Avatar of Vrrak
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Hi there, I'm Vrrak, an oldy of an RPer that enjoys playing all manner of magical and mythical creatures, but mostly non-humanoids. I love RPs with a lot of magic and creative races and especially fairy dragons!

I try to be active for RPing for 4 hours a day in the evenings, as such I prefer slower paced RPs, but given my tastes I usually just take what I can get. If I don't respond in 24 hours (and it's not a weekend.) feel free to give me a poke. Due to the amount of time it takes me to make and read posts, I usually prefer actual casual standards (2-3 paragraphs and rarely more than that) and small groups of 2-7 players. If you got an RP going that you think I'd like to get in on feel free to pm me about it.

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Varos took a moment to look outside, seeming quite content with having a place so high up where he could look down at everyone, it was quite satisfying on an instinctual level. Not to mention there were all sorts he'd never seen here before. Nothing that seemed to threatening to an amazing dragon like himself of course. He'd watch for a bit before turning his attention to back to the technological 'wonders' of the apartment room.

Varos of course would be aware of Ivy as she entered, turning around to face her with a friendly, toothy smile. “Ah, so you're one of the two I'll be sharing a lair with.” He said, looking over her up and down, she looked human but something seemed off about that. “I'm Varos. It's my first year here so I'm still learning my way around things, I'm not particular familiar with human devices.” he'd offer, pondering his words a little longer before adding “Not that I need them of course.”

He did take a bit of an interest in Leka though. Not because he was up on the couch, it's not like a dragon would have a problem with loose fur or anything. It was more that he'd not really seen a dog like that before. “Is this your pet? Never seen a creature like this before” he'd ask with a bit of a point toward him. He was a little unsure what to do with pets, his normal form tended to scare animals away after all.

Just a note, Varos is actually around the same size as Ivy (shorter by an inch). Unless he's trotting around as an actual dragon of course.

Varos gave a step through the grounds, carrying his single wheeled suitcase of luggage currently being ridden by his ferret familiar. He didn't really have much to bring with him. Mostly just annoying but necessary clothing for his current form. He was wearing one such outfit of course, some loose fitting shorts and a specially modified black vest that worked around his winged back.

He had been 'training' for common humanlike things for the last couple of weeks, considering how rarely he even came in sight of a human settlement. As a freshmen though he had to make sure he didn't do anything silly like tear a locked door down trying to open. So much here was foreign to him it was a little intimidating, not that he'd let any bit of fear show.

Eventually he'd reach his room, fiddling with the key a little bit to make sure he actually unlocked it correctly before opening the door and treading inside like he owned the place already and making a beeline for a room to unpack into, trying his best not to disturb his roommates for the moment. His belonging consisted of several outfits folded to perfection to be quickly shoved where they belong, a couple bath soaps especially made for dragons which he moved to the bathroom, and a small gold plated chest he'd tuck to the side of his bed. There was also a strange plastic card his parents had arranged for him that supposedly could be used in place of money in case he needed to buy something more, but honestly he disliked being indoors in a cooped up room so he'd hopefully only need the essentials.

Speaking of that the sooner he could get out of the room the better, so he'd go off to check out the rest of the place. Though he wouldn't disturb Ivy unless she came out of her own 'lair'. It was a common thing among dragons that if they holed up where they slept they did not wish to be disturbed, so he'd wait for her to come out. Instead he'd take a bit of interest in the furnishings of the place. All of the stuff he'd been shown in preparation had been more of a demo, so it was oddly fascinating to see them 'for real'
@Rhiannon I've updated my dragon with the species blurb for his particular type of dragon. Also he now will probably freak out if the weather gets cold. roleplayerguild.com/posts/4341210

@Shard - It is pretty adorable, he'll have to try extra hard to keep it a secret. Which in a slice of life theme means he's doomed to have it exposed at some point.
I put a character up, would you like me to submit a lore type thing for dragons as well? I figure they're pretty standard but I could make up something.
Given Name: Varos Sulan
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Dragon

Appearance: Form 1: Standard dragon:

Form 2: "Human"

This is as good as he can get right now (not very). He's barely able to hide any of his features, both due to inexperience and not having the motivation to learn further. Likely he'll spend a lot of time like this though due to needing to not take up a fourth of every room and a begrudging admission that thumbs are useful, much to his displeasure.

Form 3: Small dragon
No picture for this, it's just his first size shrunk to the size of a dog, it's mostly so he can be comfortable sleeping/lounging indoors. Much less dragon, same sized ego.

In-Depth Appearance: His humanoid form is actually a little on the short side (5ft 1) reflective of his current size as a young dragon. His skin is smooth looking but touching it will feel scaly. Most of his clothes are open in the back to leave room for wings and tail. His tail as a humanoid has no frills or features, but the rest of the frills on the humanoid form match up to his dragon one. Claws as a dragon are feral (no thumbs).

Brief Personality:
Varos is an extremely... dragony dragon. He has an ego about the size of a blimp, believes dragons are the most magnificent and important creatures around. This is mostly due to his upbringing around dragons of similar opinion. He is however smart enough not to bring it up and rub it in as conversation as long as no one challenges the idea. He isn't the smartest on the block though, he can quite easily be manipulated by a little ego stroking and encouragement.
For those who do get on his good side though he is almost fiercely protective, after all those who mess with his friends are messing with him and that's completely unacceptable.
It's a bit embarrassing to him, but he has that stereotypical desire to have a hoard of treasure, particularly at night he has to have something of value to hold or curl up around or he can't sleep.

Familiar Name: Aurus
Familiar Form: Ferret
What age range are you looking for here?
I've got a dragon I'd love to shove into this.
Character Sheet for Karu Sverin

Name: Karu “Glimmer” Sverin.

Height: 4 feet
Weight: 60lbs
Age: 52, 'young adult'
Race/Species: Fairy Dragon
Tier/Influence: 4 (Medium);


Personality: Karu is an almost obnoxiously curious dragon when left without direction like many of the fae on his homeworld. He's always looking for the next interesting thing, the next shiny trinket for his collection. His natural talents make him very good at tracking down trinkets and treasure.

He is a bit of an oddity for a fairy dragon though, most of his kind are shy and avoid contact, especially with the larger races (aka most of them). However, he is quite bold and social, not afraid to get up near someone he doesn't think is a threat. It's got him in trouble of course, but what fun is there if there is no risk!

Despite being a thief he is actually quite kind, he doesn't want to being harm to others he just wants shiny new toys. He believes in freedom for all things and will generally avoid taking something he thinks will cause real trouble for someone (or if it's particularly shiny return it after he's had a moment to admire it.

He's found himself with a call for adventuring once he learned of other worlds, especially after he learned of this strange magic like technology of other places.

Abilities, Talents, Traits, Powers:
  • ( 4 ) Invisibility – Karu has the natural magical ability to go visually invisible at walking speeds. Speeds faster that walking will create a slightly noticeable shimmer. This is an enchantment that manipulates light, so it is vulnerable to dust revealing tactics. Note that this only effects his physical body, not the stuff he's wearing/holding.
  • ( 4 ) Magic Masking – Karu has the ability to hide his magical aura along with a small radius (1ft max) around him and scramble detection magic. Automated detection will be fooled completely, however spells with concentration behind them may realize that they are being scrambled.
  • ( 3 ) Magical Bloodhound – Fairy dragons are natural magic detectors. They can 'smell' magic with the antennae on their head. Because of this extra sense, they are extremely good at tracking down sources of magic and identifying types of magic, as many sources/styles have their own distinct smells to them.
  • ( 4 ) 'Magical Luck' – Fairy dragons among magic users are considered good/bad luck. This is due to their natural ability to enhance or disrupt magical energies. The effect of this is that spells in their vicinity are less or more chaotic depending on their whims. (Think of it like using filtered water vs muddied water in a recipe)
  • ( 3 ) Floatyness/Flight – Karu can magically float at a whim with concentration, this makes him very maneuverable in the air during flight. Also he can fly normally without the need for magic/concentration.
  • ( 3 ) Euphoria Breath – Karu like all dragons has a breath attack, though his is nonlethal. His breath causes extreme lightheadedness, spaciness, and disorientation, and can have a drug like hallucinogenic effect with extreme exposure.
  • ( 2 ) Basic telekinesis magic – Not having thumbs and prefering a quadrupedal stance can cause issues, so karu has learned some basic telekinesis spells to manipulate small or delicate tools withing 3 inches of him. He's used it so much it's now second nature to him. Requires concentration per item, is limited by his physical strength, and is more precise if actually touching claws, tail, or mouth. Consider it a magical hand.


  • ( 3 ) Thieving/Spying – Karu is extremely proficient at things you would expect from a rogue or thief. He can pick locks, figure out traps, stay out of sight, and generally have a good awareness around him with quick reaction speed.


  • ( 3 ) Being of magic – Karu has a different makeup to other species, he is a hybrid of flesh and magic. This makes him resistant to physical energy and able to recover from significant (Regenerate limbs and such) as long as he is in a place heavy with magic. However, it also makes him vulnerable to spell nullification and dispelling. Entering a null-magic zone wold cause agony and potentially kill him. Magical wards and barriers could potentially stop him as well even if they aren't normally meant for physical things.
  • ( 1 ) Claws – Karu has small claws that are effective at digging in to walls/floors/ceilings, giving him a good grip. They'd also leave a nasty scratch if he swiped someone with them.
  • ( 0 ) Kleptomania – Dragons stereotypically have an inexplicable attraction to shiny valuable things and Karu is no different. He'll likely to to steal things he think he can get away with.
  • ( 0 ) Hoarding – He has trouble sleeping if he doesn't have a couple shiny trinkets or gems to curl around. He can usually get by with a gem and his tools in a pinch, but it's just not the same.
  • ( 0 ) Claustrophobia – Like many animals and even beings, he starts to really freak out in tight close spaces, particularly when he isn't aware of a way out of said space. Also sort of applies to things like being caged or jailed.

  • ( 3 ) Invisible pouch – An enchanted small pouch that can be worn on a limb, it's large enough to carry common thieves tools or small devices. While shut it and its contents are completely invisible, however when it's not in contact with some sort of magical creature it emits a magical aura.

Karu has always been a bit of an oddball among his kind, his curiosity led him to other races, and rather than shying away he got closer. The cityfolk he had approached took interest in him of course considering how rare it was to even have a fae show itself to someone, and it was soon found that his talents were actually quite useful even as a young whelp. He proved to be a quick learner, picking up language and reading quite quickly, but he also attracted a darker crowd.
He was lured in by a thief by promise of shiny trinkets to assist with some high profile robberies. Karu's natural talent for dispelling and identifying magic could easily get him past the various wards and magical traps that guarded valuable treasures and he spent many years helping a rather charismatic rogue with his heists. Eventually he was helping with the more mechanical side of things as well after observing so many times. He could pick locks and sniff out traps just as well as his partner. They did well enough that the theif could retire, leaving karu a very bored dragon, and eventually he got a bit in over his head and captured.
Rather than getting thrown in prison, he got lucky. A noble wizard took interest in him and took him in in a sort of house arrest manner. It did not start very well, turns out dragons do not like magically being held captive. He'd have to deal though, and was promised good behavior would get him out earlier, so he helped the wizard with spells and such. Most of it ended up being beyond his ability, his senses and talents were great for identifying magic, not using it beyond his natural talents. However, just having him around proved quite useful, spells would rarely go wrong!
Still, he didn't have much better to do than read in his downtime, and he ended up taking a particular interest in the world beyond his planet, fascinated by tales of even basic technology that defied magical logic. He's spent all of his time since figuring out a way to try and visit these places, using his skills to take up adventuring to build up his wealth, along with some 'totally not thieving' on the side.
Name: Varos Sulan
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Species: Red Dragon
Room Number:
Alignment: Choatic

Varos is a young western dragon. He's pretty big even for a young dragon though, so before coming to the academy he was forced to practice a more appropriate form for schoolrooms. As a dragon, he has natural shapeshifting abilities, however, he is very reluctant to learn more than he needs to (His normal form is clearly the best) so he only has three forms right now.

Form 1: Standard dragon:

Form 2: "Human"

This is as good as he can get right now (not very). He's barely able to hide any of his features, both due to inexperience and not having the motivation to learn further. Likely he'll spend a lot of time like this though due to needing to not take up a fourth of every room, much to his displeasure.

Form 3: Small dragon
No picture for this, it's just his first size shrunk to the size of a dog, it's mostly so he can be comfortable sleeping/lounging indoors. Much less dragon, same sized ego.

Varos is an extremely... dragony dragon. He has an ego about the size of a blimp, believes dragons are the most magnificent and important creatures around. This is mostly due to his upbringing around dragons of similar opinion. Due to such pride, he doesn't have much respect for rules or authority. He isn't the smartest on the block when it comes to socializing though, he can quite easily be manipulated by a little ego stroking and encouragement.
For those who do get on his good side though he is almost fiercely protective, after all those who mess with his friends are messing with him and that's completely unacceptable.
It's a bit embarrassing to him, but he has that stereotypical desire to have a hoard of treasure, particularly at night he has to have something of value to hold or curl up around or he can't sleep. He might try to steal something particularly shiny if no one is looking.
He also has claustrophobia, it flares up mostly when he doesn't know how to get outside from where he is or if he's in a particularly cramped area.

Varos grew up completely outside of civilization with a rather large flight of dragons. He spent most of his life without much to worry about, playing and hunting with the other hatchlings while his parents dealt with any outsiders. Unfortunately, these dealings eventually did effect him, in order to enhance relations with some of the other races they agreed to move closer civilization and to send their son to the academy

He does not know much of technology or other races outside of what he could pick up on the way to the academy. He is pretty much your stereotypical dragon getting his first glimpse of the rest of the world.

He also had a bit of a traumatic event when he was 5. He got caught up in a small cave in and was buried for a little bit before his parents could get to him.

Power 1:
Shapeshifting/Being a Dragon - I figure being a dragon is enough to count as a power here, but for training it will primarily be neglecting his shapeshifting ability. Naturally he is able to fly, be durable, and breathe fire in his natural form. However his shapeshifting skill will determine how much he can do that sort of stuff in other forms, and if he's able to change while under pressure/distracted.

Power 2:
Pyrokinesis: He has the ability to control and direct flame. He can't produce it with the exception of fire breath (No making people combust for him.) It's a skill that dragons of his particular species are known to have, however he has not figured it out at all yet. It usually starts to manifest around his age. This is considered a dragon ability and thus influenced by his shapeshifting skill outside his natural form.

The outdoors, exploring, treasure, showing off, being in charge, people who stroke his ego, eating, being the center of attention.
Showing fear/weakness, being told what to do, cramped spaces (claustrophobia), losing at anything competitive.

His mother and father are both red dragons, similar in looks to him. They're a little bit more down to earth when it comes to other beings, but they may have spoiled him a little too much. They're a bit large so the live out in the wilderness along with a whole bunch of other dragons, however they thought it would be good for their son to learn about the rest of the world proper and sent him to the academy.

He's friends with a young blue and a young gold who he's been known to cause mischief with back home. They're smaller than him, so he's always been a sort of leader of the group.
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