Avatar of vertigh0st
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    1. vertigh0st 7 yrs ago


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"A rumor, hm?" He hummed rocking back on the heels of his boots as if pondering his choices. "I suppose that'll work." He finally answered with a chuckle. "My appetite for gossip has always out weighed that of my stomach anyways." He admitted with a shrug. Perhaps, if this wasn't so true he'd have more meat on his bones and wouldn't be as prone to getting himself into troubling situations. Eh, probably not. Besides he was especially interested in what she had to say. He hadn't seen anyone like her before or at least not in Anvil. Who was she? Why was she here? And just how far away from home was she? The same could be said for the stranger behind her. He had this mysterious aura about him that just seemed to reel the elf's curiosity in more. Truth be told, he was just being nosy and didn't really feel like spending a quiet night in the inn. How could he? With all the nightlife that seemed to be emerging from Anvil at the moment.

Just as he was about open his mouth to speak, a voice behind him caught his attention. Effectively shutting him up and making him inwardly jump in the process. Behind him stood a tall muscular man with dark long hair and cutting hazel eyes. By the nine! How did he sneak up like that so silently? Amicus listened as the two other men spoke his golden gaze flicking between the two. Silently filing down what little info he picked up in his mind. Only one in this little gathering was a native. Interesting. "Aw, well I wouldn't call it that." He spoke with a grin as he rubbed the back of his neck a tad bit flustered by the compliment. He hadn't really mean't to acquire such attention, seemed word around the streets traveled. "Thanks, big guy. I'll keep that in mind." He added giving the taller a small appreciative nod of his head.


He wasn't sure if it was just because the streets were relatively quite at this time of day or if it was the effects of the setting sun, but the city of Anvil always seemed so serene during this time. Amicus pondered gazing listlessly at the river from his spot under the bridge. Then again what did he know? He hadn't been in the city but for only a couple of weeks now, finding work in treating the slum's sick. Not a very fruitful endeavor coin wise but, enriching in spirit at least. The people could only give so much for his services. He knew this and was fine with that. Still the growing hunger in his stomach had differing thoughts on the matter. Thankfully the river was in no shortage of fish. Now if only they would bite. He thought casting his makeshift fishing line into the water once more.

Any prospects of successfully catching something diminished into nothing as a stray rock was skipped across the surface. It took a moment for the action to register in the elf's head before he let out a defeated sigh. Seems like fish wasn't on the menu tonight. Oh well. He supposed he wasn't that hungry. That or either the origin of the rock had piqued his curiosity enough to forget about it at the moment. Amicus stood from his sitting position, stretching his arms before gathering up his belongings. The blonde then proceeded to climb up the bank and make his way up to the bridge. He was met with two silhouetted figures. A rather tall and muscled man leaning against the side accompanied by a smaller female. She seemed quite young and judging on her looks certainly not native to the area. Perhaps he was interrupting something? The thought of turning and leaving crossed his mind for a moment before he waved it away. He'd take his chances. Besides the two seemed relatively friendly or at the very least docile. "So, who is the talented rock skipper that owes me dinner?" He spoke as he folded his arms over his chest. There was no heat behind his tone more joking than anything. The grin that tugged at his lips didn't help much either.

Apologies for the tardiness! Midterms have been killer. Will have a post up soon~
Will have this finished soon~!

Nice! I look forward to it~ I’ve been saving up a few ideas for a Elder scrolls roleplay. ^_^

Sounds great! I’m excited! Also quick question is there a certain form you would like us to you for our CS or just a general form?
I love Elder Scrolls~ Consider me interested!
@A N X I E T Y

Hi there!

This looks really interesting~ I've never done a 1X1 roleplay but, I'm willing to give it a go ^_^

Just got a few questions: Is the existence of vampires common public knowledge. Or do only hunters know about Vampires?

Also here is my CS please let me know if I need to change anything. I look forward to rping with you!

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