Avatar of Vandy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Vandy
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1178 (0.31 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Vandy 10 yrs ago


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Nerdy things that I love in order of importance

1. Star Wars, come on who doesn't love it?
2. DC comics, if you couldn't already tell.
3. Game of Thrones, more recent than the other two but still awesome!
4. Mass Effect, best video game franchise OF ALL TIME!!!

Most Recent Posts

Good picture
It's from from Call of Juarez: Gunslinger if i remember correctly :D

Haha, yup.
@Heat Character finished.

Sorry about the double post, oops.

Elmore Jonathon Vance

Alias - Elmore "Fiddler" Vegas

Age - 40

Gender - Male

Occupation - Former Confederate soldier/Bounty Hunter

Appearance - Elmore has long black hair and brown eyes. He is almost always seen with a cigar or dip in his mouth. He talks with a heavy Cajun accent and has a trimmed beard. He is never seen without the hat that his father gave him or the medallion given to him by his dead wife. (Seen in picture)

[b]Height - 5'10

[b]Weight - 174 lbs.

Apparel - As stated above he is always wearing his hat and medallion. Other than that expect a pair of jeans, poncho, and buttoned down shirt with boots.

Weaponry - Two Colt .45 revolvers and a Winchester Model 1873.

Equipment - A black horse he calls Mamba, two 1 liter canteens, a box of cigars and an ample supply of dip. He carries a picture of his wife and two children. He also never leaves home without his fiddle.

Skills -
  • Elmore is an excellent shot and one of the fastest draws in the west. He has killed many a man in a duel.
  • He can track with the best of 'em. He has hunted outlaws from Louisiana to the MidWest territories and back. He always finds his man.
  • Elmore is a damn good fiddler, hence the name.
  • He can be damn intimidating. Rumors say he once caused a man to wet himself just by staring him down.

Flaws -
  • Elmore has a gambling problem, a bad one. The first thing he does when he enters a town is find a saloon with a poker or craps table. While he is good at it, he loses just as often as he wins.
  • He smokes like a train engine and drinks to boot. When he is drunk however he is reduced to an incoherent lout.
  • He is quite racist against most non-white people at first glance. This does soften a bit if a person of another race impresses him however.

Personality - Elmore is a vulgar man and an arrogant one. He normally believes he is in the right and good luck trying to change his mind. He is also quite cynical though he does have a sense of humor. Once he warms up to a person he becomes a reliable friend but it takes a bit to get there. One thing about him though is that he truly cares about his family. His wife is dead and his kids nearly grown but he does the best he can for them. He says that is why he's got the job he does, it is good money to track outlaws.

Backstory - Elmore was born the second child of tow plantation owners in New Orleans, Louisiana. His grandfather was a Belgian immigrant and his mother comes from a long line of french settlers. Both of his parents died of fever when he was only ten years old and his older sister, Clara, took over the plantation with her husband Ferdinand. He met his future wife, Bonnie, a couple of years later as her family had just moved from Mississippi. She was the youngest daughter of the family which bought the nearest plantation to the Vance's.

It was Bonnie's father who taught Elmore to play the fiddle and he always had great respect for the man. When he was only fifteen he and Bonnie were married and the two plantation families united. Three years later the Civil War broke out and Elmore joined the 4th Louisiana infantry regiment. He fought in battles from Bull Run to Gettysburg in General Lee's army.

When the war ended and the slaves were freed he returned home to a diminished fortune. Hard times had fallen on his family and Elmore became much more cynical than he was as a child. Despite this he and Bonnie were still in love and had two boys, Ross and John. During this time Elmore started gambling to try and raise money for his sister's failing plantation but he ended up being in debt to a local loan shark. Eventually the loan shark's men attacked Elmore's family killing Bonnie and Clara and burning the Vance family plantation to the ground.

Elmore left his children with his wife's brother, Buck, and hunted the loan shark down. After a year he had killed the man and stolen quite a bit of money from his estate which mysteriously showed up at Buck's plantation. Eventually he became a bounty hunter and traveled the world for years catching outlaws and gambling. Ross is now a young man himself and has begun to fix up the Vance plantation and John is planning on moving to New York to study law. That life is not for Elmore however, instead he has followed an outlaw named Jimbo "Horsehoe" Boden to the small town of Soursprings, Texas.
Well it looks good so far. I honestly didn't expect to get a Polish immigrant type character, that is pretty interesting. All you need to do now is explain how he got to New Orleans around Mardi Gras, maybe he found a job in the city a few months ago or something. Anyway Michal is right on his way to being accepted!

My first character is finished and on the character page in case anyone wants an example.


That's quite the character there pardner, Charlie and Elmore should get along just fine.
Alright now my next order of business is to get a character written up. Then to proofread because I'm sure the OP needs it.


@ADParis@Wade Wilson@Rockerman403@Monster@paragloan@BilboTheGreat@sakurasan@Gray Linings
Think that's everybody who posted or liked something on the interest thread. This is still pretty under construction but here it is for now.



Vandy's characters
Eric Vance- Status: Alive
Samantha Hebert- Status: Alive

Helena Forsyth-Status: ALive
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