Avatar of vampiricchild
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: vampiricchild
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 779 (0.20 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. vampiricchild 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Back after a long hiatus.
8 yrs ago
NaNoWriMo time means my time is limited. RPs might not be as active as usual.
1 like
8 yrs ago
Searching for RPs once more
8 yrs ago
Hiding from adult responsibilities...
9 yrs ago
I have returned


Author of 4 published books.
Lover of pokemon, Doctor Who, Harry Potter and more.
British, single, gay, male.
Once compared to a really nice cake.

Most Recent Posts

Alexander looked at the woman again. She was as scared as he was. He wondered why that would be. She looked exhausted, like she would faint at any moment, and he wondered what she was doing here. Had they left her here? Abandoned her? And if so, why?

"I want answers." Alex answered, his tone conveyed that he didn't trust her, but he wasn't going to fight. If it came to it, he would run, he wasn't sure how far he would get, but he definitely wouldn't fare any better if he tried to fight.
"I swear if that girl's not careful I'll mount her head on my wall." Alex growled. "If she didn't have a warlock and Luc protecting her..." He didn't finish the sentence, but his meaning was clear.

"Calm, Alexander." Illyad said, instantly soothing the raging vampire. "We have matters to attend to."

"Can you really sever the connection between you and your brother?" Alex asked him.

"I'm not sure, but there is more than one way to skin a cat." Illyad chuckled. "I talked about severing the connection, it may be possible, but until I find out, we will have to call on some external resources." He smirked.

Alex turned to Victoria. "I'm sorry for this, all of this. I'd hoped to keep you safe, or safer than this anyway."
Name: Merlin
Age: 20

Bio: The son of a farmer, Merlin was never really concerned with destiny, that was until he showed signs of having magic. He had never practiced the art, he was simply born with it. He was born with magic, into a land where magic was outlawed. After his father died, his mother sent him to live with an old friend in the Castle, to protect himself from suspicion, learn how to control his magic, and live a good life.
Setting up the characters now:

Basis: Similar to the story of Merlin (the TV series), except instead of Prince Arthur, there is a princess.
Alexander had his hood pulled up, in an attempt to hide. He had thick black hair and eyes that seemed to have both an incredible depth, and none at all. He stared back at the woman who had approached him like a deer caught in headlights. She was one of them. He remembered seeing her, when he had been in the facility. He hadn't had chance to save everyone, but he had gotten out, and learned very little.

He took a step back, feeling the urge to turn and run, but worried that any sudden movements would have him incinerated, or in pieces, or whatever was happening to people all over now. He still wasn't entirely sure what was going on, but something was wrong, and he intended to find out what.
Alex nodded, and turned back to watch the exchange between Illyad and Nyaira.

"You forget, my dear, that even that brother of mine has his limits. You only found me this time because our magic is connected. If I were to sever that connection, even he wouldn't be able to find me." Illyad mused for a moment. "Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but if my oh-so-powerful brother were to lose track of myself and my lovely companions here, I believe that may put a bit of a spanner in the works of your plan." He chuckled. "I advise you stay away from this place, Nyaira. You do not want to test my patience, or my power."
@Discodeine Have PMed you regarding the pairing.

@SouffleGirl123 Oh! Good luck with it! I look forward to hearing from you.
@SouffleGirl123 Sounds awesome. PM me and we can discuss it!

To be perfectly honest, I'm doing NaNoWriMo this month, and I work odd hours, so my schedule isn't exactly wide open (hence why I do 1x1s and not group RPs). I'm pretty understanding that RL comes before RPing, and you can't always reply on demand :)
@vampiricchild Hi! I'm interested in your Dragon Lords plot! I would love to do a MxM within that plot.

Awesome! If you send me a PM we can discuss it :)
Hello There!

I'm on the hunt for new RPs once more!

1. I don't do any NSFW scenes. That means no sex, no extreme gore, nothing like that. It just doesn't appeal to me.
2. If you want to do a vampire RP with me, at least make it interesting. I get so tired of vampire RPs because it's always the same.
3. I always play male. I can not accurately portray a female, and therefore do not attempt to.
4. I'm open to MxM or MxF pairings in both romantic and non-romantic ways.

Now to the lists:

Currently craving: MxM RPs.

Plots: (Either MxM or MxF)

More to be added.

MxM Pairs (all of these are romantic or not):
Best Friends
Step Brothers
Camp Roommates
College Roommates
Prince/Prince (opposing kingdoms?)
Mage/Normal Human

MxF Pairs (again, romantic or not):
Best friends
Step brother/step sister
Mage/Normal Human


I don't usually do things from fandoms, and I will ALWAYS play an original character, but if you wanna try for something, the following are ones I'm interested in:
Harry Potter
Doctor Who
Shadowhunters/The Mortal Instruments
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