Avatar of VATROU
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    1. VATROU 10 yrs ago


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A Coke thief stole my last Ice Cold Coca Cola.
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I wonder how many people sit at their desk facepalming in silence at my jokes.
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On his way to Corvega Assembly plant for a settlement mission, gets distracted by a new settlement site and spends the day building it up. I'll get there I swear!!
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Check out my Fallout Fan Fiction roleplayerguild.com/topics/8..
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I got into Roleplaying, er more specifically Post by Post Roleplaying around, I think it was four years ago? It feels much longer than that. My good friend whose now far too busy in college introduced me. He wanted by make a Mass Effect RP for his younger brother, or Cousin, something along those line. The games series was far to mature for someone of his age but he felt he could make a family friendly RP. And while that never panned out, I was hooked. Fast forward to the present day and I'm an avid RP and casual writer. I mainly prefer Fallout RPs, and am working on my own which will take place in the fictional Lore of Alaska. But it's far from ready. Between my laziness and my workload of various RPs and Videogames I am often rather busy. Yet I always find myself exceptionally bored. So I like contemplating Philosophical Conundrums.

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<Snipped quote by VATROU>

I wonder a similar sort of thing for The Wanderer's barrier psionics. Sure, it stopped multiple rounds and can more than likely stop a tank round, but the Finger of God? Things to make you go 'hmmm', I guess.

Give anything enough plot armor and I suppose you could easily stop it. But that's not the angle I'm going here. If say already defined powers or items could withstand that kind of force. But I guess we might never know.
You know I wonder how much force would the Finger of God inflict. And of course heat. But mostly the force. Could Icon say stop the beam with his bare hands? Would Briley shield the Ageis way back in season one be able to stop it? Could Excalibur take the blast without breaking? Question questions. I'm pretty sure we don't want to find out again.


Hounds of Gomorrah

Gomorrah was a hot place. Always crowded with new guests and gamblers trying their luck on the slots, while sharply dressed dealers kept big spenders on their toes. It was successful and as Barron looked out on the Vegas strip, flashes of New Vegas flooded his mind, the spire he had always dreamed of conquering, the walls erected along freeside and the Wrangler. He chuckled thinking if those squatters could see him now, a clean Vegas. He had spared no expense at building up his casino and it payed him back every cent, and perhaps it was Vegas of old that lead to his overspending in security that few guests would ever see but it gave him a piece of mind knowing that he had a gate in case groups of armed men made it past the screenings.

Meanwhile, in the dank alleyways surrounding Gomorrah, hidden in shadows cascading off the piercing metal and glass giants of the city, The Winter Court began to mobilize. With orders direct from the Witchfinder General in Lost Haven, Captain Hawthorn, recently promoted and in competition with the good Captain Dahl for control of the Vegas outfit, stationed his men at every imaginable entrance, waiting for the signal inside. Two agents were sent in armed with countermeasures to whatever systems were in place to keep intruders at bay, both mechanical and magical.

“Be ready,” Captain Hawthorn called to his men, tuned in to the comlink in his left ear. “And don’t be stupid, save the big guns for that twisted son of a bitch, Barron.”

Taking their time, wandering to avoid suspicion. The two agents eventually found terminals in this crowded den of crooks, taking out a tablet the man connected it to the computer on the kiosk. Waiting for the signal to follow from his partner after she found a suitable spot which to begin any countermeasures against magic. It was during this time a server past by with glasses nearly glanced over until a thirsty guest demanded their attention.

His partner on the other hand had made it to the women's restroom and began looking for a stall that was unoccupied. Finally after ten minutes a woman caked in makeup walked out allowing her some privacy in order to unpack. Sending a text, her partner responded and in a matter of minutes the action started.

A prompt from the tablet indicated that the security gate had been disabled and with another text Hawthorn would be notified.

Hearing the buzz from his pocket and the quick chirp on his headset, Captain Hawthorn motioned for his unit to advance, storming the building through front, side, and back entrances, their dark forms like walking shadows in the bright casino. The first group to advance began smashing machines with their weapons, pushing patrons to the floor, some firing into the ceiling, some opening up on bartenders and casino workers, whom they assumed were likely afflicted with some manner of inhuman curse.

“Come out, come out, Mr. Vanderbilt,” Captain Hawthorn taunted as he strutted down the lower hall of the casino, glancing up to the office that overlooked the entire establishment. “We heard you like a bloodbath, and we’re here to deliver.”

Chaos ensued as patrons ran and hid screaming from the Hounds, who shot indiscriminately at any living thing, knowing that at some point, they would catch Barron’s attention, or kill a few of his lackeys in the meantime.

In the quick moments that followed Carol wondered what was going on, a text arrived to her phone and not from the security room. One of her floor dealers had sent it, and as she looked at it’s contents it was horrifying. Well to any normal human it would have been. Even if she weren’t a Vampire; dealing with petulant children was something she was all to familiar with. As she quickly informed her husband, the floor was still in chaos as dealers the next line of defense against an armed invasion began throwing out cards that increased in size and density exponentially. Creating makeshift barriers saving what guests they could, and fighting off other hounds when possible. Dealers had small decks, of different cards. Only a handful of each in case of an emergency and since there were a lot of tables there was always a lot of dealers on the floor. A jack smashed into a hound as he was busy dealing with all these magic cards, and while the magic surrounding the building had been negated there were still plenty carrying concealed weapons.

One such dealer, Fortuna or so she called herself. Was a plucky brunette with a metagene, luck was always on her side turning the odds slightly in her favor. Her hand reached for the pack of aces and with a deft toss sliced down a hound about to murder an innocent guest as a barrier of jacks began to separate the guests from the hounds. “Move to the stairs! Get to the second floor everyone!” As they moved in terror more dealers began to make a defensive line. The Street Bosses had been called, Southie was on his way along with others who got the call and all they needed to do was hold out for Barron to make his play.

Hawthorn and his team were surprised by the magic playing cards, having only witnessed incorporeal barriers in their previous missions. They weren’t deterred for long, however, as Hawthorn gave the all clear for his men to reload their weapons with the blessed silver. Normal bullets ricocheted off the dense wards, but the silver tore clean through, leaving small holes that widened as the Hounds continued their assault. It was enough to halt their immediate advance, but those barriers wouldn’t last for long.

Ducking behind turned over blackjack tables the cards had all but been shredded. Some guests had already fled to safety but certainly not enough, whatever weapons these hounds were using seemed to have an odd if but effective enchantment against their magical barriers. Still aces kept cutting down hounds that got too bold and Carol was arguing with her security team who at this point were furious at whatever tech these hounds used to hack their systems.

“And you cannot pinpoint whatever terminal this is coming from?” Carol asked.

“Only that it’s on the first floor. We’ve managed to narrow it down from the guest room terminals so that only leaves any information kiosks.”

“You can figure that out, but not which terminal?.. Hold on.” With a ping from her phone a text shot up that read. Blessed silver. Under heavy fire.

“Another ten minutes or so and we can isolate the hacker.”

Sighing. Carol sent the text to her husband, who was strangely calm. Having not left his room yet he looked at the message and smiled.

”Well. I suppose I won’t be going down there unprepared then.” Taking his steps away from the door he moved further into his penthouse a moved a panel exposing a button.
As Fortuna and the other dealers waited and slung cards out to defend themselves. Some thudding could be heard as the elevator came crashing to the floor. A silent pause from the dealers and another thundering smash could be heard as a mechanical suit fell upon the elevator, gunmetal grey nine feet tall and built like a mobile tank. Barron had brought more than himself from his old world, he brought with him knowledge. He and his wife that is and while most of their old world’s secrets were lost Advanced Power Armor in conjunction with this world’s high tech level had created a beast of a suit something that would make the military cream themselves if they had access to it.

Strolling like one would walk through a park Barron made his way over to the Hounds asking kindly. ”Would you shut up and die.”

Hawthorn’s men backed away slowly, still firing their weapons but taking note of their lack of effect. This was not a magical weapon, this was something else entirely. The Witchfinder General couldn’t have anticipated technology of this scale, Hawthorn thought, aware that if he and his men lived, they faced the wrath of the General for failing their mission.

Captain Hawthorn said nothing, only making a subtle motion for his men to toss a few explosive canisters Barron’s way, hoping they might disturb the armor enough for an opening.

Unleashing a wave of blood in front of him he smacked down the canisters as if his blood were a sheet blanketing the field directly in front of him taking the explosive impact and stepping over the now cracked floor as his blood retracted into his suit. Turning to the dealers to spoke. ”Find the terminal disrupting our systems and escort any remaining guests to safety. I have these guys.”

With a nod, Fortuna rushed back using Barron as a shield, her and the other dealers began sweeping the area any kiosk that had something unusual connected were to be destroyed and anyone hacking killed. All the while Barron turned his gaze to the hounds and bull rushed one of them into the wall smashing his head in like a egg. ”I’m going to have to repair that later. But you. You come into my home, MY CASTLE! And think I won’t be prepared?”

A few Hounds shuddered at Barron’s sudden advance, jumping at the sight of his strange magic. Hawthorn had expected as much, and his resolve was greater than his men. He repositioned, sending a few behind Barron, who unleashed more explosives while Hawthorn kept aim and looked for an opening. If he could just get one shot off, the blessing on the bullets would do the rest.

As Barron began to turn to deal with the threats behind him his eyes began to linger on one man, one hound who had guts and a steely gaze in his eyes. Barron thought you. The commander. Just as explosions rocked his left side damaging his systems severing servos that would normally hinder arm movement in humans. But without any regard to his body he swung around tearing his arm off on the inside of his suit as his body began to stitch itself together again as he unleashed a whip of blood.

Meanwhile elsewhere in the city approximately fifteen minutes out a man began to run straight through traffic past cars and trucks over the roadways and leaping through a building all the while taking no damage nor harming any of the surrounding structures. His body phasing through matter like he was never there all the while thinking. I need to get to the boss.

Seeing their effort, the Hounds continued their assault, exhausting their supply of explosives in the process, trying desperately to save their stock of blessed bullets until they had a clean shot. Captain Hawthorn watched as Barron’s power came at him, smashing into his side and knocking him into an adjacent slot machine, forcing the wind from his lungs. He suspected that had he not been wearing his inscribed iron cross, the whip would have torn straight through him.

The Captain stood up slowly, maintaining his aim on Barron while his men continued to tear at his suit.

Continuous explosions rocked his suit, often rendered ineffective with his powers those that did slip through began to blow away servos and critical components and as good as the suit was the man inside of it was better, stronger and faster than it could keep up with which soon began to show as the sheer strength Barron possesed began to tear the metal and wires with each swing of his arm. And inevitability the suit began to malfunction likely that anyone who worked on the suit for Barron could attest to as his herculean strength and speed akin to Hermes or at least close enough to match any speedster could have predicted.

However as Barron fought off the Hounds Fortuna and the rest cleared the floor dispatching lone hounds until they eventually found the terminal that was causing system failures. As the minutes had already flew by they knew they had to act fast throwing a massive card into the terminal forcing the nearby hacker into action as he took aim and began firing. While the other dealers ducked for cover, Fortuna began to charge the Hound reaching for her deck of aces only to find it empty. Taking out her joker card she tossed it up into the air and it began to float and expand until she reached one of the edges and pulled it down kicking the card towards the hound smacking him across the chest and flipping over like a flying carpet as it flew taking the hound who was firing at it along for the ride.

Hawthorn looked for an opening, finally noticing the areas where the armor began to tear away, the machinations behind them slowly failing. He let loose several rounds into the same general area, hoping that a couple might piece through enough to graze Barron. A graze was enough for some creatures, and Hawthorn hoped it might be enough for Barron.

As Barron swung up a hound in the air and crushed him. A round finally managed to pierce his side rhickocheing on the metal and squashed itself inside his ribs. The pain was immense but nothing he couldn’t handle but the sudden impact opened him up to more gunfire as more rounds began to graze and shred through him slowing him down and allowing a brief moment of weakness that Hawthorn could take advantage of. Barron’s blood bagan to leak out as his powers over it loosened as the strength from his legs gave out and he had trouble moving.

The Captain took notice of Barron’s predicament and ordered his men back, moving himself closer for the killing blow. Unfortunately, his timing was off, sending a stray bullet into a hunk of metal before noticing the telltale signs of an ambush.

As the red flashing lights clicked on Barron chuckled looking up to spot the ceiling lights flash. “Looks like you get to have a nice parting gift. Courtesy of the US military. I present my GAU Avenger!!” As tiles in the ceiling spread out a gatling autocannon dropped out and began winding up.

And just as the action inside began reaching a fever pitch Barron began to force himself up falling over to one knee. As a familiar hand reached out to him from behind.

“Hey Boss man, you need a hand aur should I just kill these mooks?”

”I got myself. You just sweep the place Southie.”

“Right-O boss. I’ll clean the floah fah you in the meantime.”

Southie stood in a long furred coat with spiked knuckle dusters and shaved head as he smiled. Running right through each bullet unphased and clocking hounds across the cheek. Going directly through cover and smacking Hounds around as he phases through every obstacle.

Eventually getting to his feet Barron stood as blood dripped and he sluggishly hobbled towards the Hounds. ”I’m not down yet boys. I’ve got plenty of hospitality for you all.”

Captain Hawthorn stumbled back as the intangible assailant took a sizeable swing at his stomach, knocking the wind from his longs a second time. This power wasn’t magic, else the bullets would have pierced his skin. No, this was an exceptionally gifted meta, the type of enemy with whom the General had little to no interest. Hawthorn’s eyes shifted to Barron, weakened by the spray of blessed silver, but advancing nonetheless. If he didn’t do something soon, Hawthorn’s unit would be destroyed.

“Fall back,” he hesitantly muffled into his headset, wincing as he limped toward the nearest exit, hoping to dodge anymore of Barron’s surprise guests along the way. Others followed suit, backing toward opened doors still firing their normal rounds into Barron’s backup forces as a precaution.

”I’m going to miss this version. Oh well.” Barron said standing up with what remained of his powered suit barely hanging to its frame. ”Wish we had some of those Marvel super metals. I could use a Wakanda right about now.” As some of his men gave chase to the Hounds; Barron took a seat on a wrecked slot machine the suit crushing what remained of the internals as it spat out coins. As Barron tore off the helm that sat on top of his shoulders he took in the chaos that the Hounds had caused and lifted his phone.

”Carol. Set up a meet with Hekate. Maybe the families as well. I think it’s time to finally deal with our, security issue.”
Gonna have posts coming soon. Got one ready mostly to post just need to check in with FDeviant which I haven't been able to as I'm disconnected from Discord while at work. Then Eva's adventures in Birbsitting continue. After I have time tonight that is.



Jailhouse Rock

In his bed Sinclaire laid gripping his right arm in particular as Gargoyle’s grasp had done its worst on his dominant hand, trembling he popped a jar of pills open and tossed a unassuming one in his mouth downing a glass of water. He knew there should be surging pain through his limbs that he should be unable to even move, but as his fingers grasped the cup he cursed. Cursed at his own powerlessness to see things done; while he had saved the day the sun still rose without him in the city and more would crime would go unanswered. “Fu#$ing shit!” Following a crash against the wall as shards rained down to the tile below and Sinclaire pushing himself off the bed as he tried to fight his own current state, a mix of anger and frustration washed over him as his legs gave way beneath him. Perhaps Sinclaire Adams’ greatest fault was his own pride his need to never let himself feel useless, a waste of space that otherwise would have been any other human being if it weren’t for powers.

Over the intercom a Nurse began to page for Doctor Winters. “Dr. Winters, your presence is required at the front desk, Dr. Winters to the front desk.” Hanging up the phone, she turned to the man. “He’ll be right with you, Mrs. Patton already informed us you might be arriving.”

With a brisk pace Dr. Winters approached, as he signed off other documents and prescribed treatments. “Yes yes, what do you need Nurse?”

“Two visitors here to see you.”

At the front desk, there stood two superhumans. The first was the bird-headed hero dubbed the Son of Osiris. A kitsune-like woman, who wore a costume far more colorful than Osiris’ Egyptian themed outfit, accompanied the man. The two heroes stuck out in the hospital like a sore thumb. The Son of Osiris was the first to approach Dr. Winters, while Firefox followed close behind.

“You two are clearly not injured, so is there anything I can help you with, I need to make my rounds soon.”

We are here to see a certain Sinclair Adams. The good people over at S.P.A.R.K. mentioned during the news conference that he was in need of medical assistance, the Son of Osiris telepathically communicated with the doctor, although he did not even consider how the man would react to telepathy for the first time.

A bit of shock grasped the Doctor as he steadied himself. “I had a colleague who worked as the Espers personal Doctor, and he’d always mention how unnerving telepathy was. But dear god, I do think he underplayed it. Fine. S.P.A.R.K., yes, um Oh yes that’s right Mrs. Patton’s new program. I’ve been dealing with patients all day so her little project hasn’t really made its way into my lexicon. I won’t take offense to you offer for medical aid if you promise not to hold what you’ll see against him. This way.” Setting his clipboard down on the desk and sliding it over to one of the nurses he lead Osiris and his female companion towards Sinclaire’s room.

Grasping the side of the bed frame Sinclaire began pulling himself off the floor as he heard a knock. “Now, it’s best I go first.”

Raising his voice he yelled at Eddie. “Fu@# do you want, I’m fine just fine. I don’t need your help!”

I thought this was the reason why you handed us your business card at the day when the Game Genie attacked the city, the Son of Osiris mentioned to the broken Hound Dog.

“Fu@#ing telepaths! I’M Always handing out my cards I.”

“We’re the premiere team on this side of the country. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth,” Firefox interjected before the Son of Osiris could answer back. She could tell that his telepathy was not settling well with Hound Dog and thought they needed a different approach.

Stuttering for a second Hound Dog reconstructed himself. “I, I’m sorry. Taught never to raise my voice in front of a Doll. I.” Hound Dog said as he reached for his comb and with shaken nerves dropped it between his fingers. “I.. I just need a moment.”

Winters placed his hand on Osiris’s shoulder. “I’ve been his doctor ever since he came into this hospital, his condition has placed quite the toll on him. He’s normally well composed but in times like these.” He said leaning in closer. “He gets his temper from his mother, and he hates himself for it.”

His stuttering stopped he began to construct his sentences according to his persona he crafted. “I. Sorry dollface, I let myself get too frosted. Never liked being cooped up. I’d like to apologize, offer my sincerest apologies. So what are youse all here for?” Hound Dog said managing to lift himself onto the bed.

“Apology accepted,” Firefox said while biting her lip. If he were not confined to a hospital bed, she would have given him an earful for calling her dollface. “Now, let Osiris proceed with what we came here to do.”

“I don’t think I dig. What are youse all here to do exactly.” Hound Dog said, confused and with a pang of guilt for letting his act slip raising his voice and getting a rise out of his anger.

“Did Mrs. Patton not inform you yet, you didn’t watch the broadcast?”

“Nah, forgot to tune in, had Happy Days on the tube, season ten episode fifteen. Got real into it and just let that slip by. Why?”

“Mrs. Patton was seeking out aid for your more critical injures. Didn’t let on how bad, just mentioned a broken arm is all. You should look that up she started up some hero program.”

Letting that sink in, the fact that Osiris came to heal him sank his spirits more. “Geeze, and here I am being a wet rag, no even worse an ass. Look I am terribly sorry I acted that way, I don’t know how I’ll ever make that up to youse all.”

Just promise to be more careful next time, the Son of Osiris suggested. There may be a day where I am unavailable to heal such severe wounds.

The Son of Osiris then approached the medical bed and raised his ankh-topped staff above the bed-ridden Hound Dog.

Don’t worry. This won’t hurt. Soon, all of your injuries shall be a thing of the past.

“How much does that go back, could it heal all? A handy cure all, a grand panacea couldn’t exist. Right?” Hound Dog questioned.

I’m empowered by the god who holds power over life and death. It is very possible.

Hound Dog slumping back let himself think. Gods, what crazy bull have I gotten myself into. What are the chances I’d meet some crazy Clyde claiming his powers came from a god. It’s almost too impossible to imagine. Sometimes I think I’m the crazy one.

Thinking on the possibility that he could walk again, without his powers if need be, he could feel pain and the weight of his steps, and at the same time negate his dream of walking by his own scientific mind. “I don’t know how I feel about that. I’ve had a lot of time to focus on my education as a child and I worked hard so that one day I could work on a device to restore limb functions not just for myself but others. Devices based on my own powers, that would in theory jumpstart cellular regeneration. I studied electrostatics, theoretical physics and anatomy. I’m no super genius but I worked my ass off trying to create a theoretical device a breakthrough that would restore nerve connections through electrical stimulation.”

While I have no desire to crush your dreams, please consider this. With that sort of injury, if your powers were ever nullified, you would be helpless in what might be an extremely dangerous situation. I won’t go against your wishes, but at least hear me out.

“I wouldn’t actually use my powers. The whole theory I’m working on is I can replicate them with less output. As that much electricity would fry a normal human being. ” Hound Dog responded still uneasy but a part of him understands that without his powers he’d be paralyzed again, just like he was when he faced Gargoyle to an extent. If Gargoyle’s tech affected his powers directly instead of just nullifying attacks he’d be unable to even defend himself. “But I dig that if my chassis were nullified I see your point. I am worried that my powers might harm myself again.” Hound Dog said as he rolled up his sleeve and revealed the arm under his hospital gown to be charred and damaged. “You dig what I mean.”

It is your choice to make. I will not hold it against you either way.

“Other than looking like a hotdog that’s been in a broiler too long, I’m more worried that I’ll face off against more tech that Gargoyle had or those who made them. If the Hounds mass produce those even if they simply blocked attacks I’d be fucked. And I got the jets to see that possibility. So yeah. Go all the way.” He said a part of him felt guilt and another relieved that he’d at least no longer have to be worried about wheelchairs the next time something happens to his powers.

When Hound Dog had finally given him the appropriate permission, the Son of Osiris channelled his magical powers through his staff and began healing the boy’s broken body. Slowly, Hound Dog’s body slowly began to regenerate. HIs wounds all but disappeared, even his broken spine, which had plagued him since childhood. In a matter of seconds, Hound Dog was as good as new.

However, since he had used his healing powers to cure two extreme injuries within a short amount of time, the Son of Osiris’ stamina was almost drained. He stumbled backwards. His feet could barely hold him. Firefox immediately jumped forward and gave him a shoulder to rest on.

“You need to rest, Osiris,” Firefox suggested to her teammate. She then turned to Hound Dog. “And you need to make the most of this opportunity. One of our strongest assets against the Hounds is now sidelined to heal you and that Arthur guy. Don’t make his sacrifice be in vain.”

“Oh I will. I’m cruisin’ for a bruisin’ and those Hounds are a great party favor to smash up. Just need a place to go, you wouldn’t know where I can find a bunch of them do you?”
wat up kids

Nothing fellow Human.
Original size my god

Altered size
Alaskan Federation

With the night looming North lit a cigar something they ran out of early on back home, while tobacco was still a thing among those who could make it; premium smokes had all been consumed. “How,” North said coughing “do people smoke these.” Smothering it in the ashtray North looked out the window onto the lights that illuminated the streets, thinking. If only we could harness this industrial might, I fear however that House and company have no interest in those who crawl their streets. Pouring himself a nightcap North laid himself down earlier than expected but nonetheless ready to awake the next morning.

As the hours cranked out days and weeks flew on the calendar recycled from years past a crew was on the tarmac setting up lights along the runway, "It’ll be a good while before these Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel arrive but having all in order beforehand was something Miss Heartgrove ordered as North had not quite docked." Said the worker to those gathered along the Airport's runway.

The Butcher at the port city of Stanton looked upon the waves as he sunk his cleaver halfway into a slab thicker than his arm the blood pooling at his feet until it swelled over into the sidewalk racing down to meet North Ashland as he stepped foot on the rickety dock sticking to his boot like glue. Taking note of the large ship that arrived the Butcher hung his best pieces crudely impaling the chunks onto rusted hooks before yelling “YOU THERE! Get the finest meats in town! Everything from Earth Whale to a Northern Stag all at Harry’s Humongous Weiners. Come down and have a slab to take home to suckle.” Harry looked right into the eyes of a passing ranger who seemed to be wholly uninterested in everything he was selling, breaking off the momentary glance and returning to speak with one of his aides as they walked down the cobblestone and far from sight.

With beer in hand Nuke, the de facto mayor and deputy by circumstance stood over the police station balcony a sheriff wanted paper hung to the wall by a single tack. Ever since the rangers finally made a move on Warren Judge the mayor had hightailed it only to be gunned down miles away in a shack he set up for safety, leaving this city without a mayor and a drunkard who many questioned the actual gender of despite her endowments sitting in the highest office. The buds falling to the floor on a stained ashtray stand still crackled while Nuke lit up yet another cigarette her hand shook as she spotted North along the road. “Oi!” Flipping up her middle finger as she leapt over the rails. “When you gonna get someone’s a## up here you &*^*( before I snap dealing with these &&*()*. You come in here depose the mayor and yet leave me in charge!? When youse guys gonna send someone to run the place!?”

Stopping North shifted his foot and addressed her.”Nuke, as I told you we’re sending someone to deal with the lawlessness here.”

“Yeah and in the meantime it’s me and my one good arm keeping things in order, I have half a mind to pop a load off in your a@#. And I’m well equipped to do just that.” Tugging at her army fatigues as her duster covered her leather breastplate.

North replied with a chuckle, “I’d like to see you try bending me over but I am afraid I do have other business that needs my attention. I have not forgotten and will send someone capable soon.”

Nuke scoffed, brushing her hair back from the shaved side of her head.”Quick to end a war, slow to police your new territories. Being too nice and sending rangers all over isn’t gonna help protect what you have. But fine. Come back anytime, I’ll show you my place next time and force you to assume the position.” Cringing North looked away thinking ”Note to self, keep away from Stanton, and it’s bars. While Nuke kept her eyes on the rangers as they moved towards the gates.

However back at the docks, a sailor the rangers brought along wandered up to the Butcher while he was picking fat off his chin from the wild swings his cleaver took to slice up the cuts of hindquarters. “Fancy some butt,” He said as he slapped the meat in front of him. “See that tenderness, choice chops right there.”

“How much for a 12 ounce?”

With a grin which showed his mangled teeth the Butcher brought out a scale and pointed to his sign.
Briley Patton CEO of Poseidon Energies

Guest Starring

With a sigh, as the cameras ready to roll Briley stepped up to a podium with a clear pulpit of plastic. With men in the booth they started to get everything ready for their six pm announcement, Briley took a sip of water setting the glass on the shelf of the pulpit as condensation was smeared on the clear surface. She pulled notes out of her grey suit pocket just as the lights turned green; Riley stood just off stage ready to approached when she was called, Mrs. Patton had requested her to appear for public support and to ensure her enemies would have a difficult time making a move with Riley thrust in the spotlight proper.

“Good evening, Poseidon Energies rarely requests a TV time slot, and with the loss of Strike which many had only heard of in rumor it put us in an unusual spot. Having fulfilled contracts for the aforementioned agency we understood the need for agencies that aided heroes. Whether you hate or love them heroes are a genie we can not simply put back in the bottle it’s too late for that theirs is a presence that only seems to swell and with that in mind we at Poseidon have taken a stance one against terror. We will give heroes the support and guidance they need to properly deal with the Hound threat, these murderers of innocents have ran rampant for too long. The recent attack on Lost Haven University an institution for learning is unacceptable and that is only the most recent atrocities. With us we have a special guest who will be joining us shortly but before that I’d like to present you with S.P.A.R.K or the Special Power Applications, Research, and Knowledge division.” The screen behind her changed from a simple background to the banner for SPARK which depicted a scene of science and supers in the same room.

“The goal of Spark is the research and aid for heroes whether it be their powers, gadgets or care. Those who take up the mantle of hero will need assistance as those who continue to spread villianly and terror rise obtain more advanced tools of destruction they in turn need to combat this ingenuity. And with that let me introduce you all to one of our local heroes who has agreed to lend her talent and aid.”

There was a slight gasp from the crowd that broke into polite but enthusiastic applause as Riley, known to many of those gathered here as the superheroine Voyager, swept onto the stage with a slight flourish. Briley had made sure that Voyager would look her best for this appearance, going so far as to add some foundation to hide a rather stubborn bruise from her last encounter with the Hounds, and judging by the crowd response that was paying off in dividends. Already glowing with enthusiasm, Voyager paused to wave at the gathered news cameras before approaching the podium.

“Hello everyone!” she began, recalling the prepared words that Briley had set up with her. “My name is Voyager, and I’m pleased to announce that I am the first hero to join the SPARK team!” There was a beat as Voyager continued. “And…hopefully not the last!” There was an appreciative chuckle from the crowd as Voyager hopped aside to let Briley continue with her segment.

“Along with Voyager here who has gladly accepted to be on the broadcast we have Hound Dog’s assistance as well. Who cannot be here due to a broken arm. That said if there are any metas gifted in healing Poseidon would like to speak with you, like Osiris of the Immortals.”

As the announcement was being broadcasted others would take note, many of whom the terrorists who Briley had blatantly called out but one well dressed individual just sat back in his chair and spoke one word. ”Neat.” While he drank a glass and turned to his wife ”What’s our schedule dear?”

However also at Gomorrah a couple just past the entrance and seemingly started to mosey over towards the slot machines carrying rather large briefcases before turning to the other, “We got five minutes. Make this quick.” And taking off in seperate directions.
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