Avatar of The Valkyrie
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 94 (0.04 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. The Valkyrie 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current A whole two nights at work destroyed the good mood. Time to rest, recuperate, and go back in for four more starting Saturday. Le sigh
5 yrs ago
Mood: Oh, she's hot but a psycho~ So left but she's right though. At night she's screamin' 'I'ma out my mind'. Grab a cop gun kinda crazy~ She's poison but tasty~ And people say 'Run, don't walk away'
5 yrs ago
Been watching 'Lucifer' on Netflix and I must say... *in my best Marie Kondo voice* This one sparks joy.
1 like
5 yrs ago
If you're a night shifter and you have insomnia, what does that make you?
5 yrs ago
My hands always feel like death. It keeps my patients on their toes.


I guess this is where I tell a little bit about myself...

ER nurse by night... also gamer/RPer by night. Look, I'm not as strung out as Batman over here, so I sleep during the day. Cut me some slack!

As a night shift nurse, I work 3 to 4 days a week on 12 hour shifts and sometimes more as needed. This severely limits my ability to write/roleplay on those days

I'm 30, for those who care about age. I prefer to play as women--but am willing to compromise as needed.

I'm reliable for around a 3 to 5 minimum paragraphs with good grammar and spelling, usually more. However you would categorize that.

I enjoy most any type of RP as long as it has a well-thought out premise, characters with depth or whom have the possibility of development, legible writing, and of course a great partner!

I love fantasy, sci-fi, dark, steampunk, romance, intrigue, and mature themes more than others. I especially think that most any story can be improved with a bit of romance--if it makes sense within the context of the story.

Negatory on sexual assault or similar themes. I can handle mature, dark, and even very violent scenes. (I'm a trauma nurse at a level 1 trauma center, so you can't really gross me out) but I don't touch on the abusive for abuses' sake. I get enough moral injury at work; I don't need it here. 8P

As previously mentioned, I love games! I love pretty much every type of game--except for racing games minus Mario Kart. May be interested in the right game-based RP setting, but I really prefer original characters if that is what you are after. If I wanted to play the characters from the game... well, I'd just play the game. xP

Sound like someone you need in your RP? Message me! Happy to chat when I can. (8

Most Recent Posts

You know, cooking canned goods over a candle till the power comes back. Damn hurricanes. Will post again when I can. Trying to conserve phone charge.
Power out here from the hurricane. Will post when I can. Sorry for the delay.

Can't... stop... romancing Solas. It's really a problem. But Dorian totes gets second place.

And gonna be gone till Sunday. Working tonight and next 2 nights. And since I work in an ER in middle GA, I may get called in for emergency stuff on Sunday. Will keep you posted!

Edit: Garrus best husbando.
No worries, night shifter here so I make weird times myself--for the USA, anyways.

Also way too excited for this idea. One of my favorite game series--only played it like... 5 times all the way through. ;;;<.<
Most definitely interested!
Hogwarts: Ravenclaw
Ilvermorny: Thunderbird
Patronus: Marsh harrier
Wand: Willow wood, unicorn hair core, 14 ½" in length, quite bendy flexibility

All the birds (+ 1 unicorn hair, haha)
I was working the past 3 nights, sorry. x: Off for 2 now, work Sun, then off 3. (then back on 3). I feel like I should just post a picture of my schedule on here, so I don't keep peppering the OOC with my work schedule, haha. Sorry again.
I think our colab may be drawing to a close. Hopefully we'll have it up soon! Working the next 3 nights so I'll be on when I can. (8
Think that Legion and myself (William and Keir) are getting their collab on but it'll be a little bit since I'm working tonight. xP

Location: The Abhainn Ballroom
Interacting With: Prince William {@Legion02} & Lady Julia {@HushedWhispers--mentioned}

Keir was fascinated by the way that people moved. She couldn't decide if they looked very organized or lost out of their minds. Most just looked like they'd have a few too many drinks; it wasn't hard to see the flush of color that framed the edges of their masks. Before too much longer, she'd have to find her own way to the libations. No doubt they would be easy to spot with the thickest of the throngs huddled close by. She began to move through the crowd, people-watching as she went--one of her favorite past times. As she did, the scene almost looked like a dance planned ahead of time: one person greets another person and either pretends that they don't know who they are or--if they truly don't--pretends that they do know; pleasantries are exchanged along with well-wishing for each other's families, the future Queen and King, peace for the two realms, and perhaps some gossip of the last person they greeted; then they shed the facade to move away and start again. When some of the more notable lords or ladies were 'unmasked', a sizeable host of admirers would flock to them, flush with praise and knowledge of their family's good deeds. They, too, would be gossiping a moment later about the more... unsavory parts of the said family's past.

She smirked at the goings-on; she felt that if she watched for much longer, she might even be able to imitate them reasonably well. Many of these people didn't even need masks to hide themselves as they did it on a daily basis. In many ways, it was dishonesty by a different name, all prettied up and made palatable for polite company. Keir might be wearing the physical mask, but she could never bring herself to wear a dishonest one. Luckily, not all nobles behaved in such a manner. Lady Julia among many others in Sliabh conducted their affairs in an honest way. Keir had high hopes that she would find many like minds here in Abhainn as well. After all, they hadn't been so different so far.

After pausing a moment to decide where next she should make her way and whether or not she should try engaging in the 'game' of the evening, the decision was made for her when a man in red velvet paired with a rather wild looking mask approached and gave a swift bow.

“Greetings, my lady. An interesting night, is it not?”

She gave a quick curtsy in returned but studied his mannerisms closely; it was easy to do seeing as his eyes were glued elsewhere in the room. Keir spared a quick glance at his target and almost immediately recognized the gown and the woman wearing it. A sly smirk crept onto her exposed lips as she turned back to the man.

"Good evening, my lord. It seems so if one knows where to look." His sarcasm had not gone unnoticed; she considered it a very useful tool, one she'd picked up as a girl with two older brothers but which she honed after her family received their new title. Her own sarcastic reply aired, Keir had her own inquiry to put forth. "I cannot decide whether your mask is intended to lure people in or drive them away. Did you make it yourself?" While she figured she might as well attempt to make some semblance of a conversation with the man despite his apparent disinterest in anything but Lady Julia, it was a genuine question.
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