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    1. vn2202 7 yrs ago


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Well, this group used to be the slavery of Chronos, so they want to kill his son on the name of killing demigod. Anna didn't know that so she can't tell Victor the true, but i think i will let Chronos explain to him later by mind-to-mind connection or something like that when he is sleeping.
Oh I'm sorry.
But Chronos will defeat this group right after Victor left so I don't think I should ask. They won't appear again I promise.
As a normal day, Victor goes to the garden and starts practice with the scythe. About 10 minute later, he suddenly feel a huge pressure on his shoulder and he sees a Giant man with a big sword come toward him.

"Hello, my son, oh, you look bigger than the last time i saw you, well, I'm sorry with you mom dead, but I cant do anything to save her."

"Who the hell are you? And what have you said, 'my son', right. Hey old man, I'm not your son, my dad died when I was 3."

"That just what your mother said, right? I'm your father, and I'm not just a normal man, I'm ... Arrg, what the f...?

There are about twenty dark arrows on his hand and that giant man starts to use his sword to attack numberous of archer hiding inside the forest.

"Anna, get Victor out of here and tell him everything."

A woman comes and cast a magic that bring her and Victor to GOTA. Then she starts to explain to Victor everything, his father was Chronos, god of time and there is a team called themselves the NEW GOD starts to hunt every demigod they found. Of course, Victor thinks this all is a lie until he sees everything around him start to move slower and he is the only one could move normally. Anna tells him this power proves that he is a demingod and this academy could help him to control his power.

"So what do you want from me?"

"My master Chronos want you to join this Academy and learn to become a stronger and wiser demigod."

"Fine, I will join, but when I become a true demigod, I want him to come and himself explain to me everything! Let's tell him that, OK?"

"I will, see you later" Anna talks then she just disappear as she was never there.

"So this is the GOTA, it looks like a good place to become stronger."

Name: Victor Larigol
Nickname: Reaper (his friend call him Reaper because he always look tired and cold but if anyone call him like that, he will give that guy a punch on face)
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Power(s): Blood control: he can control his own blood and use it as a weapon (Blood Sword, Blood Scythe, Blood Arrow, etc).
Blood reading: he can read other people mind by eating their blood.
Weakness: He uses his own blood to fight so he can't use so much or he can faint because of losing to much blood. And if he doesn't focus when using his power, it may fell and blood become normal liquid instead of being a sword or scythe.
Personality: Victor seems quiet and misterious, no one knows what he is thinking. Moreover, team-working and planing is not in his dictionary. He will make you angry if you try to ask him to follow the plan or something like that. However, he's very careful, great-spirited and warm, but he doen't usally show that, so everyone feel he is cold and irresponsable.
Looks: Black eye while normal and red eye when he usinng his power, his hair turn to white when he has used to much blood.
Crush: Maria Letress, his neighborhood, 20 years old.
Relationship: Best friend: John Rochlest, his classmate when he was in high school.
History: Victor was born in a normal family, and grew up normally as anyone at his age. When he was 10, he started to know about his power when he cut himself and he saw his blood become a solid scythe. Then he tried to control his power and showed it to Maria and John. Unfortunately, he shoots a bloody arrow to John, make him nearly faint. After that, Victor try his best to keep it hidden. But sometimes, at night, he gets out of his bed and goes to hunt some thief in his neighborhood. (He try to act like Batman ^^)
Other: May be nothing
When Victor is running to group 1B, he noticed that other students pull out a small paper. He stops to pull out his one and finally found that he was in group 1A.

"SHIT, this is all your fault" Victor say.

"Excuse me?" A girl stands next to him have heard that

"Heyyy, I'm sorry but I don't talk to you"

Then he runs immidiately to group 1A while hearing a laugh inside his head "Tehehe"

When he comes, he looks at the teacher and sees his prosthesis fell to the ground. Victor almost laughs but when he sees other student just silently stand there, he acts like he doesn't know what have happened. "This must be a test, I should be careful if I want to stay here". Then he follows the group move to the dorm and doesn't care what happen after that.
I will bring Victor to group 1A now, is that ok?
I wander how does the teacher of group 1B look like, may i build a character or you will do that @IronWill?
@Neo Is Delight
I have editted.
@Neo Is Delight
Thank you so much, I'll describe it when i'm free, I'm currently quite busy.
@Neo Is Delight
Yeah well, i'm not so good at english so can you help me with my grammar problem
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