Avatar of Tenma Tendo
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    1. Tenma Tendo 7 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Just heard the news about Woojin from Stray Kids. I'm so devastated and literally shaking. This feels like a really sick joke, but I hope he and the other 8 members are okay. #ThankYouWoojin
5 yrs ago
For any kind of wound, there's always some kind of medicine or treatment.
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5 yrs ago
Remember kids, never let anyone convince you to take college physics over the summer! :'D
5 yrs ago
i don't know what to put in this now...
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5 yrs ago
No posts today or tomorrow. finals.


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i'll have a post up either later today or tomorrow.

@LostBrotherGrimm@Silver FoxPuddled Ashes makes sense, but Toasty and Company is silly, so I'm also down for either xD
Bella looked up cautiously when Alex claimed that her words weren't exactly what she herself thought they were.
"I-It's not?" She questioned as she skated forwards a bit before turning around to face the other girl. She made sure not to jostle Hoppi too much in her pocket, but judging by the slight rustling, she didn't do a very good job at it. "Really? We can be friends? For real?" She questioned, and for once not stumbling over her words. The timidness in her posture and on her face slowly began to fade and was replaced with a much more calmer and comfortable girl. "Thank you, I would really...l-like being friends."

Having relationships with other people had always been a very touchy subject for Bella. She never knew how to act, nor if she was doing he right thing that came with the relationship in question. Sure she had 'friends', but she never really talked to them outside of class or anything like that. But Alex, and maybe even the others at this point, was a little different. Maybe it was because they woke up in the same hospital room, but Bella just felt calmer around the dark haired upperclassmen. Maybe they could really become good friends...

At the mention of others, Bella visible tense and turned to face forward on her skates, covering her heated face in the process. Of course she knew about Jess and Brian despite never interacting with them, but suddenly being put in a position to get to know them?! Once she collected her bearings, she turned back to Alex, her expression lighting up a bit.
"I-I can be friends with them too? That's okay? W-Would they even like me? A-Aren't they all upperclassmen like you?" Bella questioned curiously before placing a hand over her mouth. "Sorry, I-I'm asking too many questions...w-we should go, i-it'll be a long day t-tomorrow..." She smiled faintly as she slowed down her pace, moving beside Alex instead.

Although learning each other's secret, Bella was a rather glad that she was able to make some friends out it.

The personification and holder of the Perseus constellation

(⠉⠁⠏⠑⠇⠇⠁ ⠭⠊⠝⠛)

location: Corona Park (Afternoon)
tag(s): Ash @LostBrotherGrimm, Siobhan @Almalthia
mention(s): none

"I can teach you some cool words if you want Ash! In exchange of something else of course." It must be sad being the only one in the group to not know another language. Not that he would know of course. At the mention of a 'toasty demon', Capella gave the older man a sour look. Since he could see a few murky figures around him, the blonde swung around his walking stick in attempts to bop the man on the side. He could swear, this guy just had all the jokes did he...at least he was reliable when he needed it.

And although it took a while, the guitar ended up in his hands.
"Honestly...that would have been really cool to see!" This time he actually laughed, bouncing on his toes in the process before getting helped into the Uber; it seemed to be a habit he did whenever he was really happy or surprised.

Once he got his bearings together in the car, Capella tilted his head in recognition to Ash's voice.
"My mom talked about the place once before. Apparently it was built in 1897. Super old place." He commented as the car began its drive to the restaurant in question.


As the Uber pulled op to what he assumed was there destination, Capella noted how quiet their lady friend was being. Maybe something happened? Or they weren't feeling very well? The blonde wasn't sure if he should question it or not, so he instead focused on Toasty, who didn't seem to be very excited about being crammed in a car with a few strangers. Luckily the drive wasn't very far, as he was soon was being helped out the car by Siobhan, mumbling a quiet thanks in the process.

Hearing the older woman claim she had to take her leave, Capella nodded slowly as it confirmed his suspicions. With his hands particularly full, the boy hooked his guitar over his body and wrapped his end of Toasty's leash around his wrist before tilting his head curiously when she said she'd give her card to them. At the mention of taking care of him, Capella couldn't help but let out a scoff.
"Him? Take care of me? Sure..." He trailed off, his voice condescending but playful. As he received a pat on the shoulder, the blonde boy smiling before giving a small wave.
"I-It was nice meeting you!" Capella grinned as Toasty barked in confirmation before his attention was eventually brought to Ash. "What does the card say? What does the card say?" He questioned in anticipation, leaning forward in the process.
Bella remained quiet during the entirety of their little conversation, her eyes practically glued to the ground. She never looked up, nor did she physically acknowledge their words. If she was on anyone's side then it would probably Alex's. They were meant to keep their identities secret, but with them knowing who each other are, it would lead to them being more open to the enemy if they could also make the connection. However, Tonya's point was also true in that they couldn't do anything about it now and just ad to bare the secret together.

Naturally being the type of person to keep everything to herself, getting use to something like this would be strenuous at the very least. Eddie's Kwami mentioned the idea of having all the Kwami meet up with each other, but Bella didn't want to speak on behalf of Hoppi, especially when she couldn't speak for herself, so she simple kept quiet, waiting for everyone to disperse before leaving herself. She quickly hurried to her locker, putting on her elbow and knee pads as well as her in line skates, before grabbing her bag and skating down the halls towards the upperclassmen lockers. What Alex had to say earlier did make Bella reluctant to see her with the knowledge they had, but she couldn't just leave the older girl behind at school.

Upon finding the dark haired girl, Bella slowed down her pace so that she wouldn't run over her. She patiently waited to let the other finished what she had to do before making her way towards the school's front entrance. She was silent at first, but after a bit of thinking, she finally decided to speak up.
"U-Um, Alex? If y-you'd like, I can keep my distance away from you at school? I-I mean, you said you w-want to keep your personal and h-hero life a s-secret, y-yes? So...i-if that's what you want, I don't mind..." She began to trail off, fumbling over words as she wasn't quite sure how to explain it.

Those Involved: Everyone

"So, we got the whole day to do whatever, right? What do you guys want to do now?" The raven haired one of the bunch questioned as he felt a gentle tug on one of his locks, giving him the okay to let down the messy haired girl on her own two feet. The Dark Dorm members, as usual, kept a rather low and quiet profile, save for Kame and Elliot, who were either commenting on the duel between the teachers, or butting heads about why the new Fire Dorm teacher won. They were currently standing in somewhat of a circle, each sharing a curious glance with the ones next to them to see if they had any ideas on how to answer Elliot's question. Soon enough, Kame took this as her chance.

"Don't you think we should at least talk about this whole 'team up' thing before one of you guys decide to waste my time?" She questioned, placing her hands on her hips as she did so.

"I thought we would team up with Xyz. They're nice people from what I've seen." He answered simply, much to Kame's annoyance, her bob swishing as she turned her head to look directly at Elliot.

"Okay, either you're stupid, or blind, because the Synchro dorm is also an option."
"But they got the Ice Queen herself on their side..."
"Don't call her that, you ass." Kame snapped, stepping closer to the much taller boy as a form of intimidation. "I know you just want to team with them so that you have an excuse to talk to that weird animal girl you've been crushing on. What's her name again...?" Elliot seemed to get heated up at this as he brought his balled fists up in a defensive motion.
"Her name is Sana, you uncultured swine, and I LOVE her."
"Yeah, sure. And I love making my grandmother cry." She hummed dismissively.
"Oh for fuc--"

"Guys. W-We're in public..." William's soft voice caused the both of them to stop and look around. No one seemed to be paying much attention to them, but the gray haired boy knew when they would start yelling at each other. Best to stop them now then to let them keep going with insults that'll sooner or later start hurting people's feelings, and that they did, apparently unaffected, thankfully, by each other's words. Bellatrix could only snicker at their back and forth, while Felicitas seems to be looking somewhere else, both seeming not to care too much of they kept going or not. "But Kame's right, we should at least talk about it. Maybe leave it to a vote like usual." Ah the 'usual'. Liam was always the one to offer the 'usual', but it always led to more fighting and inevitably no decision being made. Not that it really mattered most of the time. Yeah, they always got on their nerves, but once it was all over they'd just forget about it. Hopefully it was the same for this case as were all the others.

"You know this'll turn out not working, like always, right? It never does when me and him have different opinions." Kame frowned as she folded her arms. "I want Synchro and Elli wants Xyz, right?" She questioned, earning a simple nod from the glasses wearing boy in question. "So that means Bella's gonna choose a side..." She trailed to let the devil horned girl make her choice.

"Ooo! Let's go Synchro. It's fun to say!" Bella said with a toothy grin, her canines practically forcing Kame to step back.

"Yeah, sure, whatever. And then you're gonna choose whichever side has the least amount of votes because you can't think for yourself." This time she glared at Liam, expecting him to do something different, which he didn't. "And Felicitas never cares, so we're stuck on a tie!" She yelled towards the end, lacing her fingers through her hair in annoyance. "We really need to find a better way of doing these things, because we always end up nowhere using them." She huffed.

"I don't like her that much either sometimes..." Elliot paused to smirk when Kame stuck her tongue out at him. "...but she does have a point. We should talk about it over some food, that'll get our brains turning! Right Feli?" He questioned, finally acknowledging his best friend, and the top ranked of the Dark Dorm.



"..." When he didn't get a response the second time, The turned to look at whatever the beige haired girl was looking at. From what they could tell, it just looked like some other students passing by, but upon closer inspection, they came to realize what managed to catch the petite girl's eye.

"Wow, how did I miss his hair?" Liam remarked as he placed a hand on his chin.

"Yeah, I tend to do that a lot myself. He kinda blends in and doesn't blend in at the same time." Kame admitted.

"But look at his eyes! They're so pretty~" Bella ended it with a coo, flexing her fingers in a grabbing motion.

"Damn, it really has been a hot minute, huh?" The raven haired boy sighed almost dreamily.

"He kinda looks like you, but with blue...hair."

"Oh that's right, you haven't really talked to Kaito that much, huh...we could introduce you properly Feli!"


"Because he's getting cloooossseerrrr~" Bella snickered excitedly, sliding up to her tippy toes in anticipation.

"Ah you guys were in the middle of something?" The boy questioned once he was close enough. Before any of the others could speak and ultimately embarrass all of them, Liam took the reigns.

"Ah, n-nope! Don't worry about us! Was there a-anything you needed?" He asked, practically feeling the four pairs of heavy gazes cast upon the blue haired teen.

“Don’t worry, I won’t be here for long if you guys are busy. I’m just here to start the year off on the right foot and talk to you all at the start of the year. Ah, by the way, the name’s is Kaito Nonaka in case you forgot. I’m happy to see you all once again. How about it? You guys up for hanging out for the day?" He then asked, only to receive a slight glare from Kame.

"Nonaka? As in Izumi Nonaka?" She questioned. Despite the constant battles they've had together, she never even thought about what his last could even be. That, or she just didn't care and forgot about it.

"No way, are you related to her? Or is it just a coincidence?" Elliot then asked, lilac eyes wide and curious.

"Do...Do you use Pendulums too?!" Felicitas asked as a bit of life flashed into her eyes. Speaking of eyes...

"Kaito, darling! It's great to see your lovely eyeballs once again!" Bella snickered, nodding approvingly at what...um, at who was in front of her.

"Come on guys, g-geez..." The dark skinned male sighed before giving Kaito an apologetic smile. Of course they all knew each other, aside from Felicitas, but seeing as the other started the new year with a little reintroduction, Liam decided to do the same with everyone else following suit. "It's nice to see you again, Kaito. I'm William Nikos, but of course, I prefer Liam." He said, before looking to the others.

"Oh! Bellarix Layn. Bella!"

"Kame Hiro, ranked third in the Dark Dorm, but of course you knew that. I've already started working on a timetable for times we can duel throughout the school year. You better be ready."

"No need to reintroduce myself, but she would like to." Elliot grinned smugly before placing a hand on their first rank, prompting her to speak.

"...I'm Felicitas Weiner...it's nice to meet you..." The leader concluded with a slight wave before looking back up at Elliot, who decided to take the lead.

"I think it'd be cool if we hung out! We can be a little weird, but I'm sure you don't mind. Plus, we wanted to maybe ask you some questions about your dorm?" The boy smiled before continuing. "We don't go out much, so anywhere that suits your fancy's cool with us!"
@LostBrotherGrimm Haha, well that's gonna be fun to say the least xD our team name's gotta have something to do with Ash though ^^ oh and btw, its it my turn to post? Or Siobhan? I might have missed her post by accident?
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