Avatar of vancexentan
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: VanceXentan
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 9706 (2.56 / day)
  • VMs: 6
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    1. vancexentan 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Losing a game of dragon ball the breakers because my dipshit allies wouldn't give me their fucking dragon balls pisses me off. the raider was already nearly dead fml.
1 yr ago
devaronian is the race you're looking for. They're basically thugs for the hutts for the most part.
1 yr ago
Man I'd love to be proven wrong so i'll keep trying but still it sucks like the fourth time this has happened for entirely seperate reasons each as dumb as the last.
1 yr ago
Man I just can't stick with a DND Group. I'm aware I feel pushy at times but I never intend to push anyone into doing anything. I'm just feeling so dejected at this point.
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1 yr ago
In general I've given up play by post roleplaying. I only check on occasion due to how NO ONE commits to forum posting in my over ten years of experience.
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I'm one of the surviving members from the event known as Guild Fall. I am a big fan of Mobile Suit Gundam and am very specific on what I want in a roleplay. I have completed two roleplays (one is debateable) and have over six years of roleplaying experience dating back to when I was in Middle School.

Most Recent Posts

Academy City, also known as Academy City of Science and Technology, is a landlocked sovereign city-state whose territory consists of a walled enclave within the Tokyo Metropolitan Employment Area. It is the hub of Espers, and scientists young and old alike. It is where science blossoms, and life flourishes underneath technology. As the city's name suggests, it is a city of several schools and institutions of higher learning from kindergarten to university level that learn side-by-side along with the scientists who research on psychic powers and higher technology, the latter being one of the primary reasons for its establishment. It is the most advanced city in the world and its technology is said to be 30 years ahead of the world. As such the world's top espers, and minds typically come from this city. Atypically the city is often the target for a lot of people who have less than peaceful motives. The city that enhances the newest generation often has people inside, and out more often than not has at least a dozen, or so trouble makers running about at one time or another with wanna be heroes going out to meet them.

Though the security is often top notch, and Anti-Skill the primary defense of the city aside from the robots, it often finds itself in the middle of some sort of mess. As such the city has allowed students to take up arms in order to defend the city from threats as need be. Judgement, also known as "Public Morals Committee", is an organization made up of primarily students with strong esper, or technological knowledge capable of handling threats more often scientific...though at times they can be a little more...'unorthodox'. With that being said this new school year the students who made up the Judgment's core have graduated leaving only a handful of newbies, and seniors to fill in the rather big gap. The year has just started, and new members of judgment await their first days while older members are assigned partners. Thankfully Anti-Skill has managed to get volunteers in their group to take some of the weight off the student body until they get more members to join in. It is on this day that the head of Judgement prepares to send a whole new group off on a brand new adventure.

Class Year:


Special Equipment:


Esper/Skills Abilities Section:

Esper Type:

Skills/Study Specialization List: (Please include how many times you can cast specific spells)

Esper Level:

Other: (for anything that I may have missed)
Alright I hope everyone had a good Christmas but we should get things back on track here if possible soon.
I'll handle that when it becomes important I just wanted everyone a chance at some action I'm not feelin' all that great due to lack of sleep, and poor sleep. For reference I do not entirely regret it. I got Merlin in F/Go NA.
As I said there's nothing in the nearby forest if you really find it to be the case ill remove the ones in front I just wanted a quick fight.
I guess I have to give this info out since you calling me on it but enemy caster was completely mauled by a similar creature at one point in full public view and no one saw his actual attacker he was just kind of mauled to death by some completely invisible enemy not even he saw coming. Those are not the same exact enemies merely copies made by Greys but he has imbued a similar attribute into these creatures. This isn't some round of the bout magecraft he's using its extremely potent actual magic.
The outline of the forest is more than likely not teeming with anything dangerous on the edge at least. The inner part of the forest is shaded with darkness making it clear something is at work be it the enemy caster, or the Grey's work. Meaning these ones probably got through by use of presence concealment.
@ManyThingsProbably but they're mixed hidden by a special sort of magic, and magecraft. Monica just canceled out the magecraft section. She sensed the things by way of her second to last spell. While it is fair to say that out in the open you'd have seen them coming in the forest less so since it is much more in the domain of the enemy caster who's actively assisting the already potent illusion magic. I can't really say more without giving unintentional hints of enemy caster's identity.

Point I'm trying to make the full body illusion gives them an equivalent of making their bodies invisible. While the other magecraft is a sort of presence concealment which will get stronger the closer they are to the proximity of enemy Caster. Regardless their strength isn't meant to be all powerful more to be useful killing tools Lancelot clearly showed that one can dispatched them relatively easily but that doesn't make them less dangerous.
Started a bit of action won't be too major but first contact is a thing.
"We need to make sure the area is properly covered first archer should find the high ground on a hill, or something nearby. Somewhere outside the perimeter of the forest. Afterward Saber, and Rider can go in and cause first engagement." Leon stated he knew without a doubt that once they entered this black forest there was little to no chance the enemy wouldn't know about it. It wasn't natural, and it may very well be a fabrication of the mind. Leon steeled himself for whatever may come; death awaited them, and he was well aware that he had placed himself directly in front of it. However with Anderson, and the others here...they could win.

Saber sighed, and rubbed his eyes he wasn't ready quite yet to have full on combat with servants he wanted more information that he could use. But since they were indeed the faction that most likely had to attack he knew very well he had to be ready at a moments notice. As Saber reappeared in his grandiose steel armor, and gleaming blue golden sword in hand he stepped forward. "I don't feel like things are going to go as plan. I may not have instinct as a skill but I know enough of evil magicians to know that one should be careful of whats going on around you." Saber stated calmly looked at the forest intently.

"I am a doctor not a killer, Lancer. Red Faction is a disease we must purge whatever the case may be. Do not think of me as some wanton destroyer." Berserker asserted herself as she grasped a pistol in her hand. A jingle of knives, and other surgical equipment was attached to her thighs, and belt. Despite her words she seemed to be ready to do what she had to do.

"Its all the same really the world is full of horrors, and mystic arts. I dedicated my life so far to finding out as much as I could so you shouldn't worry." Monica stated happily as she breathed out she cast one more spell, Monia's face furrowed in confusion as Assassin stepped up with puffed cheeks, and a frown, "I am NOT weak! I'm just suffering for a life long illness that didn't stop me from being one of the Shinsengumi's finest warriors." Assassin asserted herself as suddenly Monica shouted, "ENGAGE! INVISIBLE ENEMIES SABER THE LEFT! RIDER BEHIND YOU!" Monica shouted as Saber heard the cracking of the earth around Leon's location he spun and slashed through the air blindly but with a educated guess based on the sound. The monster, or whatever it was had broken a twig, and dug into the earth with its feet at the last moment as Saber's weapon flashed through the air Leon was suddenly covered in blood as Saber ran through an invisible beast which slammed into Leon knocking him over. "For I am the world's daughter! Reveal all the beasts of creation to me! Let no creature escape my gaze!" Monica called out casting a spell which reverberated in the air followed by a flash of yellow light powered by od revealing hideous faceless creatures resembling dogs massive in size, and no eyes. Their wide mouths had large sharp fangs, and they made a sound more reminiscent of a snake rather than a mammal hissing in anger. There were four of them charging in the front two from the sides, and one from behind. Anderson pulled out black keys and threw them with incredible accuracy at the one to the left while Assassin stuck to the middle to protect the masters. Berserker made no move in either direction going on the defensive grasping a knife in one hand and firing a shot into another of the animals. Despite that however the creatures made no signs that they were in pain, nor hurt despite having black keys sticking out of their hides, and faces.

Leon kicked the monster off of him coughing, and backed up making his hand into a gun shape like a kid would do he aimed down his thumb, and ignored the fear. "Concussive shot!" Leon called out as he heard a sickening thud smash into the creature while Saber moved in and ran his holy blade right through the beasts head where its brain should be causing it to flail around wildly. "Fuckin' Chimeras! Aim for the heart!" Anderson called out as he prepared to do what he could against the enemy.
Playing Mercenaries Playground of Destruction (currently am going for the ace of clubs at the time of writing this), and then I'm grinding in F/Go because Merlin comes out. I'll post tomorrow if possible but I got stuff to do.
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