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    1. Virgil 9 yrs ago


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@vFear Innnnteresting - quick question though: Near the end of the post, is he swiping the patrons' phones, or is that his own phone?
...Eija have neither of these--instead they have a blue and white star tattooed on the upper bicep of the left arm. Spoiler alert, Ridahne has one of these so Haban would know she either is or was eija. Should make things fun when they all meet up for the first time. Heheheh.

XD) - someone's going to die before the plot even gets going *^*)...(should be fun!)

Ah, no problem, it's good to get a broader perspective on the military aspect of Azurei culture. Haban's moderate paranoia sort of feeds into his skill, as he's constantly looking for ways to exploit the enemy; when he can't take them head on, he prefers tricks (the pipe is a prime example of this) or stealth. He hasn't actually fought Taja before, as I figured they were small in number during the war and would probably come out even smaller afterwards, but his baptism through fire in the closing years of the war gave him more than enough experience in learning to make up for weaknesses. For example, he quickly learned that he needed to fight as fast or as dirty as he could during his time in the main army due to the fact that he was a teenager when he graduated from the training academy - lacking size and strength, he and those others that survived alongside him ironically took to fighting like Azurei when they could. In fact, it's *Because they broke from the traditional...(just going to nab "Brahneian" from your first post as I can't think of a better name at the moment - could we say they're the dominant ethnic group in this particular nation?)...fighting style that they actually survived the war, and it took a little longer to conclude. Murdering Eija would practically be his bread and butter - he 'might' be able to take on a Taja provided he controlled the conditions of the fight (setting, supplies, et-cetera), but he'd be at a serious disadvantage against more than one, especially given he can no longer move as well as he could in the past (although his mechanical eye does give him a bit of a perception/reaction advantage - but I think it could be fooled like the Viper Witcher is in "The Witcher", where the protag "Geralt Of Rivia" hurls a bag of coins at him to distract his overly-attentive snake-eyes). I suppose they're the Jason Bournes of this universe in that way XD).

I love the contexts of the acid-attack, but the chances of him revealing much of anything outside of important details to Ridahne later on are pretty slim >_>). We'll see though - could be fun!

So he'll definitely be knocking out two Eija instead of two Taja; I also like the idea of him noticing the ease with which two white-robed assassins are cutting down his allies, noting that they appear to be the same type that completely owned the Chancellor, and just booking it from there XD). Can definitely see them looking for particular officers among the group, as the bombing was meant to be a sort of "We can touch any one of you at our leisure" threat (Outlook 15 isn't the only Outlook that's being hit), so that style makes sense. Sorry about the ramble overall, but thanks for the questions!

...So yeah, still working on pacing myself better - I think those creative paragraphs are starting to help though.
Sloooowly working towards the mythical "Substance"; I thought about including the action scene, but figured it'd be cooler to give Vilĉjo the opportunity to do a sweet transition of information - like, say, watching a shop-window of live TV screens show the Taja assault on-stage, physically feeling the ensuing chaos in the streets, and becoming apart of it himself. That being said, I've got some interesting ideas for Haban's fighting style once the focus shifts back over to him. Sorry again about taking so long - I adapt gradually!
Qiaran pranced around towards Haban’s front like a cat flaunting her quarry - arms overlapped and big, heartfelt eyebrows thoroughly cross. “...And here I thought you soft and silent types were always supposed to have everything in order; pity that - one less thing to praise about his Almighty Highness, thou who hast not even the decent inclination to pick up a morning shift.”

Haban eased back as far as the blue-black weaved back of his rolling-chair would allow him, wearily puffing away in his burgundy livery; the deep brown pupil of his organic eye contemplated the sharp snap of her words, and his ears noted the rising breaths that simmered to a boil inside her constricted chest. There was a fire in her gaze this afternoon - as if already expecting to be enraged, to hear a snarky retort that might foolishly attempt to counter her argument, and in doing so unknowingly UNLEASH the very DOGS OF WAR. Haban may have been a stubborn procrastinator, but he didn’t exactly fit the bill for a pompous suicidal...

...Ironic, given this line of work.

“Shorry Q - yhou know how Ih take these things...” he said, opening his arms wide in a mock hug, “...Daysh like these, they come ‘round an’around - yhear in, yhear ouht. I jusht don’t tahke ‘em too serioushly anymore.”

Qiaran released a pejorative grumble from her overwatch, likened to a great dragon’s roar echoing boundlessly from the top of its mountainous heights. His gaze trailed after her pitiable mood as she shook her head, retreating back into the cheap refuge of neck-high ‘office’ walls. “I’ll hang out here for another ten in case you need anything...”, she said in a half-muffled tone, “...then I’m up and gone - are we clear?”

“Even the sandstorms couldn’t stain your clarity, Q.”

“Don’t test your luck with that lip, Haban.”

Oh dear, that appeared to be her angry voice talking - it’d be better to get out while the chips were still high. Speaking of speech, it’d only just occurred to the metal-eyed officer that he was starving for an appetite; the Break Room was starting to look awfully enticing...perhaps he ought to investigate it for any cached sustenance? Snatching up his cane, he briefly flipped the screen over to monitoring traffic-light-cameras before making a stealthy evacuation from the desk. Yet, he could hear his faulty exit as soon as he’d risen from his seat, and as if setting off a tripwire, he trembled at the steadfast indignation of Qiaran latching on to his exposed back:

“...And where do you think you’re going Now??” Haban spun around and continued to pace backwards to his destination, attempting a charming smile:

“Quick bite to eat, no worries...?”

“............Uhg - Fine...just make it quick.”

“Ah, make no mistake woman, that’s my Specialty!” The long-haired brunette rolled her hazel eyes and set back to the rhythm of mechanical keys, allowing her lax cubicle-mate a final relief before turning around into that wood-panelled haven of last night’s remnants and this morning’s scavenged confectionaries. He could just make out some sort of commotion surrounding the upper-left’s plasma screen as he entered the room...
Also XD)

...That could very well lead to him going to a bar because, well, where else do you go to do shady stuff?

"...it felt like...a thousand tavern patrons crying out all at once in anguish; and then...there was silence."

(Working on the next post as we speak)

If we're going that route, then their attempted capture should center around Vilĉjo's involvement with -unbeknownst to him- the local government, or a 'shadier' aspect of it. Essentially, someone wants those organs, but the bombings/assassinations force them to react recklessly - they use their tabs on Vilĉjo to track him down in the midst of the chaos (as attempting to open the secured van without his know-how would inevitably melt the valuables inside, or something along those lines), and he happens to have bumped into Ridahne and Haban on his way back there. Suddenly targeted by what appears to be some arm of the government and labeled as part of the terrorist 'plot', they must now work together to figure out the true culprits behind these dastardly doings and clear their names...

And then everyone eats cake while the credits role; I mean, that, or they have to wait until *after the credits role to eat the cake - but nobody wants to wait that long unless it's for a Marvel movie; So, some doe-eyed genius figures "Hey, maybe we ought to just shove 'em in the middle this time?" But THEN everyone accuses them of being 'unoriginal' and saying: "Well 'Flawless' did that, but I see you've already hired the crippled cop and the dealer." So then they have to go BACK to the drawing board, and then somebody needs to go call the storyboard artist to get him out of bed in the middle of the night, and then someone else needs to go find the cinematographer to stop him drinking himself to death over having to re-shoot the entire scene because as it turns out, two of the cast-members got a slice of cake and the third was left eating humble pie - and before you know it, it's 2 A.M. and everyone's just agreed to maybe give the post-credits sequence a pass this time.
Post is up - far rougher than it should have been, but up nevertheless (P.S. I'll make use of that description in the posts to come - sorry that I ended up cutting it for the time being); I've got a few proposals moving forward from here though, if you guys care to give them a listen:

1) Personally, that was probably one of my worst sessions of Writer's Block in recent months, and I think it just has to do with a lack of practice. I did a little bit of reading online, and I think I'll just need to work on a steady paragraph-by-paragraph increase of random scenarios if I really want to put out volume and keep increasing my skills overall as well...soooo, do either of you mind if I just chuck in a paragraph or so into the discord each day? Theses wouldn't be related to the RP, I'm just figuring that it'd be a lot easier to practice if other people could jump in and offer some critiques here and there along the way - 'inspiration', of a sorts.

2) About those organs - I've been thinking about what could have taken Haban's leg and eye, and the short and sweet of it would be some sort of military-grade drug tested in the past to enhance combat performance. It worked surprisingly well...only, the side-effects were a tiny bit...life-threateningly-hazardous. The formula could've been destroyed after its use in the war, but I don't think that'd stop a few people from trying to recreate it - and this might even tie in to why (unbeknownst to everyone but the most in-the-know) the [Insert Whatever This Culture's Name Is] government would be trying to dig up all the information they could on recreating it...or perhaps, why third-parties are trying to do the same for future sale. Those organs would need to be kept chilled because they're the only remaining pieces of the puzzle available to backtrack from - up until this point, they and others like them have gone through numerous private collectors' and researchers' hands in order to uncover the "Riddle Of R108". That's what I've got off the top of my head, but I'm definitely looking forward to how you might improve upon it, @vFear.

3) @Blackfridayrule, @vFear ...Any ideas on *how we get everyone to the right spot once the shit hits the fan? I'm thinking Outlook 15 will probably get bombed, and that'll at least force Haban to get on the move, but I'm still not really sure how Vilĉjo and Ridahne would be forced to leave either the bar or the van.
The usually frenetic bustling of footsteps, rumbling engines and everyday exchanges of the acquainted and the estranged lay dormant - hushed by the distant ambiance of cheering crowds, boombox-enhanced speeches and thunderous rumbling of aerial carriages; Save for that overarching air and the light whispers of a stagnant wind, the city slumbered lively. Here and there on the outskirts you might spot the odd geriatric soaking in the contents of his tablet on the front porn, or the restless youth keeping watch over the house, but these were the exceptions to the rule. In all honesty, the 'thrill' of watching a slew of aged hacks pat each other on the back over the gains of others was baffling at best...and nothing short of criminal at its most sincere.

At the suggestion of the crosswalk light, Haban eased the restless whirring of his mechanical leg, standing idle opposite a barren street like the good citizen mother had always known military school would make him. He shook his head and plucked his pastime from out between his lips, striking the casing once across the metal pole before him; jarred by the impact, it popped open a hatch midway down the pipe and spewed a steaming clear plastic vial down the sidewalk - and with practiced ease, the partial man flicked one up anew from within his breastpocket, jammed it into the hatch and clasped it shut...replenishing the steady cloud of smog that'd begun to dissipate around him. The cramped amphitheater of bolted shop windows rustled with mild intrigue.

"...I don't think I've ever such-seen a queer system as this; feels like some sort of mocked up doll's play." The pitch was low, curious, and somewhat trained in the local dialect...though it clearly had a ways to go before proper assimilation; Haban doubted it'd be hanging around these parts that long anyway, but one had to admire the speed at which some of these greenbacks learned. "No stranger than a shadow talking back to its host - how crows the roost?" A light chuckle escaped the reclusive depths of the alley behind him, then answered in an altogether different tone: "Cooed, but anxious - 'course it doesn't hurt to take a few hairs off the back of the neck every now and then." An otherwise relaxed stream sputtered and puckered out from the pipe, and the mechanical pupil of the impartial's eye flickered briefly in mute irritation. "...You lot have an awful fixation with breaking out the hedge-trimmers where the razor'd do just as well." The voice scoffed, fading into obscurity with a returning quip: "Funny words coming from your kin - they teach hypocrisy alongside concoctions where you come from?"

He released a low growl at that one...those bloody foxes were always so quick-tempered. "Quick" being the bingo-word - it took Haban another six minutes' pace to reach the dusty doors of Outlook 15, a further four to switch into proper kit in the lockers, and a final two to slump himself down in the midst of the bustling sea of partial cubicles that propagated the station's ground floor. One brief moment of electronic nails-on-a-chalkboard later and his Personal Media Assistant had finished the teeth-grating ritual all of the modern operators were seemingly required to fulfill before they could boot up properly; this was to be shortly followed up by several clicks further into the network, along with a buffered list of promising message-headers:

10:56 A.M. - Not_Sure_Where_You've_Been,_But...

12:28 A.M. - Today_Hasn't_Changed_You_Know...

1:10 P.M. - Do_You_Even_Read_Calendars_?

Hmm...he hadn't *seen Qiaran opposite when he sat down - but her presence was surprisingly suffocating all the same...

"...This is where you check your messages from?"
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