Avatar of Themerlinhawk
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2737 (0.75 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Themerlinhawk 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Sound reasoning: Finish the painting for the miniatures you have before acquiring more. Me: Naaaaah,
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5 yrs ago
And we are officially back.
6 yrs ago
To write again...that is the question...
7 yrs ago
Of course life continues forward like this. We may be closing in on the bitter end of my time here.
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7 yrs ago
Just Exalted this weekend, that and determining the future of Salem at this rate.


Martial Arts, Writing, Reading, Coroner (No I'm not dead, I work there), Video games, and my friends. There: My life in a nutshell.

I do the Sci-fi, fantasy, urban fantasy, Dark fantasy and steampunk thing when it comes to roleplays. I'm pretty straight forward

I Gm this:
Due North

I Play a character in this/these:

Most Recent Posts

@BlackPantherYou may need to consult Wind on how your character ends up there. As for the emotional nature of the character. That is really up to you truth be told.

Also to the other collab people. Whoever is up is up.
@BlackPantherThat could be interesting. A weather angel for the academy. Once upon a time they had a Guardian Angel. Sounds cool. Ask questions as they come I'll do my best to help

@CaitsPM me your skype info if you wanna join us btw
@BlackPanther Wind has called it quits for the evening so you've got me for right now. We don't actually have a post requirement. The expectation is something along the lines of: Well formulated and expansive. For the most part we like to use Collaborations, gdocs, etc so any of the bigger posts you see with lots of character names on them are usually that. The IC is a pretty good indicator of the post size but again I don't think we've ever turned someone down because of something like that. Essence was my first jump into the advanced section and I turned out mostly okay *eye twitch* so there is no safer place to give it a try.

Okay on the topic of Weather Angels we've never seen one of them successfully pulled off. Which is not to say that you can't give it a go. essence-of-the-world.weebly.com/types-.. This is the little I can provide you personally about them but they tend to be stupendously powerful. The real problem is that they are general muted emotionally and they are land locked. Wind can probably help a little more since the Angels are her babies. And just speculatively: I don't see why they would have to be limited to one form of nature but no doubt the more you add to them the more you ratchet up the characters power. (Not that we mind that sort of thing too much, our PC list includes: a god, an ark angle, a demi god and an semi immortal necromancer.)

As for the Academy generally no but with the advent of this season the restrictions on admittance have been relaxed a bit. Since Angels cant wield fragments there really isn't a reason for them to be enrolled but if you want to go that route I'm sure we could make it work. Especially given that the Academy has begun to diversify.
@CaitsSo I may have a decent means of getting you right into things when your all done with the CS
@Caits Go Caits! hope it goes well hon. Lemme know if you need anything else.

So Ian is a great example. Ian has an instrument. It has powers, a personality, and it can be converted into melee weapons yes but that's just one of Fidrieon's properties (Ian's flute). There are other kinds of weapons too of course. Ian has a collection of firearms, blades, etc. They are all normal and you're welcome to go wild with that. There are a few other things in essence which are weapons, but not instruments and not normal. You can take a peak at Lazarus CS for an example. Dracul is the piece of equipment you want to look at. So if your character is a musician they will need an instrument; but they can also have weapons beyond just the instrument.
@CaitsOkay! well good luck and that is certainly an excellent attitude to have.
@CaitsYou take as long as you need okay? I understand the motivation loss thing. Dont worry.
@Caits I was promised a CS quite some time ago lol XD that and I was checking for a pulse from miss cricket.

@Fairess I'll take it
@Fairess@Howler@Caits @Wind Wild

Okay the OOC is quite, time for some fun.

There is your mission. What is your spirit animal and why. Go.
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