Avatar of The Fated Fallen
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2785 (0.77 / day)
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    1. The Fated Fallen 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Alright, Inkarnate. You win the game of RP flex's, how does it feel? Do you feel like the hero you are?
5 yrs ago
I also bow down to you, Vox. You're still here and that's what counts!
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5 yrs ago
I bow down to you, Altered Tundra. Keep on keeping on, you legend!
5 yrs ago
I'm fighting my procrastination to try and keep my daily posts at 1.51 instead of 1.50. I didn't realise it'd be this much of a battle!
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5 yrs ago
Retail is just a cancer of the soul
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Most Recent Posts

V h i k - C l i k N o t - a - G o b l i n

The Not-Goblin leapt up with haste, sparing not a single thought to the welfare of the barkeep or whoever might need to stay behind. It was fairly easy to keep pace with Pidge, given to Vee-See's scrawnier and ganglier legs, no scrubbing the floor for me!

Vhik-Clik ran straight into the street and was hit by a sudden chilly blast, made worse by her sodden clothes. Thank Molrok, the Goblin god of luck, she had chosen to wear a jumper today and not just her shirt. She put some consideration into lighting a bomb to warm herself up, but the last time she'd done that they'd gotten a guard afterwards to follow her around for 3 weeks until he got lost.

Instead she turned to her companion, "The name's Vhik-Clik Not-a-Goblin, and you must be Pidge, right?" Vee-See made as if to hug a greeting to the slightly shorter Gnome, hoping to steal a bit of body heat in the process
Update: I'm hoping to get this thing up and running by Thursday. I hate to give people time limits, but if I don't have the remaining character sheets by Friday then I'm going to go ahead and start it anyway.

@Shiva I shouldn't be too far off finishing my character, thanks for your patience!
Clanette stepped aside quite happily for the Nord, the typical specimen of the warrior folk. He wore a greataxe and a beard to match; she had met and come to respect a hundred just like him.

The Argonian turned to her and asked, "Zazar is interested in your amulet, What is it?"

Clanette wondered if it was possible for someone not to have seen someone wearing the horn of Stendarr, even in such exotic climes as black marsh. "It's an amulet of Stendarr, Argonian. It carries the divine's blessing." she spoke with a barely contained frustration. she didn't want to get off on the wrong foot, but ignorance of one of the divines was something else

Adrian interrupted before further conversation could be had "Whenever you're ready children, we'll get going." Clanette started mulling towards the door.

"Children, eh? Bold words for a man who was suckling his mother's teet while I wiped the blood of highwaymen from my face." spoke the Nord Axeman, like deep thunder across the room. Clanette couldn't stop herself from laughing at the comment, as undiplomatic as it was.
So... Who's still here?
Omg I’m so so sorry I am alive and here and will have something up

Can you forgive this lowly creature?!

For you? I think we can just about find it in our hearts to do so :)

I normally try to get things like this banged out all at once, so take all of this with a pinch of salt, please!

Character Quote: "I am iron, and I forge myself."

Is it bad I want to put my first mate's quote as "Pizza time!"

Yeah, that's pretty bad
Or maybe you can have a first mate that doubles as the cook and first mate lol (btw was that a Star Trek reference?)

That was the plan if no-one else took the role, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it

(Also Neelix definitely sprung to mind, but I plan on having my guy do a little more on missions)
I'll be an 'Other', if that's alright. Every ship worth it's salt has a cook! Or, as we like to call them, Morale Officers!

But, that being said, if no-one else wants first mate I'll take that one because it's one that kind of needs to be filled
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