Avatar of Vena Sera
  • Last Seen: 6 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Vena_Sera_IV
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2836 (0.75 / day)
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    1. Vena Sera 10 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current If I owe you a post, it's coming! Been a very busy week but finally settling down!
7 yrs ago
The adult in me says sleep, the kid in me wants to play NieR. The kid's winning D:
7 yrs ago
youtube.com/watch?v=7RzA_Oom.. All of my yes. Love this theme <3
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7 yrs ago
If you've not had a chance to watch "Your Name" yet, highly recommend!
7 yrs ago
If I owe you a post expect replies tomorrow. Been up since 4 am today, barely keeping myself from drooling in a bucket! x_x


This is a bio, it has bio-like things.

Most Recent Posts

Where the hell was all of this coming from? Takeshi knew Ricken and Sasha had lost their home to Saiyans but why was the guy taking it all out on him now? It was just a stupid little tournament, not like they were fighting for their lives or anything. Maybe he just had a shitty day and was taking it all out on him? Ducking under a punch so strong the air around it seemed to concuss Takeshi frowned and pushed the offending arm up, twisting it around Ricken's back and trying to pin him down on the arena. Getting a head bashed into his nose he loosened his grip with a groan and was batted off, rolling over hastily to avoid Ricken slamming both feet down onto his back. Having to almost somersault to avoid another ax kick he grit his teeth and sprang up, throwing a punch into Ricken's false arm and using his other to deliver an uppercut, becoming wary when he felt Ki building up again. "Seriously, cut it out man! It's just a tournament, the hell you getting so worked up for?!"

"What's wrong, weren't you going to win? You were so sure earlier, now you have a problem with it?" Scowling he let his Ki fade again and directed it to a speed boost, darting forward in a blur and slamming his arm into Takeshi's neck, hitting him and flipping him head over heels before catching him in mid-air. "You were going to beat me right?! Well come on then, Saiyan," he shouted, grabbing Takeshi's shirt and slamming him down onto the arena, "Show me what you've got!" No way was he going to lose to some arrogant, self-serving, loudmouthed punk like Takeshi. Leaning down to grab hold of the Saiyan's collar he winced when Takeshi suddenly kicked up and struck him in the gut, stumbling back and clutching it painfully. The Prince was quick to follow up and tackled him backwards towards the edge, and if Ricken hadn't struck him with a knee and stepped away he probably would have been thrown out.

So that was it? THAT was why Ricken was taking this so seriously? Just because he was a Saiyan? Sure he'd talked smack before the match but so what? Takeshi wanted to tell the rebel off for taking something so meaningless so seriously but he'd realized something as he was being yelled at: he was doing exactly the same thing. Save the blatant racism of course, that was totally on Ricken. But he'd been treating the tournament like a lot more than just a game hadn't he? Jura had said as much, that guy he'd fought earlier had called him a "hardass" or something like it, and now Ricken was calling him out on it. Was he really being that bad?

"Nothing to say now huh? All out of snappy comments are you?" Fine, maybe Takeshi would finally start to actually fight then! Sniffing in disgust Ricken started back towards Takeshi and was a bit curious when he just stood there, frowning and throwing a punch anyways. His fist was caught and he clicked his tongue before pulling it back and throwing another, eyes widening when Takeshi ducked and grabbed his arm, turning and flipping Ricken over onto his back. Slamming onto the arena floor he was then spun around and released to the edge of the arena, flipping and barely managing to dig his feet into the tiles to keep from flying off entirely. It was a short-lived victory however as Takeshi was already on him, and while he blocked the kick that came it didn't seem to ever be aimed to hurt but to push him back. Before Ricken knew it he had slid off and lost his footing, tumbling backwards and landing in the grass below. He'd lost.

The crowd was uncomfortably quiet after that match had ended and it took the announcer a moment to declare the match over. Takeshi watched as Ricken seemed to struggle with the fact he'd lost their match before he began slamming a fist into the dirt repeatedly, clearly angry about the result. Lips pressed in a hard line the Prince simply walked off the stage, heading back towards the bench and passing Ricken without a word on his way. Sasha was already getting up and moving to go speak to her brother which was great, it seemed neither she nor he wanted to talk to each other right now. Taking a seat beside the still shaken Shu the older boy sighed, rubbing his face with both hands before sitting forward in a slouch. Was that how people saw him too? Wound up too tight to enjoy anything and getting angry at the slightest thing? He got Ricken being mad at Saiyans for what happened, sure, but the guy couldn't relax even for something like this?

"Hey Shu... You doing okay?" Takeshi asked after a moment, looking to his brother and smiling slightly, "If uh... If your head hurts we can just not fight, you know? I'm cool with ending it here, I don't care if you or I win honestly." He'd been so excited to fight Shu again and have a chance to win he wasn't paying attention to the fact Shu was hurt. His brother had a history of hitting his head and it should be no surprise that doing so again left him like this. He couldn't fight him like that could he? "I mean... Aito said you're hurt yeah? The guy's a doctor so we should maybe listen to him, you know? I don't want you to end up hurt because we fought."

"I knew they were going to do this... I knew the second their match was announced they were going to do this..." It came as a surprise to absolutely no one that Ricken and Takeshi were going to really duke it out for the final spot. It wasn't even so much reaching the finals as it was beating the other, that was what they were really interested in. Sasha felt fortunate she'd been paired with Shu over her rough brother but maybe their match up would have been better, he wouldn't have been nearly as aggressive with Shu. Probably. Sighing as she set herself beside Shu, Sasha arched an eyebrow as Aito did the same on the other side, curious to see him eating as casually as possible while he watched the fight. He was... Odd, to put it nicely. Watching the fight progress she felt herself cringing inwardly, hoping that neither of them was going to seriously hurt the other with Shu sitting here to watch. Very few matches today involved the actual exchange of punches yet Takeshi and Ricken had no problem trading blows, all but trying to knock each other's block off with each hit. "I'm so glad you're a good boy Shu..." Sasha laughed, smiling as she reached over and gently rubbed Shu's back, "Don't ever change. We need someone like you around, everyone takes everything way too seriously."

It wasn't just enough to have the Princes, having them meant nothing if they couldn't be relied upon to do anything. If all Shu and Takeshi did were pose problems then they were no better than any other soldier of theirs, again all their power couldn't reliably be directed. "I'll give them that their efforts in the field have been good, but there's plenty of reason to still be concerned. I won't relax until we're certain they don't pose a risk to the rest of our men, or to civilians." When posed whether he should be training or not Korian simply gave a "humph" in reply, narrowing his eyes as he continued to watch the fight below. Viral was specifically designed to fight those beasts so it was no wonder he was the best at it, everyone knew that. But his way of fighting them seemed to burn up quite a lot of energy, he would find a more efficient means of dispatching them. He knew Sayomi was just trying to get under his skin and it had worked, the Saiyan let out another huff before getting up from his seat. "I'm going to get a snack, I'll be back."

Ricken really wasn't letting up at all with his attacks. Takeshi blocked a high kick from the rebel only to have to step aside and push away his other leg as Ricken twisted around and tried striking him in the stomach. Gritting his teeth he threw a punch and managed to strike Ricken in the shoulder, grabbing his shirt and pulling him closer before punching him in the face and letting him drop to the arena. Trying to get down to the ground and throw another Takeshi cursed when Ricken wrapped his legs around one of his own and pulled him down, ending up on the receiving end of a punch as he was thrown back onto the arena. Another punch soon followed, and another, and quickly Takeshi had to raise his arms to cover his face, tensing as repeated shots to his arms and body struck him. Getting fed up with it all he dropped his guard and sat up, smashing his head into Ricken's jaw to stun him before kicking him in the chest and knocking him away. Grunting as he got to his feet he wiped away blood from his mouth, scowling as he spit more out on the tiles. "What the fuck dude?! It's just a tournament, you know? Quit trying to beat the crap out of me!"

"Quit whining you damn monkey! Shut the hell up and just take it!" He was a Saiyan, they thrived when getting the crap beat out of them! Takeshi should be enjoying this, he'd only get stronger right? Whining then was completely idiotic, he had nothing to lose. Back on his feet he was abrupt in striking out again, slamming a fist into Takeshi's palm and lifting a leg to kick his head, growling as it was blocked as well. Spinning his body around and swinging his other leg down from above he kicked Takeshi in the back of the head, dropping to his feet and crouching before darting ahead and driving his shoulder into Takeshi's gut to try and knock him off the edge. Not only did that not succeed but he was grabbed and lifted off of his feet, being slammed backwards and yelping as he was grabbed by a leg and then slammed down a second time.

"Seriously! Get that stick out of your ass! The hell are you trying to do, put me in the hospital?!" This was already way more intense than most any other match in this tournament, and for that Takeshi would normally be grateful. But the way Ricken was hitting him and throwing punches it wasn't like he was trying to win this match, he was trying to hurt him. The guy looked to be in a rage as he just got up and all but threw himself at Takeshi, dashing aside to avoid him and grunting as he was grabbed by the back of his shirt and pulled along, being thrown off of his feet and flipping to land. "Relax! This isn't that big-" Again he was cut off, raising his arms and blocking a high kick aimed at his head. Grabbing Ricken's foot he swung around and tried throwing him out of the arena, clicking his tongue in annoyance as Ricken landed easily.

"Shut up Saiyan! Just shut the hell up!" Why did Takeshi think this was so strange? Was he really that much of an absolute idiot? Gritting his teeth furiously Ricken flexed his hand before forming an orb of Ki in his palm, hurling it at Takeshi as it was bashed into the sky and exploded over the arena. "Not that big of a deal?! It's just a tournament but your kind ruin it! How do you expect anyone else to even have a chance when a Saiyan shows up, huh?! How is that even fair?!" Trembling angrily Ricken threatened to form another Ki blast, glaring as the announcer began to get onto the stage. Realizing he might be disqualified he let it dissipate, turning his furious gaze back onto Takeshi. "You Saiyans think you can run everything, you run around acting like you're the best thing this universe has ever seen! Your entire race is built on slaughtering and destroying others, and yet you have the nerve to show pride?! I'm sick of it, I'm sick of the Saiyans acting like they control everything!" And Takeshi didn't think anything was wrong with any of that, nor did Shu. Even Korian and Sayomi were guilty of it regardless of what they thought. "I'm not letting a damned Saiyan win. I'm going to beat you, your brother, and show everyone the Saiyans aren't as dangerous as everyone thinks! People don't need to be afraid of them anymore!"
Aito's better judgement told him to pull Shu from the tournament and examine him more thoroughly just to be safe. Yet there was no visible wound and, all things considered, even if he did have a concussion it was an apparently minor one. Letting Shu continue on was terribly risky if he was struck in the head again, but hopefully Takeshi had enough intelligence to recognize not to do that... "Very well, I just wanted to be certain you were alright. Can't be too careful with blows to the head you see," Aito explained as he tapped his own skull, his eyes shifting to the corners as he looked at Takeshi, "I certainly hope no one else hits you in the head tonight Shu, because it could potentially be bad. Could be, you might be fine too. But whoever you fight next should probably be careful." Perhaps it was best that he remain down here nearby just in case anything should happen. When Shu was joined by his brother Aito took the chance to step away, heading to a nearby stall and getting the first bag of whatever was closest. It was some purple, puffy kernel snack from the looks of it, similar to popcorn but oddly juicy and almost like a grape in its flavor. He missed Earth food...

"A little bump's not gonna keep you from fighting anyways, you're tougher than that!" Takeshi said as he beamed, patting Shu on the back again before sliding off of the bench. The arena was tidied up and the announcer returning, there was only one match left before the finals and they all knew what it was. "Don't get too comfortable there buddy, after I beat Ricken it's you and me!" Grinning tauntingly at Ricken he gave the other boy a slap in the arm before racing up to the stage, hardly waiting for the announcer to call them up as he took his place. Watching Ricken slowly make his way up he let the man get his piece out and introduce them for what felt like the hundredth time today. Seriously did he have to do this every single time?

"No hard feelings when I kick your ass yeah? Just gotta fight my brother, you know?" As if he was going to waste even a second talking smack and try to get under his opponent's skin. Grinning as the final words were spoken and the announcer stepped off the arena he began stretching himself out as Ricken simply stood there with a glare in Takeshi's direction. "Seriously, smile, lighten up! Jeez looking at you its like you've got something stuffed up your a-"

Ricken had moved halfway through Takeshi's prattling and closed the gap in a blink, gritting his teeth as he reeled back a fist and slammed it into Takeshi's jaw. The punch nearly made the Saiyan spin on his feet and he didn't much react as Ricken kicked out and struck him in the stomach either, that one taking him off balance and knocking him onto the arena floor. "Shut up you idiot and fight," Ricken snapped, lowering his leg and spitting in Takeshi's direction. "Don't waste my time with your crap, back it up."

"Cheap shot you ass, but fine... If you just want to get to me kicking your butt then we'll do it." Rushing in after Ricken and throwing a punch he whiffed entirely as it flew over Ricken's shoulder, grunting when he took a fist to the jaw and stumbled back. Throwing another punch and having it shoved aside he groaned when Ricken snapped the back of his hand at Takeshi's nose and hit him square between the eyes, sweeping his legs out from under him and grabbing one before lifting him and slamming him back down onto the arena. Only by rolling aside hastily did he avoid possibly having ribs broken as Ricken threw an axe kick into the ground, smashing through the tiles and cracking the arena straight to the ground beneath.

"Cool it! It's just a fricken tournament you know?! Stop trying to kill me!" Not even to his feet again Takeshi had to roll aside to avoid another kick, growling and throwing another punch that missed as Ricken jumped back.

"Tch, you're a Saiyan, you can handle it!" Always so prideful and arrogant, where did he get off thinking anyone would take it easy on him like that? The only reason the others in the tournament hadn't done the same was because they lacked the strength, but Ricken would be sure to pay Takeshi back for his arrogance.

"Fine, I suppose that's enough. It's just wasteful, they're Saiyan royalty and yet neither can be depended upon. They could sway this war themselves if they could only channel their strength properly." Perhaps he was being a little impatient, and with the war technically halted due to an armistice there was little reason to be so hasty. Better to be sure Shu was stable before pushing him he supposed. Sighing aloud he leaned back again and rested one arm over the back of his chair, watching the match below with partial interest. In terms of pure strength Takeshi should win but, like his brother, he had no idea how to wield it. It came as no surprise that Ricken had him on the ropes right on the onset. He didn't much care who advanced through this match and was only interested in seeing how Shu might perform in the finals, whoever his opponent was. "After this is over we should discuss how we're moving forward with them. Whether or not we're including them in our efforts to curb the beasts," Korian muttered, rubbing his chin and frowning as Takeshi was made out like a fool, missing yet another attack. "Or perhaps they're best left here to train."
"No Shu you aren't in trouble. A little harmless wrestling is perfectly alright," Aito answered with a small smile, holding a hand up in front of Shu's face, index finger extended. "Just follow my fingers with your eyes okay? Nice and easy." There was very clearly a loss of balance and difficult in speech, that was enough in of itself to say Shu had a concussion. Now there were two perfectly good reasons to pull Shu out of this entire situation and sideline him but if he did there was going to be a lot of fuss about it. So did he allow Shu to fight or did he take him out? Glancing over at the remaining competitors on the board he didn't particularly see anyone that would hurt him if he had to fight, and it was a safe bet it would be him against either his brother or one of the rebels. Still... He could scarcely walk in a straight line. "Shu? I think it might be a good idea for you to withdraw from the tournament. You hit your head and that's never good, you don't want to hurt it any more do you?" He technically had no authority here to tell anyone to stop fighting and his being a doctor meant little off-world no doubt but that didn't change the fact Shu probably shouldn't continue.

"Hey Doc, what's going on? Shu alright?" Kind of weird that Aito would come flying down just to check on Shu. When assured it was just a routine check up Takeshi let it go even if he had some more questions, figuring the doctor wouldn't explain himself anyways. Stepping around Aito he grinned broadly at Shu and sat beside him, giving him a slap on the back with a laugh. "Nice job buddy! Looks like you're getting into the finals! I wonder who you're going to be fighting next." As if anyone had a question, there were only two people left to fight before Shu's next match began. Lifting his head and meeting Ricken's disdainful and grinned tauntingly back, eager for the chance to beat his grumpy ass up. "Not like its even going to be any surprise. You'd better be ready to fight when I get to the finals too Shu, I want to have a fun fight with you. And I'm going to win this time, just you watch."

"Hmph... Like you have any hope of winning without Ki," Ricken grumbled, sneering as Takeshi told him to repeat himself. "You heard me. With Ki you Saiyans are strong, but without it you're hardly better than anyone else. You're an idiot if you think you've got a chance at beating me."

"Ricken! It's just a tournament for fun, it doesn't matter who wins or loses. Try being a good sport about this." Ricken snapped back about just doing what Takeshi was, to which Takeshi snapped back that he was only doing it because Ricken deserved as much. Groaning in frustration Sasha placed her face in her hands, dropping them to her sides and rolling her eyes. How could these two be so similar and yet clash so much? It was infuriating! The two of them began to argue yet again and got rather close to one another, almost to the point where they were screaming in each other's faces. Watching them in disbelief she sighed in relief as Aito grabbed each by the back of their shirts and separated them, moving to Ricken and taking his arm, dragging him away from the others. "You're unbelievable..."

"That's quite enough fighting, your match is coming up anyways," Aito laughed, smiling tightly as he forced Takeshi to take a seat beside Shu, "Try not to kill each other though, hm? This is a tournament for fun, as it it's not serious. You're going to have a heart attack if you can't relax."

"Look at the way they carry themselves, it's exactly the same. And field reports don't show any signs of them changing either," Korian explained in exasperation as he watched Aito separate Takeshi and Ricken. Their match was going to be messy, hopefully neither was actually stupid enough to break any of the cardinal rules of the tournament. The fact that Sayomi couldn't see any problem with the boys perhaps suggested they had been apart from their own people for far too long. Had she forgotten why Saiyans were a great, proud race? Did she forget they needed power to win this war and be rid of the King's tyranny? There was plenty of reason to be upset at the boys' inadequacies, least of all which was that it was bothersome. "Fine, but then our race has shown that Saiyan hybrids are typically stronger. So not only are they not as strong as they should be but they also lack control. And for all rights Shu is an animal. He's barely cultured to live among people, he's a risk for those around him, he needs a lot of work done." There were some among the group of Beastmen taken in that were becoming settled better than Shu was so what did that say about him? Sighing to himself he leaned back in his seat and rubbed his temples, casting a glance down at the stage as the announcer prepared to start the last semi-final match. "Put your sympathies aside and look at this objectively: You know as well as I do that Shu is a risk still. Whatever his reason for that is irrelevant, he's a risk. And afraid of himself?" Korian posed, frowning as he gave Sayomi a doubtful look, "That's idiotic. There's no reason he should be afraid of himself."
"That's right, food after the finals! Win or lose we're getting some more of that fruit!" Something to look forward to if not winning the finals themselves. Bumping their fists together in a show of camaraderie Sasha smiled and stepped back for Shu to jump down, raising an eyebrow as he stumbled and nearly toppled over. Had she kicked him that hard? "Good... As long as you're having fun that's what matters," she said with a smile, uncertain if Shu should even fight now. There was no blood but maybe she'd kicked him much too hard earlier. Looking around uncertainly as none of the doctors came forward to help she stepped closer to Shu and gently put a hand on his shoulder, easing him towards a bench as Takeshi and Ricken came over towards them. "I bet you're pretty tired after that, how about you sit down and catch your breath?" Hearing the announcer yelling at someone to return to their seats Sasha quirked an eyebrow and turned towards the stage and was surprised to see Aito flying down towards them. What was he doing here? He was completely ignoring the announcer and paying no mind to the two rebels who were coming around to probably take him back to his seat.

"I'm a doctor, just let me take a look at the boy." The rebels didn't seem sure about that yet Aito clearly wasn't going to be taken away regardless so they simply remained nearby if need be. Smiling at Shu he gestured to the bench and waited for Shu to be seated. "Nothing to worry about Shu, I just want to make sure you're okay after hitting your head there. It's standard stuff, everyone gets this treatment." Inspecting the young Saiyan's head briefly for any visible wounds Aito knelt before the bench, continuing to smile as he spoke to Shu. "I just need you to answer a couple of questions for me, okay? I need you to tell me what your name is, where we are and what we're doing. Also if its hard to think of any of that be sure to tell me too."

"No... But I've had my fair share of ordeals in life. The number of times I've nearly died and been beaten are too many to remember. My point is you can't play victim just because you've been beaten down. And Saiyans are known for becoming hardier and stronger for our defeats but they're just as careless and meek as ever. They've learned absolutely nothing, all that strength of theirs means nothing." It was infuriating honestly. No matter what side they were allied with at the end of the day they were all Saiyans, they had pride and they had their combat prowess which made them who they were. How was Sayomi not frustrated with them as well? "Train him? He can't be trained when he's afraid to even fight, that's my point. It doesn't matter who trains him, as it is he can't be trained." Seeing Aito descending from the stands and going to join the children he watched with a hard frown, furrowing his brow and almost rising out of his seat to follow. Just what was that man doing now? Coddling Shu again after a harmless fight? "Hmph... How are you not frustrated with this? We're SAIYANS!" Korian said angrily as he gestured to the display below, "We fight and we live on, that's all our people do. They're... They're unbelievable."
"No throwing Shu? Well alright then. I won't throw you around anymore." Made it a little harder to ring out Shu which meant she may actually have to try and put him into a submission. Yet grabbing him earlier had caused him to freak out too hadn't it? The only thing that seemed even remotely feasible then was to hit him until he quit, hardly an enticing idea considering how little she wanted to harm Shu. There may be little other way though and she had said she wouldn't hold back and she'd meant it. Going purely on the offensive she resorted to quick kicks, striking Shu's side before lifting her leg and delivering an axe kick which knocked him down and incidentally slammed his head against the ring. Cringing when she saw the impact she nearly tried to help him help but instead stepped back when Shu was quick to rise regardless, eyes wide in surprise as he launched himself at her then. Unsure of what he was going to do Sasha raised her hands and attempted to swat the boy away, gasping when he simply drilled his head right into her gut and pushed her back. Her feet slid along the tiles and she dug desperately to try and find footing, grabbing hold of Shu and trying to push him away. By the time she'd managed to get any semblance of a grasp she felt her feet leave the arena, eyes wide as she looked down and promptly landed on her behind on the grass. Staring up at the arena she saw Shu sitting there alone now, just narrowly avoiding falling out himself.

"You... You beat me..." Just like that too? No big move, no serious attack, he'd simply tackled her and forced her out of the ring. Blinking once she seemed stunned before a smile crossed her face and she laughed, the crowd around them erupting in cheers for Shu. "Looks like you're moving on Shu! That's the end of the tournament for me!" Getting to her feet and dusting herself off Sasha stepped to the edge of the ring, smiling proudly as she reached out and offered a fist for Shu to return. "Congratulations Shu, looks like you're getting into the finals! I guess I couldn't beat you," she said with a laugh, pressing her fist against his and winking, "Remember what we talked about, just keep having fun with it okay?"

"Yes... Well my "perspective" is that the Princes are all but useless to anyone as they are now. Both to us and the King, and themselves." Neither could truly control their powers even now and Shu was still a mess, liable to go off and transform at the drop of a pin. It wasn't even a matter of having them fight for the rebellion anymore so much as it was a safety concern, both boys and perhaps even their friends were all a risk if they ended up going wild. Viral, Shu, Yumi, Takeshi, they all had some record of going a bit wild and the others probably did too if he cared enough to look. "Agreeing to let that damn doctor handle them doesn't seem like the right choice still. I don't care what 'expertise' he says he has, he's too soft on them. You know as well as I do that coddling gets us nowhere," Korian muttered, frowning as he watched Sasha lose the match. A tournament like this was perfectly suited for someone who didn't have the guts for actual combat. You could fight effectively and still not take lives, that was a kind of control that very few of their race had. "We'll have to start mobilizing people to protect planets with those rifts opening up. I can only hope by then those kids can be reliable, otherwise we'll have to waste manpower just babysitting them."
Was Cecil actually showing bitterness? Again another surprising revelation and something that Machina were not traditionally able to express, not as genuinely as Cecil was. The more time he spent with the machine the more curious he became about it and the more questions which arose. Some point later when they weren't busy repairing Cecil he would need to make time to examine him more closely and try and solve this mystery. For now however they would have to sit on these revelations. With Cecil's casts finished and cooled Norman moved to begin the final repairs, using heavy leather gloves to handle the pieces and set them in place. A welding torch was fetched from a rack for him and helmet with a head shield as well, which he needed to wipe several times to clear the visor.

"We've just got to weld these together and you'll be as good as new. Amuné you might want to step back a little, there's going to be plenty of sparks." Setting up the torch and flipping down the visor Norman rolled his sleeves down and put Cecil's replacement parts carefully in place before igniting the tool. Over the soft roar of the flame he hummed to himself as he worked, eyes unblinking as he focused on his job. Moving slowly he let the flame lap at the gaps in between the metal and made certain there was not a single space before moving along, ensuring the seal was as perfect as possible. It took only a few moments and the task was finished, the metal around the fixtures aglow as the metal continued to cool. Before putting away the tools Norman double checked every seam and examined every joint and piece of Cecil's shell, leaving nothing to chance. Only once he was certain that there were no other repairs needed did he finally set aside the tool and mask, a smile of satisfaction on his face as he wiped it free of sweat.

"And you're as good as new. It's unfinished metal so we'll need to paint it later once it cools, but otherwise it's finished." Patting Cecil on the shoulder he called for the engineers nearby to take away the tools and spare parts, preemptively gesturing for Amuné to wait as he suspected she'd try to hug Cecil the moment he'd given the clear. "He still needs to cool off, and we should let him move around a little to test for stiffness before we let him go," Norman explained before turning to Cecil himself, "How are your energy reserves? Did your battery take any damage, do you need to be recharged? They have everything here if you feel like you need it."

"Numbers eh? You mean like how the Vazra had numbers? Lotta good their numbers did them," Gage pointed out with a smirk, "Admit it, your clan wasn't as strong as theirs, you just got stronger is all. Unless that pride of yours won't let you own up to it." Was their entire clan really as weak as the Princess was? They were supposed to be one of the dominant Dimuran clans so that seemed strange, maybe Nymira was just exceptionally weak? They had Dimurans of their own and each was powerful in their own right, Kensen included, but was that unusual for their race? "Either way you're not wrong, the two kids are useless. The boy I can understand, he ain't nothing special and no royalty, but the Princess? Makes you wonder what the hell sort of training they give their people if they can't even kill a damn Rökorm." They had technically passed though and they'd shown they were willing to fight for Mutebo's sake, that should be good enough for the boss. And so long as the little miss wised up and didn't act like she had the run of the place they would do just fine.

"Only question now is what is Tali going to do with these brats. I doubt they're gonna join up with us, but you know damn well she ain't gonna let them run out and get themselves killed either. Ever since that old bastard Cedric kicked it she's been trying to do his work, it ain't suiting her." Anyone else in the group could have taken on the role and they could have gone back to traveling and picking up work where they went, not fighting some stupid war against the Church. 'Course what they were doing was wrong but it wasn't up to them to fight it, but Cedric had asked and Taliya, for whatever reason, had answered the call. "Probably going to get stuck training them, just like we do with all the fresh meat. Gotta make sure they can at least last a day on their own," Gage continued with a groan, rubbing his neck before glancing sidelong at Kensen, "Which means you're stuck training the Magi again, especially since their elements are ya own. Have fun with that."

Getting back to Mutebo was a blessing and Nymira couldn't wait to actually sit down and rest. The last two days of fighting had really added up and were taking its toll on their bodies, and having to half-carry Ethan down the mountainside didn't help that any. When they reached the streets again she let him go to walk under his own power and did their best to keep pace with Kensen and Gage who were in far better state than they were. Had she the energy to do so she'd likely have thrown a fireball Gage's way when he yelled at them for the fifth time to pick up the slack but even creating a spark would probably make her collapse now.

"You know.. My arm doesn't hurt so much now, I think the worst of it has passed," Ethan said with a halfhearted smile, promptly rebuking that statement as he stumbled and jostled his arm, wincing as a hand shot up to cradle it. "Ow... I guess all things considered we got out of that pretty okay," he continued, chuckling as he slogged alongside Nymira, "Kind of wish Kensen and Gage would actually tell us we did a good job. I mean we did, didn't we? We passed their test and we're alive, that seems like a good job to me."

"We nearly died when it should have been a simple task, and we would certainly have died if they hadn't dealt with the Vazra. I think we did a terrible job," Nymira spoke bluntly, frowning as Ethan tried to argue her point. "It's one thing for you to struggle, you're inexperienced. I should have had no issue with that fight even if the enemy was new to me. The fact remains that I have a lot of training to do before I'm worthy of taking my father's place at the head of the clan." Had her father ever fought a Rökorm before? Vazra were common in their region as were other breeds of beasts but she had never encountered such a creature in her life. Come to think of it she knew very little of her own father's early life, or that of many of her clan's elders. What sort of trials had they endured growing up to bring the Rumia clan to power?

There was no mistake, Lionel knew this person. Even if she had tried to disguise herself he never forgot a face and he'd seen her about in the cities before, he even remembered her name. Though Adrianna tried to play it off initially when he persisted she finally had to accept the fact someone here knew who she was, dragging him off to the side to speak in private. Laughing as a joke was made about Kurt he smiled innocently at Adrianna, folding his hands behind his back and leaning towards her.

"Oh I'm not looking for a two bit street performer, don't be silly! Though his magic was really neat," Lionel said, tilting his head curiously, his eyes closed as he continued to smile, "And don't worry, I'm not here to oust anyone. I get why people run away from that and I respect it, there's a lot of people here that are like you. In fact I'm surprised you're not in Taliya's group with everyone else here, that seems to be the popular thing to do. I guess you're free to do whatever you want though." There was safety in numbers but then all of Mutebo was a haven for Magi, whether you belonged to an organization like Taliya's or not mattered little. But why had Adrianna left? Now that was the one thing he didn't know here and he was curious even if he was sure he had the answer. She was a healer assigned to the Church, there was a good chance that she'd left because she was worked to the bone taking care of their Hunters. Sure enough she confirmed his suspicions and stated as much, telling him all he needed to know.

"Me? Oh I'm like you really. I didn't like what the Church had me doing so I left, that's all!" Finding a stack of crates alongside a wall Lionel sat atop one and crossed a leg over the other, leaning back into the wall. For a moment he seemed to silently appraise Adrianna as he looked at her without a word, folding is arms across his chest and tilting his head again. After a time of silence he smiled again and clapped his hands, leaning forward and placing his hands upon his knees excitedly. "So what's your plan now that you left? Are you just going to live your life here in Mutebo and hope everything blows over? Who knows, some people think the Church will stop eventually and things will settle down," he said, lifting his shoulders in a shrug and smiling thoughtfully, "It's a really optimistic view, but I don't buy it. That's why I'm helping Taliya! But you're not, I know I've never seen you there." He looked to Adrianna again and his eyes narrowed slightly, the playful gleam disappearing as his smile waned, "So what are you planning? Where does Adrianna... Sorry, Adrian go from here?"
Sasha expected a lot more out of Shu and their match to be much more competitive than most before it. She'd seen what he could do and even if he hadn't the faith himself she was full aware he was capable. She'd been a bit brazen perhaps in attacking as quickly as she did and was quick to pay for it as Shu kicked her back, trying to keep on the pressure so he couldn't get momentum going. Getting around behind him seemed like the best bet and she flipped over to throw him away and hopefully out of the ring. Successful in throwing Shu she hadn't expected him to latch onto her and went with him, gasping as she was thrown forward and very nearly over the edge of the ring. Flipping over and planting her feet on the arena she slid back towards the edge, her arms pinwheeling as she teetered precariously close before taking a step forward and saving herself.

"That was close! You nearly got me there!" Smiling as she walked back into ring proper she rolled her wrist, the crowd around them already getting excited and cheering. "Are you doing alright? Sorry if I scared you there!" No more grabbing Shu, good to know. That didn't mean she was going to hold back though, she'd just be sure to change her tactics. Winking playfully at the young Saiyan she danced back and forth on her feet as she approached him, keeping her body loose and making no move to strike until she was within two meters of him. Stopping just for a second as she bounced in place she took a step forward and kicked off her back leg, flipping over and throwing an axe kick at Shu. If it missed she'd then stand on the same foot and swing her other leg around this time in a roundhouse kick. She'd keep it to kicks for now and just try and drive Shu back towards the edge of the arena, she could feasibly win without ever having to actually hurt him.

"Viral's not here but I still get the feeling we're watching a potential disaster take place." Korian was hardly confident in the supposed 'progress' made with Shu and for good reason. It was clear by the boy's posture and the way he scrambled about that he wasn't at all confident about himself or his strength still. The audience in attendance loved the display and seemed to adore Shu but none of them knew what a hazard he was. That man Aito had insisted on training him but it didn't appear like any progress had been made on that front yet. Feeling a pair of eyes on him he turned to see the aforementioned "doctor" looking at him, his lips drawing in a thin line as he sniffed and turned his focus back to the fight. Potential in the Princes and their friends couldn't go to waste, not if they hoped to drive back whatever these beasts were, and not if they hoped to win the inevitable war that would restart once this common threat was beaten back. "What do you think, Sayomi? Do they seem even remotely different?" the rebel pressed, frowning as he leaned forward and folded his hands beneath his chin, "Sasha and Ricken developed as fighters so much more quickly. What are those two lacking?"
It was a blessing and a curse that Sasha found herself paired up and fighting against Shu. It was much better than someone like her brother facing off against him but that didn't mean she wanted to fight him either. They were here to duel and put on a spectacle and she'd do as much, she'd just have fun and hope Shu would as well. As the bell rang and their match began she took the initiative to begin and slowly approached Shu, keeping things simple as she struck out with the flat of her palm and knocked Shu back. Watching as he sprung back with the use of his tail she kept her eyes trained intently on him while he dashed side to side, trying to time a counter attack right when he finally came within striking distance. Lifting her left leg she tried to kick out and knock Shu back, her foot flying well over his head as he dashed to the side and kicked out himself, catching her completely off-guard as she was knocked off her own feet. Rolling once she sprang up with her hands and smiled at Shu, rushing back in and leaning forward, flipping onto her hands and springing over him before leaning backwards and kicking off, trying to tackle him from behind and throw him if she got a hold.

So far Shu looked to be holding up just fine in his matches, but would it last? They should be avoiding battle and yet it may prove therapeutic to engage in fighting with no real danger looming over them. A simple brawl, a friendly tussle, nothing more. If push came to shove and Shu should show signs of transforming or having a panic then Aito would interject and stop the fight, but so far he seemed to be doing fine. What would everyone else thing if Shu were to transform? No doubt there would be some panic and it would set back his recovery and confidence, it was in everyone's best interest then if they never let that happen. Scanning the crowd as the fight progressed he spotted Korian in the mix, the other Saiyan watching intently no doubt to see how his own people would fare. Was there something the Saiyan was after in all this? He'd been told it was an even purely of celebration but there was an odd feeling like it was some kind of proving grounds for rebels too, or was that just him? He'd have to keep an eye on the rebels as well then.
I'm going to assume not to do it. For a little girl who knows a lot about surgery/medicine she's essentially hugging someone in the middle of an operation :P
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