Avatar of Ubermensch
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Ubermensch
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 939 (0.25 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Ubermensch 10 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Powering up Cerebro.
6 yrs ago
Who's up for a good fight? See me if you like Jurassic Park, Mortal Kombat, and Cthulhu Mythos in one.


I prefer group RPs and cooperation in between players. Usual characters are superhumans, half-human hybrids, cynics, and Nietzscheans. Usual settings are civil wars, blood feuds, and/or outside-context problems.

Most Recent Posts

Very good. The more the demand, the sooner I will prop up the official thread.
Hello folks. Depending on demand, there will be an official thread by 24-48 hours. I hope you are as excited for this as I am!
Hmm... Alright, I'll just info dump my personal class overhaul for XCOM 2, and you grab whatever works with what you guys have in mind.

Ah yes! I'm glad you liked the name of one of our classes. It's not an XCOM-style game without idiosyncratic classes.

@unicorgi It'll depend. Perhaps if you can PM Metatrooper and me about it, we can judge it once the RP is up.

That would be quite appreciated. Inspiration will be a boon.
Yep, I can meet the minimum writing requirements.

Class idea:
Heavy Support - Armed with a LMG/cannon and a grenade launcher. Specializes in supporting fire or flashbang & smoke grenades.

Most excellent! By the way, your idea could also be a specialization of our Bombardier class. But thanks nonetheless!
Welcome! Glad to meet a fellow experienced RPer. Hopefully the Guild becomes your second home.

Yep, X-Com was one of the inspirations behind the collaboration. Glad to meet a fellow fan.

Pilot Character Sheet

Name: Seamus O'Sullivan

Appearance: Red hair and green eyes, he resembles a (stereo-)typical Irishman of his age. He often conceals his appearance with helmets and safety masks during the mission. His height and weight are unremarkable for his ethnicity. His pupils also are oddly-shaped as a side-effect of modest genetic modification to improve his perception.

He shaves often, giving him a clean stubble. His cheekbones are also rather pronounced and toned body indicates his physical fitness. Seamus' mesomorph body allows him to fit into any uniform.

Age: 21

Personality: A jovial lad, Seamus outside of the battle is rather civil with his buddies. While he is generally levelheaded, he does have his boneheaded moments caused by excessive drinking. Fortunately, those are rare as he at least tries to remain sober during missions. During the mission, his tune becomes more professional, downplaying his usual chirpy attitude. He is still optimistic as he believes that hope is the first step away from the path to disappointment.
Backstory: Seamus was born in what would be called a middle-class Irish family. He wasn't rich, but he wasn't starving either. Papa O'Sullivan was a modestly renowned NC pilot for Paragon. During his times before becoming an NC pilot, he wanted to follow his father's footsteps and wished the NC he piloted was a family heirloom. After his father kicked the bucket, he "inherited" the status as agent NC pilot. However, according to his mother, Seamus was suckered in by Paragon.

At first, he had a shock on what he had to adjust to. Being an NC pilot seemed like a dream on paper, but it could become a nightmare fast if he didn't know what he was doing. Whether it was the luck of the Irish or not, he survived his initial missions.

However, it seems that he will get more than he bargained for. Seamus was "chosen" to perform a recon mission to gather intelligence on Red-Star, assigning the Irish lad to Haven territory. Disguised as a humanitarian mission, Seamus was deployed to assist any potential fellow Paragon pilots in a mission against Red-Star. To him, the assignment got a lot more complex as multiple corporations were dog-piling on the continent of Australia. From what Seamus has heard, there was many potential turncoats from Paragon to Red-Star. On the bright side, this was a chance to turn from a zero into a hero.

Before every mission, Seamus thanked his family for providing genetic modification. Even if it wasn't much, his improved perception saved him both in and out of the Fomorian NC. He often wrote home to his family after every mission just to inform them that he was still alive. While Seamus wasn't uncomfortable with the idea of wet work, he just preferred to get the job done in the best manner possible. The last thing on his mind would be dying like his father has. When on break, he often drinks with buddies or alone to ease his mind and not to reflect too much on his father's death. He often felt superstitious about the event, trying every moment not to jinx his own luck or skill.

Tactical Preferences and Skills: Barrage and bombardments are part of his doctrine of suppress and slaughter. He often boasts, "While I'm not as equipped for close range as the rest, good luck getting there!"

Notes: While Seamus loves to drink, he especially prefers Guinness.


NC Character Sheet

Code-name: Fomorian

Appearance: Fomorian resembles its namesake, with a thin humanoid body-plan and the head resembling that of a goat's. The unusual design does have a method to the madness. The "horns" are the primary sensors to the NC. The shape of the head allows a bit more room for hardware that could not otherwise fit in the center.

Body Type: Bipedal

Type of NC: Heavy Weapons

Equipment & Armaments:

Long range particle cannon---If it's electronic, the cannon could be trouble for it.
The particle cannon is mounted on the right arm and provides a blast of particles that can overload targeting systems and computer sensors as well as induce heat damage to rub salt in the wound. On the flip side, it has difficulty in close-range engagements. This makes it useless at ranges below 100 yards/meters. (Similar to the PPC of Battletech)

Power pincers set---Emergency melee weapon on the left arm, the power pincers set uses pressure and blunt force to deal damage. Resembles sharpened fingers surrounding a battering ram of a palm. At its worst, it could turn enemy pilots of more fragile NCs into mulch, though more durable opponents would see it as nothing more than a decorated battering ram.

Missile Array---Medium range missile array to fire an array of a dozen missiles per volley. The missiles used are similar to that of High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) missiles. Located on the shoulders. While they may be powerful at close or medium range, the missiles lack a guiding system. This renders them impotent for long range combat. (Like the SRM of Battletech)

Plasma ball launcher---Usable at any range with varying effectiveness, these plasma balls are propelled by electromotive force. Located in the center, also intended as an emergency weapon. Effectiveness and range however are inversely proportional.
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