Avatar of VATROU
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1688 (0.46 / day)
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    1. VATROU 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
8 yrs ago
A Coke thief stole my last Ice Cold Coca Cola.
8 yrs ago
I wonder how many people sit at their desk facepalming in silence at my jokes.
8 yrs ago
On his way to Corvega Assembly plant for a settlement mission, gets distracted by a new settlement site and spends the day building it up. I'll get there I swear!!
9 yrs ago
Check out my Fallout Fan Fiction roleplayerguild.com/topics/8..
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I got into Roleplaying, er more specifically Post by Post Roleplaying around, I think it was four years ago? It feels much longer than that. My good friend whose now far too busy in college introduced me. He wanted by make a Mass Effect RP for his younger brother, or Cousin, something along those line. The games series was far to mature for someone of his age but he felt he could make a family friendly RP. And while that never panned out, I was hooked. Fast forward to the present day and I'm an avid RP and casual writer. I mainly prefer Fallout RPs, and am working on my own which will take place in the fictional Lore of Alaska. But it's far from ready. Between my laziness and my workload of various RPs and Videogames I am often rather busy. Yet I always find myself exceptionally bored. So I like contemplating Philosophical Conundrums.

Most Recent Posts

Merlin’s insistence to let the vampire known as Katrina have her freedom was unnerving, she was never this nice to anyone before; sure Merlin wasn’t particularly kind by most standards but she did treat the vamp with more respect than she did her. Still getting out of that stuffy library would do her good, and the day seemed nice. About as nice as it gets in New York this time of year as wind blew papers across the street and cats cluttered back alleys it was a good thing Eva kept Dickens at home otherwise he’d run off and tear into strays. With her hands dug into her pockets and walked with her arms close to her body she looked at a quaint shop, there were colorful designs printed over shirts, pants and jackets. She liked this place it’s where she got the bulk of her clothing. The man who owned Starstruck was a tall Irish fellow stereotypically red hair and accent, looking like he had just immigrated from Ireland yesterday. With a smile he greeted one of his regular customers, “Afternoon miss Walsh. Care to see our latest wares, local budding designers have submitted more clothes for sale.”

”I am looking for a few things, do you have any capelets?”

Meanwhile. Just a few blocks over a man was being chased, skin had scales and his breathing was heavy as he gasped for air. The Hounds knew this, and closed in on him, these were not the militant types of Hounds seen on the news no sir. They were sympathisers, thugs more like it, one had a proper gun and the others whatever improvised weapons they armed themselves with. The meta before them was quite unlucky, breathing underwater was an alright gift but none helpful when someone is intent to kill you. The man could barely muster the strength to gasp out meek calls for help as he tossed just about anything he could find to slow them down but he was running out of alleyways and soon came to a dead end. With eyes only a man who knew death was at hand possessed he bravely took a trash can lid for protection.

“What’s he thinking of doing, smacking us upside the head!” A man laughed out.

Another stepped forward dragging his bat along the brick as it bounced off repeatedly. “It’s freaks like you who ruined my marriage, crashing through buildings, tearing up the town.”

“Oliver.” One called out. “As I see it you did that. Taking that blonde home thinking you’d have time for a quickie.”

“Fuck off!” Oliver said as he turned to the freak. “Cause of people like you, I lost my marriage hard to keep a fling secret when you’re fucking wall is torn down.”

As the men closed in there was a cough, and another cough. As a stranger began looming over the wall the meta had been backed up against. “You gentlemen seem to be forgetting something, this is a town of HEROES! And you face the World, and..” The World the towering Giant man said in dramatic fashion while a sewer lid popped open.

“THE MIGHTY FIST OF JUSTICE! SEWER GATOR! For I am like the gumwad stuck to the bottom of your shoe after you spat it out, seeking justice for all your wrongdoings! I am like the sting of the bee who’s nest you disturbed! I am like…”

Before he could continue, The World cut him off. “To Justice then!”

“To Justice!” Sewer Gator yelled in response.
The Alaskan Federation

With the Convention clearly and surprisingly escalating into a fight as a woman had stabbed the doppelganger of the NCR president. Soon after the meeting was officially over for the day with more talks supposed to be held tomorrow, though if North was to return and see yet another violent spectacle Alaska might have to take a closed borders stance save one or two ports. While the delegates left North turned to speak with his two men. "This was, interesting but ultimately pointless. Even Clan Bearhorn is more delicate in political affairs and they consider trial by combat the standard for peace talks. But as least their cordial about it. We should see just who we support if any, or if we should remain neutral to which I am currently leaning towards."

The trooper agreed, as he held a couple fingers to his chin. "Civilized my ass indeed. Despite the glittering lights and technological advancements there seems to be no civil discourse. I do think we should understand the current political climate before we make decisions."

"You are right since the Legion are here perhaps we should speak to them after they are freed up. For now we might need to bring in Victoria Bearhorn for tomorrow's meeting. For added caution."
The Alaskan Federation

Gathered round a large oaken table carved from the base of a tree the width of a semi truck were rugged looking members of a council, Elders in both name and age sat stroking their beards or puffing natural grasses from wood pipes culminating in a lack of discourse. And to be fair there was a lot to take in; Nations from the lower forty-eight states had called a massive conference not only to renew some kind of treaty but to gauge which nations had risen to power and what forces they could bring to bear, it caused quite a stir some years ago as explorers came to map out resources. It wasn't surprising that others had lived but to know other nations had begun to thrive and build armies had caused great concern, Alaskans had not yet had a standing army; there were of course Rangers and every faction had men at their disposal but not a unified army. That changed over the four years they had since first contact, finally getting their shit together as it were and funneling cash towards a central government ruled by a Council. By no means easy now they stand regarding how to approach this ‘Convention’ as it were held by a Free Vegas of some sort. Details were sketchy but they knew the distance and had a plane that could reach it. The Carrier Dunwall would preserve fuel until the plane was close enough to Vegas however they needed to be careful anchoring a carrier off the Californian Coast could cause political issues, it would need to be far enough not to make a scene.

The men looked around the table knowing just who’d they send, it was something each of them already decided however should anyone go. “Arctic Haven is already sending representatives, If North doesn’t go they may think of us as ignorant or prideful. Though I do fail see see the relevance of our involvement. The other Nations don’t seem to have a current interest in our lands and instead are directing the bulk of their influence on the Western United States.”

North interrupted with a raised hand. ”Regardless of their potential interest in our lands this is likely the first such meeting on a Continental scale since the Great War, I’d rather be in history than forgotten by its conquerors.”

“Perhaps High Chief North. Resources will be allocated, make good use of them.”

With a nod North Ashland began preparations for a long journey with luck they wouldn’t arrive late, however as the ship launched they were caught up in a storm while Arctic Haven departed just ahead of the them and slipped beyond its reach.

After weeks of travel the plane was fueled and ready for take off, the Carrier Dunwall sat on the far fringes off the coast beyond notice and certainly beyond range not that they wanted any closer. Within a few hours they had arrived at MacCarran airport, with a robot standing on one wheel with a cowboy hat. “Howdy partners, wasn’t expecting anyone else.”

“We’re a rather new nation formed by the remnants of Alaska’s Military and hardy adventurers.”

“Well Mr. House seems not to take issue, welcome to the first American Convention, this way.”

After a Monorail ride through the shining beacon that was Vegas a true testiment to what the world could once again become. Upon entering the Gourmand North and two Rangers stood beside him, looking more like lumberjacks of old than clean shaven military men.

“Been quite the long journey, I do hope we can place an order. First introductions, I am High Chief North Ashland of the Alaskan Federation. The world is truly bigger than we knew.”
Is there any room for a Communist Chinese state formed from the remnants of an army that landed during the War?

Well, maybe? I was going to make a NPC state with Chinese forces occupying either the Yukon territory in Canada or in lower British Columbia also Canada. Since I bet many Chinese forces were still around Alaska when the bombs fell. Though they lost Anchorage I would assume there were still forces scattered.
how does one join? i click the button and nothing happens

Join what? The RP? You're already in the Discord and you just posted your sheet for approval. Once Fish looks over it and gives you the go ahead you're in. Though I think Lone Wanderer still needs approval. Maybe we should get a Co Gm for approvals. I'd suggest maybe Andro, or Gingy. I do read all the sheets but I may be a little too busy for Co Gm status so I won't suggest myself. I'm sure I could suggest more but it could be something for Fish to look into.
WIP Forgot navy and airforce


I on daily. Sweet, I shall try and establish my character and nation. Is this canon flexible enough to make some changes to canon - if it isn't written out?

(Like if the Swallows had evacuated Zion or not? Isn't written out, I can take some context or choices here?)

You can
<Snipped quote by NecroKnight>

We're certainly still accepting players, and as long as they're free and alive according to our established lore I'm fine with you using in-game characters. I'm away and on mobile right now, but I'll try to fix the Discord link.

If it's broken here's a new one. @NecroKnight https://discord.gg/E7fgX4U

Alright. What is the code for the Discord, if I may ask?

Should be in the OOC main topic

Hmm. I wanna ask, if I might be able to use a char from the DLC? As one of the leaders of my nation?

It depends upon what's available. We need an update OOC but we have a Discord too.
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