Avatar of Tojin
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    1. Tojin 8 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current looks like we're back again maybe possibly
4 yrs ago
damn you ever come back somewhere after a year and be like "fuck. i'm a totally different person now"
5 yrs ago
i am fucking ASCENDANT tonight lads
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5 yrs ago
that feel when you have to write and memorize a 90 second monologue in japanese by tomorrow (hahahaha kill me)
6 yrs ago
tfw you're like "eh, i don't need a flu shot, i'll be fine" and then you get the flu
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22-year-old trans plural entity who came back here on a lark after being gone for like a year (she/her | it/its)

really unsure what else to put here honestly. uhhh

BLM, ACAB, trans rights are human rights

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Man, I'm gonna be honest, I totally forgot about this. Doesn't mean I'm not interested (again) though! Hopefully my sheet will be up soon.
Finally posted! Kinda interested to see how people react to Esther, given that she's the only one with a particularly prominent change to her body so far.
"...Definitely a liminal space."

There was no way the bunker could be anything but, in Esther's mind. It had that particular feeling that you only found in empty schools, deserts at night, and your bedroom at 4 A.M. A feeling of thinness, as though at any moment some sort of portal to another world could burst open and send you off to Wonderland. Esther found herself wishing nervously that something like that would happen. She and her escort had passed a couple of the other surgery rooms, and the sounds that had come from them were... not pleasant. She kept up that line of thought all the way until she arrived at her designated surgery room. Her soldier escort opened the door for her, and Esther stepped inside...


pain pain pain

allah's tits that is a LOT of pain

holy shit

okay, esther, let's try opening one eye. s l o w l y...

Rather than the stabbing beam of light Esther had expected, it would seem that the surgeons had turned the overhead lights off in the room, leaving the small window in the door as the only light source. "Oh thank goodness." Esther whispered, and opened her other seven eyes.


Esther slowly reached up a shaking hand to feel her forehead. Sure enough, she found six small eyes embedded there, which blinked reflexively at her touch.

Oh god. Oh my god, oh my god oh my god what the FUCK

Mirror. I need a mirror.

Esther tried to scoot herself off of the surgical bed (noting that the pain seemed to be subsiding pretty rapidly), only to catch sight of a jet black, blade-looking thing flicking towards her. She quickly flinched away, only for the... whatever it was to sway backwards and forwards gently from the residual motion. In fact, now that Esther looked at it more closely, it seemed more like... a leg.

oh FUCK no

She quickly looked down at her body, and it took all of her energy not to scream out loud.

Instead of a pair of nice, normal, human legs, Esther's lower body had been merged with that of a massive spider. Eight massive, pointed legs grew from a spider's torso that had apparently been seamlessly attached to her waist, replacing her legs. Or maybe they had mutated her legs into this somehow? Esther wasn't sure, and didn't really care that much, to be honest; she was focused on trying not to puke instead. She hated spiders. Not out of any particular trauma, really, she just was absolutely terrified of them. "And now I am a spider. Hahaha. Fuck. Allah in heaven, please forgive your humble follower for being so amazingly stupid as to sign up for this shit." And there was also, of course, the fact that her butt was now a massive spider abdomen. That was pretty gross as well, though it at least was not as bad as the legs.

Esther took a deep breath, then exhaled shakily. "Oookay. Let's try walking. And then finding that mirror." She scooted carefully off the bed, trying not to think about how gross her new set of legs looked. Fortunately, after a bit of wobbling, Esther found that she could stand and walk pretty well, though the clacking sound of her legs on tile was a little disconcerting.

Eventually, she was able to locate a hand mirror that had apparently been left for her, on top of the pair of jeans she had been wearing, which were folded neatly and left on a table near the door. All her other clothes had, fortunately, been left on her body, so she didn't have to worry about putting things back on. Esther picked up the mirror and angled it at her forehead, brushing aside some of the hair that had gotten in the way. Her new peepers were rather small and beady, compared to her original pair, and were entirely black. "I guess that's a good thing. It'd be pretty creepy to have six normal human eyes right in the middle of my forehead." Esther muttered. She still brushed some of her bangs over them, though. Even she wasn't very comfortable with them, to be quite honest.

Esther put the mirror down on the table and grabbed her jeans off the table, slinging them over her shoulder, before hesitantly reaching for the door handle and opening it. Outside was the same soldier who had escorted her to the surgery room. If he was surprised at her transformation, he didn't show it. In fact, he didn't say anything, only pointed down the hall at a door marked "Waiting Room", took her jeans, and left. Before Esther could complain, the man had strode down to another door, this one designated "Incinerator", and tossed her jeans inside, accompanied by the "FWOOSH" of hot air. "Oh, come on! Those were my favorite pair! ...Though I guess I don't need them now, what with the whole half-spider thing. You're lucky my wallet wasn't in there, though, or else you'd get a real earful!" The man said nothing. Esther looked at him for a bit before shrugging and walking back the way he had pointed.

Those in the waiting room would be able to hear a faint clicking sound from outside, which would steadily get louder until Esther arrived and opened the door. Said spider-lady had assumed that there wouldn't be anyone else in the waiting room yet, and thus was a bit embarrassed. She tried to maneuver herself around to sit on one of the chairs, and after a minute or so of floundering, decided to say "Fuck it" and sit on the floor, folding her legs underneath her. She smiled at everyone nervously, not knowing what else to do, and in so doing displayed her rather large new fangs. Not the greatest first impression.
Sweet. Post should be done pretty soon, then.
Okay, so I know I said in my SU that Esther had extra arms, but while writing my post I started thinking that it'd be cooler for her to have the whole human upper body, spider lower body that this lady has going on. Would that be alright? @Majoras End
I'd like to submit this song as offical RP theme song. It seems to fit the feel so far.
Shit, I didn't even notice lol. I'll get a post up soonish.

(Note: This picture is pre-experiment. Post-experiment Esther tends to dress the same, but hide her extra eyes under her hijab.)

“Spidergirl! Spidergirl! Does whatever a spidergirl does.~”

Name: Esther al-Mubarak.

Age: 19.

Phobi-ability: Arachnophobia.

Appearance: Esther clocks in at about 5'4" and 110, owing to her having the metabolism of about three people. (This is only a slight exaggeration.) She tends to favor wearing jeans and various graphic t-shirts,
along with her favorite hijab. As for her lower body, it doesn't have the appearance of any spider in particular; it's completely jet black, though it does fade into Esther's natural brown skin color. Though whatever spider it is, it was apparently venomous, as Esther now has two prominent fangs that occasionally drip venom. They're not long enough to stick out of her mouth, but are visible when she smiles.

Personality: Esther, at first glance, is impish, sarcastic, lazy, and doesn’t really seem to give much of a damn about anyone or anything. She’s blunt, swears like a sailor, and just generally doesn’t seem like a great person at first glance. However, underneath her shell of bad jokes and curse words, Esther has a heart of gold; she’s compassionate, friendly, and intensely loyal (though she can come off as a bit clingy). She honestly enjoys laughing and making others laugh, and as it turns out, sarcasm and good timing make for a great combination. Esther is also very independent, always attempting to do things on her own before asking a friend for help.

Despite outwards appearances, Esther is actually rather introverted, preferring to spend the majority of her time browsing Reddit or Tumblr, or making music in her room. She also tries her best to be a good Muslim, though a lot of times her religion tends to take a back seat to whatever the other thing is.

Relations: Ahmad (father), Sabeen (mother), Muhammad (younger brother). Relations with other characters are TBD (though Percival seems like someone Esther would enjoy).

Backstory: Born in Essex to a pair of second-generation Iraqi immigrants, Esther moved around a lot as a kid, owing to her parents both being enlisted in the military. As a result, she never really had the chance to make very many friends, since she would be living on one military base for a while and then have to move again. Nevertheless, Esther kept up an optimistic air, (WIP)

Misc.: Fluent in spoken Arabic, and is learning how to write it properly. Enjoys wearing her hijab, since it makes her feel rather unique. Her favorite food is bubble tea, which she got hooked on after visiting a tea shop near her house. Calls everyone “dude”, regardless of gender or age. Has an arrow in her room pointing towards Mecca. Has a Soundcloud account under the name "EaM", where she occasionally uploads songs she's made between missions. Lesbian.

With the way Esther's backstory is shaping up in my head, I think I'll have her get some training in close quarters combat and in, like, basic gun stuff. Planning to make both her parents ex-military.
Should I just go ahead and stick Esther in the characters tab? She hasn't got a backstory yet (owing to my lack of ideas).
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