Respect for his work. Respect for his posture. Approval? Not quite. But close enough. Mistakes can be fixed later. The Shogun respects him. All voices are silent, for they are satisfied, and in their silence there can be peace. Put away the half-built scaffolding of answers and replies; it is no longer needed. Coax the lightning from his nerves; nothing more is required of him. Let the shadows come into focus. Let the tide of attention and need flow about his ears. Look, Dolce of Beri.
Watch two wolves burn.
They do not move. They make no sound. The fire speaks enough for them both. No shadow can conceal them like this. They will only draw attention to the pack. The pack must stay hidden. So, they must stay. They must silently bear the honor of their Shogun, for as long as it takes for their bodies to adapt to the flames. If they cry out, if they faint, it will be their fault for not growing a fireproof hide quick enough.
No tongue of fire burns brighter than their grins.
She doesn’t see
Dolce watches two wolves burn. Dolce watches the Shogun tear off her coat. Dolce watches a friend sink to her knees. For his work has found favor, and he is now free to watch. Observe. Think.
She doesn’t see She doesn’t see She doesn’t see
Again. And again. And again. He breathes. He taps.
Vasilia squeezes her reply around his hands.
She doesn’t. She doesn’t. Love. Dear heart. My treasure. Mine. She doesn’t.
The greatest daemon the Shogun has ever seen will not turn away. It is all he can do for a friend.
Vasilia of Lakkos will not interfere. She cannot leave his side.
Together, they will witness what happens next.
Watch two wolves burn.
They do not move. They make no sound. The fire speaks enough for them both. No shadow can conceal them like this. They will only draw attention to the pack. The pack must stay hidden. So, they must stay. They must silently bear the honor of their Shogun, for as long as it takes for their bodies to adapt to the flames. If they cry out, if they faint, it will be their fault for not growing a fireproof hide quick enough.
No tongue of fire burns brighter than their grins.
She doesn’t see
Dolce watches two wolves burn. Dolce watches the Shogun tear off her coat. Dolce watches a friend sink to her knees. For his work has found favor, and he is now free to watch. Observe. Think.
She doesn’t see She doesn’t see She doesn’t see
Again. And again. And again. He breathes. He taps.
Vasilia squeezes her reply around his hands.
She doesn’t. She doesn’t. Love. Dear heart. My treasure. Mine. She doesn’t.
The greatest daemon the Shogun has ever seen will not turn away. It is all he can do for a friend.
Vasilia of Lakkos will not interfere. She cannot leave his side.
Together, they will witness what happens next.