Avatar of vancexentan
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: VanceXentan
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 9706 (2.56 / day)
  • VMs: 6
  • Username history
    1. vancexentan 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Losing a game of dragon ball the breakers because my dipshit allies wouldn't give me their fucking dragon balls pisses me off. the raider was already nearly dead fml.
1 yr ago
devaronian is the race you're looking for. They're basically thugs for the hutts for the most part.
1 yr ago
Man I'd love to be proven wrong so i'll keep trying but still it sucks like the fourth time this has happened for entirely seperate reasons each as dumb as the last.
1 yr ago
Man I just can't stick with a DND Group. I'm aware I feel pushy at times but I never intend to push anyone into doing anything. I'm just feeling so dejected at this point.
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1 yr ago
In general I've given up play by post roleplaying. I only check on occasion due to how NO ONE commits to forum posting in my over ten years of experience.
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I'm one of the surviving members from the event known as Guild Fall. I am a big fan of Mobile Suit Gundam and am very specific on what I want in a roleplay. I have completed two roleplays (one is debateable) and have over six years of roleplaying experience dating back to when I was in Middle School.

Most Recent Posts

Here's a basic transcript I made at 1:35 in the morning so its obviously not finished but something for you to say yes or no to before i make the history. I'll try my best to comply though my ability is quite on the stronger side I will try to tone it down if need be. @ZxyxZemon

@ZxyxZemonStatistics tend to be hard to pin down accurately, or sufficiently address the needs of the rp at hand IMO thus making them unnecessary.
I was going to play a rather optimistic character a young kid around 17 or so. Just on the cusp of adult hood. His parents were relatively normal folks albeit they met through an internship with a pretty skilled hunter who helped bring out my OC's native abilities. He's not an especially keen on fighting being the only thing he does he just likes to travel and see new places and get stronger. His special skill/ace is being quick on picking up new techniques, and abilities quick.
I just marathoned the netflix stuff on hunter hunter so I'll be down for the second idea not interested at all in pvp games though.
A bad guy doesn't always have to just have one plot that they're working to the whole organization could just be made up of people going through their own goals and using each other to help get to it. You can use something like the former to make a multiple number of plots splinting off towards 'our main goal' so to speak.
Rayla looked at the two charging her and frowned deeply having been pinned in the corner and awaited the approach of the two enemies in front of her. The one free arm she had left was swung to deflect Auriel's attack as she felt Fer smash into her she used surprising strength she attempted to push back Fer perhaps it was adrenaline or perhaps it was simply that she was using the last bit of her strength to put up a decent fight. She attempts to stab at Fer but with her arm the way it was blocking Fer she was unable to get proper strike in. It only took a moment for the golden blade Cole held in his hands to gain its charge. "Meteor Strike!" shouts Cole loudly as he swings his blade forward causing a surge of magical energy to form into a blow. As Fer holds her steady she can do nothing other than take the blow head on and the armor breaks underneath the pressure. Rayla coughs up blood, and her eyes turn hollow as she slumps back against the wall. A great amount of blood tints the ripped open armor she wore and if she's breathing she probably wouldn't be for much longer. Cole sighed in relief knowing the fight was over.

As the three did what they would following what had happened Marcino walks into the room his bow in hand as he looks over the group. "I suppose that would mean that you were victorious...now then about her." Marcino says as he walks over to the corner and spits on her body. "Was the necessary?" Cole says in disgust as he feels revulsion fill his body. She was gone what did it matter? "What the hell do you mean? She's a failure, a bitch, and hurt people you consider to be worth protecting. Of course she deserves it. Also she is technically still alive. You want to bring her in alive? Or dead? I know a trick called Spare The Dying as a part of my hunting skills. It will heal her critical wounds but not much else. Makes no difference to me. Seems cruel if you let her live." Marcino scoffs. "I'd prefer her alive so she may face trials. But...a body is a body isn't it?" Cole said looking back at his companions.
I'll get a post out tomorrow if I can feeling a bit better can't guarantee it as usual but I'll try to wrap up the fight soon not as long as I'd like it have been but it's served its point.
Forgot to add in I'd like a standard Magnolia just seems like a pain to go through the process of making a whole new setting outside of scaling things back tech wise.
@DoomFlavoredYes en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairy_Tail_Zero is a thing just so you know in case you want to watch it.
What types of magics are off the list forbidden?

What do you want to see? Do you want at least one dragon slayer?

Is there any specific techniques you don't want to see even in accepted magics?

What exactly will be our starting point so we can form our backstories around it? Do we need to be a part of the magic guilds?

Will this be related to how the prequel anime formed the guild?@DoomFlavored
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