this way and that with small, rhythmic motions.

"So. Welcome to Amaterasu Familia, Voltair Belmot! Amaterasu-sama is ready to feed you when you're ready to eat. Come on, come on!" Koph was eager to lead the way out of the bedroom, though the front, and into the kitchen. A fifth chair had already been added around the table, already disproportionately large for the room, leaving just enough space to squirm around it and settle into a seat.
"No, I don't mind," she replied with a smile. She rocked back onto her heels and stood. One hand went to her waist, resting there and letting her fingers quietly tap. Her other hand, her dominant left hand, she extended in a formal greeting, thumb and pinky splayed and ready to grasp his forearm. "Koph. Like loaf, but not as edible. Child of Amaterasu-sama's familia, and now your partner."

What was that phrase Solome had used? "Squid poor grow. Who're you?"
The morning sun flowed through the open window and struck the floor around Koph. With a soft hum her eyes flickered open, and with a smile she rose from her sheets to begin the day. Standing in the midst of her nest of blankets, Koph stretched languidly, letting the muscles of her arms and legs wake slowly. Then she intensified the motion, extending her entire body straight up as far up as she could, her lithe figure framed by the early sunlight.

Finally deciding her body was ready, Koph lowered her arms and searched around for her skirts. She found them tangled up in the nest, having been hastily discarded as she went to sleep the night before. The girl pulled them on and smiled, her head already beginning to nod rhythmically.

“Good Morning, Amaterasu-sama!” she called as she entered the small space they called the kitchen. As she expected, her goddess was already there preparing the morning meal. It wasn’t what the tribe cooked; but whatever Amaterasu-sama made was delicious.
“Good morning, Koph-chan. Were you in the Dungeon last night?”
“Eh-heh. I thought I’d leave you two alone for, you know, bestowing your blessing. A few more Valis never hurt, either. Anyway! Where’s he at? We should have a meal together and celebrate!”
“He’s still in bed, I believe. His body was in desperate need of rest; I’m just glad he can finally find it.”
“Where did he sleep?”
“Solome-san gave up his bed for the night. We’ll make more permanent accomodations today.”
“Then I better go say hi!” With that, Koph slipped out of the kitchen. Amaterasu simply smiled after her.

Solome was sitting on the couch, awake and watching silently. Koph had learned: even if his eyes weren’t showing him images, he still knew everything that was happening in their home. As if proving her point, he called out as Koph tiptoed past. “Off to pester the child already?”
“Just giving him a friendly greeting!” she retorted with a happy smile.
“See that your greeting isn’t too… intimate, girl.”
The Amazoness ducked into the bedroom, not giving any indication of having heard him. Solome let out a sigh, but a smile was on his face.

Koph approached the bed her face twisted with curiosity. She hadn’t stopped to look at him all that closely last night. Now that she did… He was really young. Barely a man of responsibilities, still far from a sire. His body wasn’t that young, though. Crouching to look at his bare arms, it was obvious to Koph that he worked hard. Everything was toned. Without a thought she reached down and grabbed his arm. Her fingers traced up the muscles to his shoulder, disappearing beneath the covers. Her hand slid down his pectoral, feeling the strength contained within, and down to the potential stone slab that was his abs. Asleep, at rest, it was soft; but even here she could feel the outline of muscles that only come from dedication.

The Amazoness withdrew her hand and slid further up the bedside. She leaned in to investigate his face closely, all her weight on the balls of her feet. From this close she could see the fuzz on his upper lip that signalled he would in time have facial hair. His chin was still barren though. The hair atop his head was a mess, mussed from days (or perhaps a life) of exertion and one very long snooze. His eyes were closed, and like that he looked incredibly peaceful. She could feel the hum around them, the serenity of the Song wrapping a child in the comfort of slumber. She stayed there, silent, basking in that warmth as the moments ticked past.
𝒩𝒶𝓂𝑒: 𝒦𝑜𝓅𝒽

𝒜𝑔𝑒: 19

𝑅𝒶𝒸𝑒: 𝒜𝓂𝒶𝓏𝑜𝓃



I guess it starts with birth and hometown, right? Not Orario. No, I’m from a small tribe that still wanders through the year, wintering here and summering there. We deal with the above-ground monsters from time to time, so everyone has some knowledge of a weapon. I quite like the spear; I can use it as a staff. And Mother taught me what dancing is from very small.

I, uh, stuck out. Often. I move with the Song, and they didn’t understand that. I love my family (and the entire tribe is my family, understand), but I left as soon as I was old enough by Mother’s standard. And that meant nineteen, the age of a woman. And I came all the way to Orario, the city of adventurers I had long heard legends about. Including all the recent exploits of Captain Titus, head of Agni Familia. I still want to meet him so bad! All the tales of him slaying dragons, and charming sirens with his voice, and rescuing a band of Level 2 adventurers from sure doom after losing his breastplate in a one-on-one duel with a Floor Boss...

Ahem. Agni Familia isn’t the only familia I’d heard of. Indra Familia is the largest familia in the city, so of course I knew of them. They’re tied so closely to the Guild that the two are at times indistinguishable. But Agni Familia is arguably the most famous. They are the adventurers who opened the fortieth floor, and now have mapped all the way to the fifty-second. Any who come to the city hoping to become adventurers know the name of Agni--but few are accepted into their ranks.

I knew I didn’t have the potential to join Agni. A young Amazon from a small tribe, odd even by their standards, who had been taught only the basics of wielding a spear--I didn’t dare ask. I thought about Indra, but… How do I say it? Something was drawing me another way. Indra was discordant; when I approached a member, he was surrounded by such a cacophony I could never hear a reply. Amaterasu, though, was melodious. The moment she approached me, Solome at her side, and asked if I would be a part of her familia was a moment of perfect harmony. I could feel tears gathering at the corners of my eyes as I accepted her offer and a warm embrace.

It must have been, oh, the next morning before I learned just how small Amaterasu Familia was. And it was about a week before I understood what it meant to live in a small familia like ours. Amaterasu-sama had little to give us, though she offered everything she had. Sending me into the Dungeon was a matter of necessity; it was my work to earn our living.

Well, not that it isn’t enjoyable. The music is so beautiful inside the Dungeon. The caves of the Upper Floors resonate with the Song. Even the monsters that appear harmonize, singing counter-melody to my spear as we dance to the rhythm of the caverns.

I was relieved to finally have a friend to help me, though. Solome came home carrying Voltaire on one of those rare days I wasn’t inside the Dungeon. He was totally unconscious, oblivious to the world. The Song was doing something strange around him, too. I don’t know what to call it; it was like the music came into him, then out of him, then back into him; while he was asleep it was nice--echoey, and lots of energy--but as soon as he woke up it went kinda screechy. Amaterasu-sama helped the music settle again, but, uh… I spent the rest of my day in the Dungeon while he was receiving his blessing. The dance helps me calm down.

Things were wrapping up and Alisea certainly felt ready to sleep, but a remarkable visitor entered the inn. A player with a red tag walked through the room to order food (a fairly plain meal), and ripples moved out from her. Alisea could swear the temperature dropped a few degrees as people stared: some with fear, some with anger or disgust, some just in pure shock. If the red tag wasn’t already enough, the skull mask covering her face left no doubt in observers' minds that this person was a psychopathic murderer.

And yet…

Alisea felt the tips of her fingers tingle. The girl was certainly a mage. She was conscious of the stares on her as she ordered, as she ate; but she kept a wall around her that prevented anything from outside molesting her. The way Paralyze acted had been different; his eyes were seeing something that wasn’t there, always jumping somewhere else. This girl was sane, but… red, and flaunting it. That begged so many questions Alisea found any trace of exhaustion dispelled by fascination.

Evidently she wasn’t the only one. Another woman, one Alisea could remember seeing on previous nights, slid into the seat opposite the ominous newcomer. They started a private conversation, and Alisea needed to be a part of it. Opportunity arose when Hans came by, but… River.

Alisea could have choked the brat when she heard what he said. No tact, no empathy, no thought of any kind; he just vilified her in his mind and dared her to tell him he was wrong. Alisea came up beside him, planted one hand on his head, and pushed it down. She couldn’t move him into a full bow, but she could break their eye contact and hide his face. “I apologize for my companion, miss,” Alisea said, bowing her head slightly as well.

Before River could object, she leaned in close and whispered into his ear. “Not every mage could get away,” she breathed, “and girls have it worse,” she ended in a hiss. With that, she released his head and firmly nudged him back toward the rest of the guild.

River glared daggers into Alisea’s eyes but behind his anger there was a whirl of confusion. His lip quivered like a child that had been scolded, it was very apparent he didn't like confrontation and that he wasn’t yet accustomed to it all. River managed to stiffen his lip for a singular sentence “If anyone else gets hurt...that's … that's on your hands.” River’s hands trembled as he spoke, his voice shaky but the tone was all still there. As Alisea attempted to nudge him back towards the guild River shoved his shoulder away from her and made towards the inn’s door. " I'll be outside gathering more monster data and practicing my skills in combat. If anyone needs me, don’t.” As far as anyone could tell this was as cold and distant as River has been since his first encounter with the players that attempted to force his arm.

Alisea watched him go, briefly. That hadn’t really fixed the situation, but at least a brawl was no longer imminent. Turning to address Uchaka, Alisea put on a smile. “I know this is, well, not much, but please take this as way of apology.” The magess opened her inventory and withdrew the glazed bun she had left over from the afternoon, depositing it on the table in front of Uchaka. While her menu was open, she extended a friend invitation to Uchaka as well. “I hope next time we can meet in more enjoyable circumstances.”

She gave one final, small bow to Uchaka, offered another to Ms. Tress seated opposite, and turned to go. A few moments later, she finished typing a private message and sent it to Uchaka as a follow-up.
You can reach me by PM anytime. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Uchaka."
@Pascal I'm hoping Freya has made enough noise to draw Adrian(na)'s attention. Do you think this is a good point for her to step in (er, step out? Hmm...), or should Ethan respond first?
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