Avatar of Vena Sera
  • Last Seen: 6 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Vena_Sera_IV
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2836 (0.75 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Vena Sera 10 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current If I owe you a post, it's coming! Been a very busy week but finally settling down!
7 yrs ago
The adult in me says sleep, the kid in me wants to play NieR. The kid's winning D:
7 yrs ago
youtube.com/watch?v=7RzA_Oom.. All of my yes. Love this theme <3
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7 yrs ago
If you've not had a chance to watch "Your Name" yet, highly recommend!
7 yrs ago
If I owe you a post expect replies tomorrow. Been up since 4 am today, barely keeping myself from drooling in a bucket! x_x


This is a bio, it has bio-like things.

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Feel free to fill in the gaps there however you want, guys! Just wanted to move that along :3
Ethan was never, EVER going to get on a boat again. The seasickness was dreadful but manageable - he'd survive being queasy long enough to reach port. But now they were going to potentially capsize? He knew how to swim just fine, he'd spent plenty of time in the rivers around Kinsgrove, but just how far out were they? Worrying about himself aside there were children aboard the Marigold too, one of which was with him now. And bawling her eyes out. The Captain's insistence for calm and order did little in the face of panic, and panicking the passengers were. Picking up the child he looked around desperately before spotting her parents by the stairwell, calling for her. Cutting his way through the crowd, Ethan handed the girl over and gave the parents a reassuring grin - for whatever good that might do. He couldn't stop a wave from hitting this boat, his magic was nowhere near that powerful.

"Everyone, get to your quarters! Brace for the wave, do not come out unless explicitly told to!" Over the shouting and screaming, Kent's voice somehow rang above all of it. Already a head above most people he had an air of authority about him - one Ethan sorely lacked. Spotting his companion, the elder Magi gestured down to the decks below, pausing to wave another group down into the hull of the ship. "Make sure that everyone gets to their rooms safely! And go find the Captain, ask him if you can help in any way."

Ethan didn't know what people were going to ask of him, or what he could even help with. But orders were orders. "Uh... S-Sure! But what are you going to do...?"

"Stop the wave, of course. Otherwise people are going to die." How he would stop a wave was beyond him, but only three Magi - four, if their target was on board, were present. No normal person could hope to avert a disaster, not without magic. Demanding Ethan to get to work he watched the boy run down the stairs, sighing to himself. To the stern of the ship he went, narrowing his eyes and shielding them from the sun as he looked for the wave. Just off in the horizon to the east he could make it out, a rise in the water, unnatural in every sense of the word. The how and why of the wave didn't matter, he only needed to focus on saving the Marigold.

Uncertain of what to do with himself, Ethan approached the first crew hand he found, asking for directions. Seeing the insignia on the boy's shoulder he was instructed to help ensure passengers were ready for impact. Darting from room to room, the few he could find occupied, he gave a quick glance to see if people had their jackets on. With his magic it took him no time at all to pass through the halls, and just as well - the wave was closing in. Crew members were running to and fro, sealing hatches and locking bulkheads, ones not necessary for escape. Once the passengers were accounted for Ethan darted up the stairs, somehow finding his way to the command deck. Barging into the room he found the captain and crew staring out the windows, fixated on something just outside. The wave?

Kent's face was sheen, not from surf but from sweat, pure exertion. Hands extended towards the stern he had cast a spell, a large barrier surrounding the entirety of the Marigold. It was the extent of his power and he hadn't a clue if it might hold up, but he needed to try something. Gritting his teeth and placing his left leg back he braced, pumping as much magic into the barrier as it could. The wave rose up to meet him, climbing at least a meter over the railings and coming crashing down into the barrier with a thunderous roar. Shouting and pushing back as his barrier flexed he fell to one knee, his muscles straining and chest constricting, feeling like he might nearly lose consciousness. Just as it seemed that the barrier would fail the wave disappeared, leaving the Marigold rocking back and forth but, miraculously, upright. Looking up as a light spray soaked him, Kent smiled and sank to his knees and hands, breathing labored. He'd done it, somehow. Behind him he could hear the cheers of the crew above, but he hadn't the strength to even lift his head and acknowledge them, much less celebrate himself.


Ethan's eyes widened seeing it himself, and all cheers promptly died out as a deathly silence filled the room. A second wave several meters higher than the first had appeared, having appeared perhaps behind the first. Avoiding it was out of the question, and one look at Kent struggling to get his footing confirmed what they were all thinking. The Captain gave a shout to brace just as the wave rose above the Marigold, and with a deafening roar, several hundred tons of water bore down on the ship. Windows in the cabin were shattered and the room filled, the ship being thrown about like a toy under the force of the wave. People below were thrown about, and everything inverted as the ship was thrown onto its side, then ultimately upside down. Her hull now sat above water, and everyone on board - Ethan included, was beneath the waves.

The sound of faint chatter was the first sign he wasn't dead. His body felt heavy, clothing soaked and chilled to the bone, but he was alive. Ethan's eyes slowly opened themselves and he was mystified to find he was on the shoreline. Groaning, he lifted his head and slowly pushed himself up, looking around at the scene before him. Several small boats sat on the shoreline, and a few more still coming in from the water. A few familiar faces he recognized, the Ydra woman and her cat, the captain, some of the faces he briefly saw before the wave hit. Relief was quickly overshadowed by dismay as he looked down the beach further, noticing several people laid out and lined up, not a single one moving and several other people over them, crying or desperately trying to resuscitate them. Among them was Kent, skin pale and blue, with several crew members unsuccessfully trying to administer CPR. Not everyone had made it out then...
Sasha gasped softly as her fist smacked Viral's jaw, watching him stumble away. From livid and aggressive now he was... Remorseful? She'd seen him grow angry plenty of times - the troops were all well aware of his penchant for lashing out. It was why Aito didn't seem to trust Viral, why she'd been asked to come here and gauge him. What she had never seen, however, was him back down. Her commanding officer would be furious that she wasn't going to report exact details - she was doing everything she could to respect the fact Viral was even agreeing with this, but this was a very distinct, and very good sign things were changing.

"No, no, I provoked you!" Sasha responded, holding up her hands with a bashful smile, "Most people don't know we can do that, and you're not the first to assume it's Ki. It's an unfair advantage though, and not something I should be throwing around in a simple sparring match. So I'm sorry, for even using it on you." She folded her hands together and bowed her head slightly, hopeful not to ruin this moment. "And really nothing happened, I might have a bruise but that's nothing. Don't even worry about it!" It was almost more than a bruise - she swore her bones were going to snap under that single strike. But then that was just as telling as Viral's stepping away and calming down: he'd been holding back his strength to try and not harm her, showing, again, he was far more than the wild animal Korian dubbed him to be. Now she almost did want to tell the man just to see his reaction, how he'd come to terms with being so terribly wrong.

"I'm almost disappointed Korian isn't here right now, in a way. He wouldn't know what to do seeing you like this." Speaking aloud without thinking about it, Sasha smiled apologetically. "A lot of people are willing to follow you, but everyone was... Scared, I guess? It hasn't helped that Korian has treated you as a threat, but there was some of us, people who have fought with you, that knew you'd be able to do this. Even Ricken did, even if he won't ever say as much," she added with a short laugh. "I'm sorry, you probably don't want to be hearing all of this. But I'm sure you're going to do great, training everyone. Obviously you're ready for it, no matter what anyone else says."
Throw the children over, use them as rafts, they're buoyant!
"N-Nice to meet you, Yarri! And yeah,,, I think after today I'm not a fan of ships either..." His sorry state said as much, and even now he was fighting to not lose what little might be left inside of his stomach. Having a conversation with someone helped take his mind off things - shame then it ended so abruptly. Ethan was puzzled when given the cold shoulder, wondering if he'd somehow offended the woman. All he'd done was agree with her. They sat in awkward silence for a moment until Yarri broke it, leaving a disappointed Ethan by himself again.

"Oh... Okay then! Well uh, give her a petting for me would you? I'd do it but, you know..." Ethan trailed, gesturing to the railing, "Got my post to look after!" With a small chuckle he laid back on the deck once more, finding himself to fare a bit better when lower. Just a few hours to go. Glancing up at the sky again he watched a cloud drift by, wondering if he'd get sick upon a cloud. Could you ride a cloud...? It had to be better than being on a ship, anything would be better than this. Smiling to himself his eyebrows raised slightly when a young child popped into his view, looking down at him with a whimsical smile of their own. "Uh... Hi there," he muttered, flashing them a smile.

The child giggled and reached down, prodding the boy's nose. "Why're you lying down, mister?"

"Because I'm sick," Ethan groaned, putting his hands on his stomach. Wriggling his nose when poked again he grinned, reaching up and returning the gesture. "Hey... Weren't you chasing that cat a minute ago?"

"Yeah... But the lady said we couldn't play with her anymore, and my brother went downstairs to find mommy and daddy." The girl puffed her cheeks and let out a huff, then smiled again and grabbed Ethan's shirt, pulling on it excitably. "Play with me, mister! Chase me!"

Seriously? He was going to have to run around? The girl seemed adamant and Ethan hadn't in him to tell her no, she seemed so earnest and eager. Slowly sitting up he covered his mouth and belched, smiling sheepishly. "Alright, alright. But if I say I need to stop then we have to stop, okay? Running's probably not good for my stomach right now..." And the girl was off, running away giggling before he'd even finished speaking. Resigning himself with a sigh, Ethan climbed to his feet and took a few unsteady steps, breathing deeply before jogging after the girl. "Come here you!"


"Uh... Captain? You should see this..."

One of the many devices outfitted aboard the Marigold was a depth chart, one of the first to be employed. It was installed as a trial device and never used, in fact most of the crew tended to ignore it. Yet the spikes in activity beneath the water was causing its readings to flare up. The captain approached the counter and looked to the device, then his crew, a deep frown etched on his face. This was nothing unheard of, the waterways of Adelon could be perilous in ways unseen. Yet for something to be registering in the middle of the Thalassa Sea...

"Sir! Reports of a large wave off of the aft! Approximately a kilometer off and closing fast!"

How? When? They hadn't felt any tremors, and any time a wave suddenly sprouted this far out it was because of a quake. The Marigold wasn't equipped to take large waves, her hull was sturdy but not weighted, meaning capsizing was a very likely. And without any sizable holds to take on excess water it meant the cabins would flood, along with the storage rooms, and likely the engine room. The Captain would bemoan his sorry excuse for a ship later, he needed to warn the passengers. Hurrying to the intercom turned it on, speaking to the entirety of the vessel.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain! I need everyone to calmly return to their quarters and grab your life jackets. Anyone without one will be given one by the crew. You are to remain below deck until told otherwise. We are about to be struck by a wave, and are expecting a worst-case scenario." No sense in sugar coating things, people would panic but at least this way they'd save some lives. Barking out a series of orders, he then continued. "In the event of the ship capsizing, you will use the emergency hatches to get above the water. Crew will help escort you, and our escape vessels will be launched. Women and children proceed first, then the men. If anyone cannot swim, inform a crew member. That is all, hang in there everyone, we'll get through this!"

@Raylah Ethan's got it on his right shoulder, but he's also wearing a cloak, so while technically visible, it's hidden :P
She's totally stepping on your toes.
A jar of spices killed his parents. He now stalks the night as... Parsley, defender of justice!
Sasha was... Confident? Viral had asked for something different, something that the rebels didn't normally show in combat. So she'd thought to indulge him and use her ability: magic. In her limited experience her people - Ricken included - were only a handful of hundreds of races capable of such a feat. And unlike races which all seemed to share a similar magic, her people's tended to reflect some aspect of themselves. She gathered material and lit it aflame, using it as miniature projectiles and striking at Viral with them. It worked, perhaps too well, as Viral grew furious with her. She tried to defend herself - it wasn't Ki she was using, but he was too enraged to listen. She lifted her arms and threw up a block, absorbing the hit but topping over backwards from the sheer force. Catching herself on a hand she lifted and spun at the same time, narrowly avoiding being crushed into the ground. Why was he so angry?

"It's not Ki!" she finally managed to get out, having to duck to avoid another bone-shattering punch, "It's not! It's magic!" Hard to say if that did anything to assuage his anger, he seemed no less furious than a moment before. So she'd cut back on its use, clearly going all out with magic was only going to make things worse. She side-stepped another punch and pushed the arm, stepping in and trying to drive an elbow into Viral's chest. If it hit, she'd lift her fist and strike him in the jaw with the back of her hand: if not, she'd try to get distance between them and throw a burst of projectiles at him. She couldn't keep too close to him now, not with how powerful each individual attack was. She'd be beaten in the blink of an eye if she took a punch in the wrong place.
To be fair he had been warned about potential seasickness before boarding. But he'd brushed it off - it was his first time on a boat, how was he supposed to know he'd become seasick? He was fine in carts, but boats seemed to be his downfall. Staring down at the putrid bile floating on the sea's surface he nearly retched again, pulling himself away from the railing and laying out, sprawl on the ship's deck. Ethan just wanted land again. Something solid to stand on. With a groan he laid his head back, staring up at the clear sky above, trying perhaps to find something to fix his gaze on. The Ydra woman had said something but he'd missed it, and asking her to repeat didn't seem like a good idea - she'd sounded rather angry she'd even been addressed. Why were people so anti-social on this ship? You couldn't avoid interacting on something so small, so you might as well make the best of it.

"H-Hey... That pet of yours... It's really cool!" Since he'd be laying here for the foreseeable future, and with no one else around, he went against his better judgement and started to speak again. At worst the woman would speak to him and he'd be able to have a somewhat pleasant conversation. Or perhaps he'd make a friend on this final leg of their journey - he'd not hold his breath for that one. Ethan craned his neck to look at the woman, flashing her an uneasy smile and giving another small wave. "Ethan, by the way. Sorry you had to see that, but uh... Better out than in, my mother always used to say! Though at this rate there won't be much left to come out..."

Was that too much information? It felt like too much information. Smiling sheepishly, Ethan raised an arm and laid it over his eyes, his other hand resting on his stomach as he belched. "If you don't mind my asking... What are you on the ship for...? It's just you seem kind of, well... Not like the sort of person who usually does this." He let out a laugh when realizing the irony of his own words: he was just as new to this experience as the woman, if not more so. Next time he was definitely taking a horse, he didn't care if it took him an extra day or two. "Heading to Galloway for work, kind of excited. Never been there, heck Orosi was the biggest city I've ever seen. Well... Second. Probably." For someone he was positive had no desire to speak to him, Ethan sure was pressing his luck. But what was there to do besides chat?

That they should have to work with someone as useless as Ethan. Kent couldn't decide if the kid's heart wasn't in it or if he was really just that hopeless as a Hunter. He'd drawn the short straw and the argument made was asinine: Ethan needed experience. It was their handler's fault for never allowing the kid on any real missions. Once they arrived in Galloway he'd come up with some excuse to send the novice off - probably some list of errands, anything to get him out of the way while work was done. Their mark wasn't going to be an easy one to bring in and they needed combat ready Magi, and people who were used to containing fights, not letting them spill into the streets. Ethan couldn't contain his damned lunch, much less a magic duel.

Kent had been his way below deck when he caught wind of something peculiar. On his way by the kitchens he overheard a conversation that piqued his interest, and without a word he leaned against the wall, standing just outside the doors. The smell he recognized immediately - not the stew, but what was inside the stew. His face contorted into a scowl and he folded his arms across his chest tightly. Simple-minded people, taking part in drugs aboard a ship. And leave it to a Naga to be the perpetrator, he'd been right to refuse the bastard's food earlier. Kent listened to the conversation further, seeing if he could glean anything of importance from it. Nothing but idle chatter and pleasantries, though he was further annoyed by how idiotic the Naga sounded. He was right, no one was going to hire a man like him. Certainly not after people found out how he prepared his food. The Hunter was no fool - he knew plenty of influential people used drugs like these, and worse still, but he had no use for them. They were the weak's way of getting a hold of the strong, a way for those too craven or without skill to turn a profit.

"I would temper your expectations, Naga. Don't delude yourself with dreams of grandeur." Entering the kitchen, hand on the hilt of the sword at his hip, Kent narrowed his eyes. The boy he didn't recognize at all, probably having spent the entirety of this voyage below deck. He seemed young, arguably far too young to be taking anything of the sorts. Glancing at Gideard disdainfully he extended a hand out, nodding towards the pot of stew - the smaller of the two, where the stench was coming from. It took one whiff to confirm what he'd suspected and he dumped it out on the floor, throwing the bowl into the wall and shattering it. "Dump out the entirety of that stew, now. And turn over the coin you've gained from selling it. Unless you'd prefer to speak with the guard when we arrive in Galloway...?"
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