Avatar of TheMinorFall
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 354 (0.12 / day)
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    1. TheMinorFall 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current To those who would be interested, I’ve not been on here because I’m trying to establish a role playing server on discord. If you’d like to join me there, my discord is Kai#2189 send me a message!
8 yrs ago
If you fight monsters for too long, you become one.
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8 yrs ago
Sorry for being absent as of late. But I will be returning in a few days to rp again! See you all then ;P
8 yrs ago
Gearing up to get started with one or two new threads!


As a role player, I like to play my characters in a way that enthralls others. If I can make people care about my character and what happens to him/her, then I feel I have succeeded. My play style is very much about having fun, but its also about challenging others to make choices and grow their characters.

I am a military member without many ways to outlet the stress of life, so I come to role playing to get away and get lost in the worlds we create. I love to write and I have been doing it for years. I'm not afraid to hop into a super serious, super in-depth thread, nor am I afraid to take part in your typical high school RP. If it interests me, I want to jump in and start driving the story.

Most Recent Posts

@Gowi my friend @PrimalOrigins told me to check this thread out because of my interest in doing an SAO thread. From reading his character sheet, I can see I would love this, so if I may I would very much like to join. Provided that's cool, if someone could drop me a link to the intro post or overview that would be great! Cheers!
....performance? @shylarah
@DusksongDesmond lit the cigarette he had started before with a snap of his fingers and took a long, hard drag. He inhaled the cloud of billowing slate grey and released it through his nostrils. He ignored the custom of bowing or self presentation, but addressed her appropriately.

"Your Highness, I understand you witnessed something peculiar today," he stepped forward with one hand out as if he didn't already know exactly where the desk was, which he did. It was a skill he had learn long ago to remember the placement of objects in a room, and wherever he went. His enhanced senses were Ben more enhanced than that of the average Moroi too, due to the lack of one, "but that is not what interests me. What I find fascinating is that you must have seen his eyes, and yet you did not flee. Most Moroi Royals are too self-preserving to brave anything, let alone an unknown and frankly terrifying beast." He drew once more, blowing the smoke away from the princess before continuing, "Are you courageous, stupid, or simply intrigued?"

Two of those options were useful to the official. One was not. Her answer would decide the next course of action. He waited, his head turned slightly so that his ear was toward her. The air was spiced with clove scent. The retrofitted air conditioning hummed ever so softly. He could hear every little sound and smell every scent, right down to the Chancellor blinking and the faint perspiration of the Dhampirs outside. They didn't like being separated from their charge. That too was good. Despite all of the 'noise' in the room, Desmond could smell the royal girl's perfume perfectly, and hear her breath and heartbeat. The tiniest hint of a lie would be like an alarm clock in his ears. This was his main value, the one that gave him purpose in his secret duties under the queen.
@shylarahand to you as well
@shylarahQueen let out a shrieking cry of rage as she threw a dumpster down the alley and into the long-abandoned street. The demon, Kabuto, watched with disinterest as he rested both hands atop an aristocratic, ebony and platinum walking stick. His suit matched; a regal, black velvet material trimmed with scaled platinum and solid sapphire cufflinks. Even his shined, leather shoes had scrolled, platinum plateibg on them for decorative purposes. The demon was nothing if not stylish, but vanity was not uncommon among higher-classed demons. His face was partially hidden by the shadow of the alley, but those eyes almost glowed with blue brilliance. The product in his faded and slicked hair shimmered in what little light entered that deep into the alley.

Queen whipped back around and darted to the demon, anger and pain twisting her lovely features as she screamed at him, "You! You did this! This is your fault!" she released a tentacular rinkaku that ripped through the air on a path to impale the demon's head.

But it stopped just breaths away from its target. Kabuto's gold-plated teeth now reflect light as he smiled a lazily sinister smile. He had tilted his head back to look down his nose at Queen, but had otherwise not moved. She, however was hanging in the air seemingly by nothing. Stifled gasps and groans escaped her lips as she fought for air. Her neck began to bruise with the invisible force that applied such pressure to her throat. Her legs kicked and flailed as her face began to change color and tears flowed from her eyes.

Kabuto spoke in a chilling voice, one that could capture your attention with only the bad feeling it would place in your gut. "You will do well to remember your place, ghoul. You may have demonic power, but you're still a humanoid. You need silly little things like air and sustenance." He released her and she collapsed onto the concrete, coughing and gagging as her crushed trachea began to mend with her accelerated healing. A sickening, animalistic growl rumbled from nowhere in particular as Kabuto returned to his previous posture. "Find me that boy. The one that Sees things."


This 'Keeper' sounded familiar, as if Tsitua knew the term, or had heard it somewhere. He wondered if it was he who remembered it, or his eternal companion. Coodaudu often gave him a sense of knowing things he didn't. He shook the feeling and returned his attention to Amuné.

"Sounds like an honorable mentor.." he surmised, touching his chin with a curled forefinger. His mind was still alight with the Keeper. He couldn't help it.

Suddenly he got an NI update from Victor.

Reduced demonic presence near the Upstairs. They're moving.

Good he replied, Keep on them. I want them pinpointed within the cycle.

Roger Victor confirmed.

"Well," he said aloud, addressing Amuné once again with a smile, "it's your turn. Ask away."
@shylarah oh, my bad lol. Hey, have I described Kabuto yet? I can't find it but I feel like I did...
@shylarahThe leader sat across from Amuné in the grass with a meditative posture. His legs lay crossed and his palms rested on his thighs, but his eyes were locked on the girl as he read her chakras. They had eased, even if it was slight.

Her words of peace were hopeful, and warm. Her chakras burned with the longing for peace, although Tsitua believed it was inner peace she truly desired, and who could blame her? This who knew torment were the ones who truly understood it's value. The common man knew only the path before him. The hybrid armored that about her. She was insightful beyond her years, and yet she was curious befitting her age. She had questions about his old mentor, and he was concerned his lack of adequate explanation might concern her. He had to give her something, so he did his best.

"Ketsuoana doesn't appear, nor does he disappear. He's not leaving and returning, it's simply an act of perception. I don't know for sure, but my guess is that he is no longer a... 'person' if you will. He's more of a sentient energy that is above even my comprehension. I always sense his chakras, even now they're all around us, but he is not always in a form that we can perceive. I believe he exists on the precipice between dimensions. A kind of purgatory, but not like the religions of earth have described. As far as what I think of him, a part of me wants to hate him. His selfish need to defeat his father and remain alive caused a seemingly unending string of wars. Only long after he was gone did I realize this. A bigger part of me loves him like a son loves his father. I first boarded this craft when I was only thirteen. He made me the person I am today. He showed me true pain and yet true beauty. He taught me the harsh reality, and that the smallest things are most important. I would trust him with the fate of all humanoids again in an instant. Even if he seems evil at times, he always knew exactly what he was doing. I guess that comes with being an entity meant for a higher plane of existence." Tsitua caught himself ranting inn nostalgia, and abruptly cut his words short. "I would trust him to look after you." He added.

"Why don't you tell me more about your mentor?"
@shylarah boop. :3
Tsitua let out an almost-scoff. He knew that question was going to come up. It was not something a Seer ever experienced, a being that exists outside the threads of fate. But how to answer such a question?

"Amuné, you have no clue how difficult it is to answer that question." He took a moment to think about his answer as he led the way, "Lord Ketsuoana's real name is Zerusealious. He was born from an Angelic mother and Demonic father. He had all the strengths of both without their weaknesses. Thus began the Great Conflict. The angels sought to destroy him, seeing him as an abomination. Denosealious intended to gather his son and use him as a weapon. He ended up being recruited by Death himself to work under neutral rule, but that was not enough. To make a long story short, the wars lasted millennia. I fought in some of them under Ket's leadership. When they came to an end, the Archangel Gabriel came to destroy him, but he offered himself up freely. He left with Gabriel, and we didn't see him again for a long time. He only returned within the last year, helping with little pushes like you saw."

They came to a door of frosted glass that opened up to a sort of garden. Soil had been lain into a recessed floor and grass had been planted. The room was big enough to be a small lawn with a variety of plants from flowers and vines to small trees and mosses. A light in the high ceiling mimicked a sun, emitting the vital radiation for photosynthesis. The air was rich with oxygen, leaving it almost sweet to breath. A small stream was placed on the far side with a short fall that trickled softly against walls lined with velvet-like material to prevent an echo. The room was nothing if not fragrant and peaceful. "It won't help the empty feeling you have, but it will help ease your mind. I feel the same over-sensitivity you do, but with chakras. The lack of life energy around me can get maddening and I can't think, so I com here." He told her. "Have a seat in the grass, and we can talk more." @shylarah
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