Avatar of Thantos
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    1. Thantos 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
8 yrs ago


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Location: Washington DC
Objective: Rescue the President

The police and the news was standing outside the whitehouse watching as men stood by the windows of the oval office waiting for the terrorists that captured the president and are holding him hostage. They made their demands and the expect the demands to be met. Suddenly there was the sound of a fighter jet overhead and someone parachuted down ontop of the whitehouse. And snuck in through the airvent on the roof.

The figure was wearing a military uniform and with a mask. The figure was knot to the public as the marine, a hero without any powers much like the cape crusader of gotham.

The Marine snuck through the airvent and when he reached the oval office he strategically placed smoke bombs at each of the vents set a timer for about 30 mins for them to go off and then started to work his way to the vents to see if there aere any more of the terrorists in the white house. He then heads back to the office and sets off the smoke bombs at one then busting down from the ceiling starts to combat the criminals. Once the smoke cleared the men were defeated and the president saved. The hero stands and salutes the president and turns to leave. Walking out of the white house to a military jeep parked ouside and drove off toward gotham
@Master Crim I say Gotham
@Master Crim what do you mean my friend...forgive me if its plain to see...but the phrase was a bit...misunderstood on my end
Name: David Travis
Title/Alias: The Marine
Picture/Description: wearing a marines uniform and a black mask minus the hat. Instead he wears a helmet with a M on the front. His suit is stitched with the finest thread and he wears a utility belt holding his gear. Stitched into his suit is the strongest military grade body armor so he can take some firepower but he tend to try not to
Powers/Abilities: not really a super being but is really skilled in hand to hand combat and weapons training and intelligence
Gear(optional): Desert Eagle (fires tranquilizer rounds for criminals and explosive for barriers), Smoke Signal Grenades(colored for reinforcement type[blue means tech based, green means close quarters, orange air support, black means magic, red means heavy hitters]), Stars(like batmans Batarangs), Regular Smoke bombs for quick escapes, grapple gun and hook
Personality: that of a soldier but friendly to fellow heros and civilians criminals get his split personality the soldier within comes out and he becomes a grade A soldier with a mean streak and doesnt crack jokes in combat
Bio: (W.I.P)
Im thinking a gadget based hero with a military background. Maybe a superpowered one with a split personality. Still taking military as a background and occupation

And yes i know it sounds like captain america but its not
@Master Crim My old friend. As usual im down with this, and i wonder when we begin
Im interested
@Wick will do
Name: Cedric Dixon (no relation to daryl, but may branch off the same tree)

Gender: Male

Age: 39

Birthplace: Fresno, CA

Personality: Calm and literally nothing to loose. When the world went to shit his Wife and Son was caught in the middle. His only family left is his 15 year old daughter Melodee who he protects from what ever crosses their path.

Appearance: (wip)

Occupation: Deep Sea fishing as a weekend job, but warehouse floorman during the week

Skills: get him behind the wheel of any vessel you can bet he can sail it. Self trained with a sniper and bowie knife and desert eagle. Fishing skills and diving skills, also thanks to his grandfather knows how to operate a 18 wheeler


Name: Melodee Dixon

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Birthplace: Fresno, CA

Personality: caring and thoughtful of others specially her dad Cedric


Occupation: freshman in highschool

Skills: same skills as her dad plus 3 years of school softball


History for both was the weekend when both of their lives went to shit. They were on their way back from a fishing trip then the streets were flooded with chaos. Cedric called home and got no answer, even melodee tried, when they reached their home in fresno thats when they saw what was left of Cedrics wife and son. Cedric filled with rage took out 10 walkers before he snapped back into reality when he heard melodees screams he rushed over to her and took out the walkers near her and he took her to safety, they raided the local armory and stocked up on ammo and weapons. They then headed out to his Grandfathers big rig and headed back to his sail boat docked in Pismo. Leaving fresno the ghost town it had become, everyday he sends outna radio call hoping to hear someone on the other side...
Is there a character sheet to go off of or do we make our own. Wanting to join just need to know that layout
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