Avatar of vertigh0st
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    1. vertigh0st 7 yrs ago


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Will have a post up as soon as I get around a computer~!
@Agent 47 Finally finished with my form. Please let me know if anything needs to be changed. ^ ^
This seems really interesting~ Mind if I join? ^_^
Awesome, glad to see someone interested! If you'd be interested feel free to run a character idea by me!

I kind of want to run the RP with a mix of gaming, tabletop, and typical text RP. Basically there will be a multitude of problems/quests for the players to solve in whatever way they see fit. The OOC (and PMs) will be used to discuss strategy, diplomacy, etc. I don't plan on having rolling or anything like that, but I do want to try and heavily incorporate player choice.

Alrighty sounds fun! I’ll start thinking up some me character ideas and will hopefully have something up soon ^ ^

This idea sounds really neat! I’m also a big fan of the Elder Scrolls series~ Consider me interested! ^w^
Oooh! I haven’t seen the show but reading this thread has definitely peeked my interest~! ^w^
I have a quick question, is anyone able to use reliques or just Native Americans?
Ohhh~ A Wild West roleplay? Very neat! ^w^
Once the Captain gave the all clear for him to come aboard, Cassidy, had felt his spirits lifted. The doc usually kept a carefree and cheery disposition about him however, since crashing upon the shores of the island...he found it rather difficult for his smile to be genuine. Once the new crew had been formed and the duties had been dished out he set to work helping Jason with the cargo. The man was hardy and had no trouble lifting two barrels at a time. Very impressive~ The site was especially remarkable when compared to Cass who had his hands full with one supply crate at a time. However, this factor did not deter the medic from entering into a mental race of 'who could load the most the fastest'. Needless to say he was out matched and had to accept defeat. Can't fault a man for tryin'.

Cassidy set his last box down wiping his brow when Captain Roper invited all who wished to the tavern. "Aye Captain, right behind ya." What better way than to get to know the captain and the crew then over a few pints? There was none in his opinion. The curly haired man dusted off his hands and began to make his way off the ship walking past one of the two women on board. Some believed in the superstition that centered around sailing with women. It was just a bunch of hog wash. He certainly didn't mind the presents of a woman on the ship. And these two ladies looked as if they could handle themselves well. "S'cuse me lass." He said as he passed her with a polite tip of his head. She had on a pretty dress and it would be a shame if the grime from his clothes were to get on it. He met her eyes briefly and a sense of deja vu hit him. She looked so familiar. Had he seen her before? Maybe around the island? It was rather peculiar really. Though before he could put a name to the face a two crew members eager to get to the tavern swept him up at their sides. Ah, well. He would have plenty time to figure it out.

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