• Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 161 (0.04 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Treepuncher121 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Bubbline <3
8 yrs ago
I finally have internet and my back. Thank you for understanding.
9 yrs ago
Currently don't have a laptop. Posting from mobile is a pain but I'll try to respond as soon as possible.
9 yrs ago
May 18th I may not be on. I have a concert that day. Thank you.
9 yrs ago
Just getting back into RP on this site.


I like role playing, a lot! I've been playing Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) and other forms of table top RPGs like Vampire the Masquerade since 3rd grade. They've become a huge part of my life very since.

Most Recent Posts

On another note:

I don't mean any offence in my posts. Alex is an ass and I write him that way. I actually really like how different all the characters are and how well thought about they have all become.

I love your character. You play him very well. Everybody else plays their characters well too. Keep up the good work everybody! :D

Also, I have posted a NPC. I will be joining the IC pretty soon.
what's supposed to be happening now?

Yeah, What is suppose to be happening?
Hello everybody :D
Sorry for the short crappy post. I needed to get something up.
Lunch Time

It was about the middle of the day. Music was over, some of the other classes were over. The first day was going alright so far. At least that's what Kiddo thought. The voices that usually whisper and linger in his mind haven't been active yet today. Surprisingly. Kiddo didn't have a breakfast. An empty stomach usually causes the voices to rise like a flood in the depths of his mind.
Kiddo smiled at the silence. He was glad that he could take the time to sit down and enjoy his lunch. While eating he began to listen to the many conversations the other kids were having. Making out, classes, school work, stress, parental problems, drugs. Everything was there. He couldn't pin point who was talking about what, but it was there. It was there for the whole world to hear, they just had to listen.
That's what Kiddo thought was wrong with a lot of people. They never took time to listen and pay attention to the details. They never stopped to smell the flowers. Every day they just go forward, focusing on what is in front of them and not around them. Kiddo sighed as finished his food. Cleaning his area he made his way back to his room for a quick draw session. He hadn't drawn anything sicne he arrived a day ago.
I'm gonna say Kiddo didn't over hear because he was still in the lunch room.
I'm here ^-^

Edit: Also, should I put anything from the important lunch post into my upcoming post? You said it was important so I didn't know if you wanted us to put things about it into our posts.
Is this dead?
Heya people, we still on?

Yes, of course haha. I don't want this to die. I enjoy reading all the posts. They are amazing. If it got closebto dying I'd try to keep it going.

Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't posted.
Long story short: Had to sort a sexual harassment case out at work and it's been incredibly stressful and I haven't been calm enough to post.

I've finally chilled out now so I'll be working on my post.

It is no problem. Real life is a lot more important. Take your time when ever you need it.
Since the music room post is up I can write a post correct?
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