Avatar of Tyler Night
  • Last Seen: Online
  • Old Guild Username: TylerNight
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2766 ( / day)
  • VMs: 10


Recent Statuses

4 days ago
Current I really should try setting up another Digimon group RP again. Been a long time.
3 mos ago
Reubens are my favorite sandwich and I am heavy handed with the kraut lol But pastrami or roast beef on Irish soda bread would be amazing. When I made it, I used caraway seed and raisins for mine.
3 mos ago
Classic is always nice. Irish Soda bread uses baking soda as the levening agent instead of yeast. It comes out much denser and darker, it is not the usual bread for it but it makes amazing reubens.
1 like
3 mos ago
Way to go on joining us in the bread baking club, have fun learning more and more stuff. Should get an Irish soda bread recipe and try that out. Make sure you get a recipe with raisins and caraway.
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6 mos ago
Not me, I use adblock


I am a big country boy with a love for all things country, cars and cooking. I am easy going so if you look me up feel free to drop a message, I don't bite.


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