Avatar of Tarquin
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    1. Tarquin 10 yrs ago


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Considering how many people have flooded this RP, it might be worth opening up the Arrancars.
I'll go with squad five if that's still open and I didn't miss a reserve for that...

Two, technically. Mine was first.

@KurisaIf the separate branch cannot be done than I choose Squad 5

Yo, I already called that one, just a few posts up. Squad 13's still empty if you don't mind.
I would like to reserve squad 5's captain if it isn't taken.
I'll join in too.
Q: Would people like to be able to create unique histories and their own lore (royal families, factions, races) at some point in the RP?
A: I'll parrot what everyone else has said; families are fine, but new factions and races seem like they'll complicate the existing dynamic.

Q: Would people like to have the chance to lead their own Arcs later in the RP?
A: Nah. I just can't see it working out well. Chances are they would just end up centering around the person's own characters.

Q: As Bleach is a verse centered around conflict between factions and inviduals, it stands to reason that an RP based on it will also be as such. The question is, what races do people prefer to be playable? Shinigami, Arrancar, Quincy, Spiritually Aware Humans, etc etc.
A: Shinigami. Just Shinigami, at least for now.

Q: Would people prefer the story's villain faction to be playable, or ought they be controlled by the GMs entirely--or is a middle ground best?
A: Just the GM. Again, I suspect player villains will just try to steal the show from everyone else.

Q: Should there be a limit to how many characters a player can make?
A: I agree with Raineh Daze; any positions of power should be one per customer.

This is why I prefer giving individual quests on top of solving the case. "You don't achieve that? You still lose. Oh, btw, one of the player's goal is to destroy yours, so watch what crap you say."

Well it's not a bad idea, but I don't think it really solves the problem. If you were to present such a situation to a metagamer of the same kind I'm thinking of, would they not simply cheat at both the case and the individual quest? Like, "My character suddenly finds a note that reveals the true mystery, and a MacGuffin that trivializes his personal quest! What luck!"

And I'm certain the same player would be the type to instantly godmode any character that threatened their success. Then they'll bitch and moan when you tell them it's against the rules and leave in protest of your fascism etc etc....
Issue is that many people have different standards and quality. Seen it all from lazy people to people that will metagame to make their character seem superior, and even people make a character sheet only to play a character with a completely different personality and agenda.

You wouldn't see it much in a 1x1, but in a group RP these traits can become infectious with people subtly adjusting their writing to counter play so that they don't get metagamed or power played out.

As for how I view 1x1s. I try to keep them the same as a group RP, but it's harder as I feel you're acting as both gm and player. Surprise moments don't always work out, and I have seen 1x1s where someone created an npc and the other player kill off that npc with their character, so communication is key in order to prevent this. :\

This right here. So true.

Also, on the note of mystery; I had a friend that had intended for part of his RP (not sure if it was meant to be the whole thing) to be a mystery. Like, a plot involving a kidnapping or something, can't remember too well. But what happened was one of the players suddenly invented a convenient note left by the bad guys that claimed the kidnapped people were tied to the railway tracks or something (I think it may have been a Western RP?). The rest of the group just goes along with this and bam, whole mystery plot ruined because one guy decided to pierce the metagaming heavens. And because the rest of the group had played along, they wanted to keep going with it in spite of my friend's protests. He basically just left it to die after that.
I didn't expect to wake up today to find this had died. Man....
Right, here's my captain. Hopefully nobody else was planning on going for the 10th division.

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