Avatar of Triesa
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    1. Triesa 6 yrs ago


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Updated my CS. Should I have still posted in here first? I was just editing my previous post so I thought I'd leave it in the CS thread.. up to you.

Nothing more than a shadow cast over the length of Conda and the table he sat at. Air swept with a modest "whif" across the table, flickering the candles flame, making it dance a little, like a ballerina nailed down by the feet. At the moment, Conda had realized he'd been at his writing for a good stint and thought it best to have another look around (even though his keen hearing told him everything he needs to know about the state of the tavern as it is.) None the less, he shifts sideways in the brittle wooden chair and looks up at the rodent being with a easy and cultivated, and even slightly sarcastic look written all over his brutal features. He drops his pen like a bad habit then slowly pulls away his spectacles with his free hand- pipe in the other.

"Why... hello. What pray tell brings you to my table my friend, is my pipe smoke setting you off? I am truly very sorry if it is, but I just won't do without it.
"No.. there's something else on your mind isn't there? So be it, out with it." Conda says morosely.

His right hand goes to twirling his specs around with a chosen grace not unlike the pirouette of said ballerina.

It's by no coincidence that my backstory is your primary issue. I struggled to invent as I was writing it and knew it was bad, yet couldn't fix it.

Hi, I'm Triesa.

Everything you pointed out is truth. I find character history difficult to write.. it's like trapping fire in a bottle. What you read was my first attempt at writing an RP CS and yes it made no sense, not solely on the fact that I'm inexperienced at roleplaying, but because- I admit I really don't know much about the star wars universe even though I really like SW. I look around and everyone seems to know a great deal so I was a little daunted at the idea of possibly jumping into this with posts largely relying on slice of life masquerading as SW, without understanding the world to make it convincing.

I'm thinking Radda being purely a bounty hunter could work if I give him a good enough motive...

K, my CS is still a WIP assuming I can even fit into this roleplay.

@Hopeless Writer

"Do it, disturb someone. There's a trapped monster in the cellar, a dying wolf at the doorway, and now you have me.. reading your mind momentarily. Are you scared to make yourself known?" Conda says with his back still turned to the bar, writing without pause, never once taking a look at the girl since she came in.

"Ask the blue flame for a drink or something." He comes back to say in a raspy voice.
@Triesa Sorry I didn't notice that, so standard protocol is to post the sheet in the OOC first, I actually didn;t pay attention and thought the CS posted there was by someone else. I'll review it tomorrow.

Ok, didn't know that. I admit I think my char's history is a bit weak, but I'm finding it hard to expand it.. writers block, fml.
Let's do it.
Is my CS alright for casual RP?
I've really just started roleplaying, but since it's based around creative writing I know that I love the endless possibilities of it and the fact that it can go on for any duration. Forming worlds, entering charater's minds, and maybe above all is the fact that you do it with other people who can alter the outcome of your story.
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