Avatar of The One
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 4499 (1.18 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. The One 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Do people ever read these things?
7 yrs ago
I'm addicted to 'The Doctor Said' by Nightcore. I can't stop listening to it.
9 yrs ago
Take a look at my new SAO type Rp: Trapped! The Nightmare Begins!
9 yrs ago
God, I wish I knew somebody who'd be willing to draw character reference sheets for me.


[center]Hello, I am looking for a fantasy Rp setting. I am on every day and can post quite often but like most, I do have a few rules so me and my partner can get along.

1) I want somebody who will contribute to the Rp as much as I do. Give your own ideas, plot twists and help me advance the plot.
2) I normally do Casual, I don't like free, as I always get people who write one line, and nowhere near enough for me to 'react' to. I need a good enough post to work with.
3) I have other roleplays and other things to do so, please be patient, although, if it takes me more than two days to reply, knock me a Pm, or post in OOC to ask me politely what's going on, and, I will do the same to you.
4) Be kind. You can be a total bitch in IC, slap, cut, attack, swear and damn right offend me, but OOC, is different. If I get anything like that in OOC, I will never talk to you again.
5) Talk to me, not just in IC, but in OOC. I want a friend, not just a partner.
6) I like multiple characters, and will Never settle for just one character. I normally go for at least four to five. You don't have to but, it would be nice if you too had more than one character.

So, with the rules out the way, here's my interests. * means I want to do it more, + Means that is the role I want. ~~ means I have an idea for.

Neko Princess/Neko***~~
Pokemon Trainer/Pokemon Trainer*~~
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon***~~
Mythical creature/Mythical creature***~~
+Mythical Creature/Human***~~

Even if I've chosen a specific role, it doesn't mean I have to be that role. I don't mind being the other, I just prefer the one I chose. That's it for now, if I think of more, I'll edit.

Most Recent Posts

Name: Moon
Beastborn Name: Karma
Gender: Female
Species: Werewolf
Age: 10 (2300)
Room Number: 250
Rooming With: Little Red
Alignment: Neutral

Personality: Moon is a chill person who has grown into a mature and sensible Beastborn. She is confident in her abilities and can at times be a little cocky but that doesn't make her a bad person. She knows she can't beat everyone and she knows she isn't perfect but she also knows that with Karma fighting with her or even fighting as one the two of them together are difficult to beat. Moon is a kind and good person when she is not actively freaking people out with her unnatural eye colour. Moon is skilled in her power and will often fight using only her feet.

Bestial Personality: Karma is extremely violent and unlike Moon will fight seriously without holding back. She is protective of Moon as well as any and all friends she befriends. Despite her being a beast Karma is a highly intelligent being. She can talk and have a full conversation with others when she is not fighting. The way she speaks is harsh and rough around the edges. She will tell you what she sees, smells and hears. Karma will not tolerate those who sinned and won't attempt to hold back her beastial frenzy when she sees them. During the night time when Moon is sleeping and her mind wanders Karma is freed. She will walk the halls without her lease. Karma will be on the hunt and one day Karma will bite you in the ass. Moon often says that you can never out run Karma.

Bio: TBR

Power 1: Lunar Manipulation
Power 2: Beastial Manifestation (Moon can manifest and project her beastial soul meaning she can fight alongside her werewolf side of her.)
Werewolf Abilities: As a Werewolf Moon's power and all of her physical capabilities are doubled. This allows here to use the full extent of her Lunar Manipulation when she is not projecting her beast. As a born Werewolf she can fully control the beast within her. Because she is a Beast Born the Beast within her has it's own name and personality.
Sentimental Attachment:
@EurmalEye Ok sure.
@EurmalEye I'm making Moon who was born a werewolf (Born werewolves normally have a immortal body)

Then I am making Eclipse who will be working for the Masked Man.

One of my favourite characters is Black. He is an evil character that can force others to take on his appearance while he disguises himself as others to keep undetected. There was a character called White who had this done to him. (So Black disguised himself as White so White looked like Black)

Anyway he did this because the good army planned a full frontal attack to kill White. Just before they landed the killing blow Blue shouted out to everyone.

"Stop! This man isn't Black!"

It is a quote from an Anime that they used and it is so god damn funny.
@PharaohAtem lemme introduce my character Rainbow. She eats anyone whose name is a color. Also her second power is she cannot be not allowed in a RP :P

Little Red
Red Rose
Big Red
Lady Red
There is a character called Blue too.
Black but I don't have his picture.

There are A LOT
@EurmalEye Now Leval can learn the language of other species. Like Dragon and Elvish
@The One Coolio - after the intro posts are finished, its time for students to be kidnapped or attacked by huge monsters right? I would say Leval would go somewhere else but I think he will head wherever Manta does

Well don't know. They might get kidnapped, they might not.
@EurmalEye@PharaohAtem Oh I forgot a few things updated again.
@EurmalEye@PharaohAtem I updated the lession criteria.
@EurmalEye Lol. That will be good. Her reasons to joining will be explained later in the Rp. But essentially she was sent by a higher power. Now considering she can access heaven's personal files on everyone you can probably guess who she was sent by. The only thing to work out is why.

No problem. The Maze if you remember correctly is also being manipulated by the Masked Man. So a lot of the creature there Leval will find difficult. If he gets the real Kitsune again which tries to lead him to Shela/safety then the Masked Man will show up and try to stop whoever the real version is helping.
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