Avatar of Weird Tales


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9 yrs ago
l love Ben Affleck's desert batsuit


Greetings, I am a member of an alien race from a distant and weird dimension. I happen to have a developed a taste for role-playing on the human internet and I am looking for a good community. I am very interested in joining Pulp Fiction, superheroes, Naruto and fantasy roleplays.

Most Recent Posts

Name: Gilliam Zorn
Gender: male
Species: human
Age: 16

Personality: Gilliam is a very independent person and isn't afraid to go up against those who are stronger than him. He will stick up for his friends and will fight against those who insult his comrades. He is loyal and wise. Gilliam considers himself an individualist as well as a realist and doesn't like the group think mentality and refuses to be lumped into a group.

Bio: Gilliam was born a family with a rich tradition of powerful magicians that went back for centuries. Magicians' magical powers varied and Gilliam was born with the gift of Weird Magic. As a young child his father taught him all he knew in the ways of magic, but do to his strange type of magic Gilliam could not truly learn his full capabilities unless he went to a special school magic users of all kinds.

The Academy was the best place for him and his parents sent him off to the school. Once he got there Gilliam hoped that he would discover his true power and also make some new friends along the way.

Power 1: Weird Magic - Gilliam wields a very powerful type of magic that focuses mainly on conjuration and illusions. He can summon all sorts of strange objects and beings of the strangest variety with varying abilities depending on the summons. Gill really enjoys summoning the weirdest things that a person can imagine. His illusions are designed to fool the mind and confuse his opponents with weird images.
Power 2: none
Family: his parents
Friends: none at school yet
Sentimental Attachment: an amulet with the eye of a dragon as a design.
do you have the character sheet?
I'm interested
this feels dead
I'm waiting for the EP 8 people to post

Name: John Smith

Super Name: Hunter

Appearance: John stands at around six feet and weighs about one hundred and eighty pounds. His costume his a red plaid hunter's coat and black hunting pants and boots as well as a Ushanka hat.

Powers: His only power is a superhuman reaction time, which allows him to see and react to attacks a lot quicker than the average human. He also his pretty durable and can take a hit along with being an excellent marksman.

Technology: For a weapon he carries with him a supernatural shotgun that is a Great Old One cursed to be in such a form. The weapon allows him to charge bullets with horrifying power and harm supernatural beings of all types. The gun can fire off an astral bullet that can harm spirits and other beings on the astral and ethereal plane. His can also fire off terrifying illusions to torment his foes' sanity. The weapon while insanely powerful does have finite amount of energy John can use before it begins to pray on his sanity.

Acquaintances: he has a mother and father and two siblings, that's it.

Personality: (What kind of person are you?)

Bio: (What were you like before the collapse, and what do you do now?)


Name: Gon


Age: unknown

Race: Dinosaur

Gender: male

Origin: The universe of origin. If AU, specify that. AUs are under more scrutiny then canons for safeties sake.

Objectives: What do they wish to do in the Ragnarok Array, now that they've been dragged to it? Characters without good objectives tend to fade into irrelevance, so I'd ponder this one deeply. Use this section for your long term goals and objectives rather than short term ones.

Temperament: Not personality, as you should define that in the actual RP. This is just how they typically interact with others.

Affiliation: What faction do they hold loyalty to at the moment?

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Background: A short summary of their experiences before arriving on the Ragnarok Array. This isn't a bio, so you don't need that level of detail. If you're doing a OC, I'd add a little bit more than what others do if I were you. Since everyone who isn't a late joiner arrived at the same time a month ago, you've been around likely a month. However I'd probably look into the applied factions and characters and maybe work something out with others before saying what you did on the Array.

Skills: Even if their level of skill exceeds humanity, it should go here if it's a skill. Things like the capability to shoot a gun, read books, or build solar system destroying space ships. Like abilities, list them and give minor details. If they have average skill in a mundane skill such as cooking or driving, don't mention it.

Abilities: Abilities that defy natural laws, such as magic missile or the ability to regenerate from wounds. Anything that isn't a skill or item based should go here. List your abilities and at least give a basic run down on them.

Equipment: Anything members of your faction don't typically wield, such as special weapons or unique armour, goes here. Also includes single use items and consumables.

Protagonist Points: The capability to do the impossible, put simply. All low threat characters will start with at least one point. The uses of these points will be in the character guide, but the primary intent is to make unwinnable fights winnable when your opponent is a Threat Rating 3(God Class) character. If you get PP, I'll tell you when I assign your Threat Rating.

Threat Rating: A measurement of a characters threat level. To be set by co-gms only. Do not set it yourself, or I will be greatly displeased. Threat level is more or less about the gap between our characters power and helps the GMs manage that gap. Threat level is separated into three distinct categories. Beyond reference though you won't need to worry about this section until I assign you your threat rating. More information can be found in the character guide.
finally posted
The Fabulous Mr. Clutch

Episode 8: Trident of Atlantis

Life with the justice league moved rather fast and it seemed like the last mission had just finished that another had begun. He was still glad to help his teammates when they needed him in the battle against Extant. Despite him being a metahuman with a very basic power, Jim was not going to be scared of more powerful foes.

This latest mission had them going below the waves of the Atlantic ocean and into the deep sea on a journey to the fabled city of Atlantis or whatever was left of it after the war between the underwater kingdom and the United States. He had never seen the city in person and was quite excited to see what it was like. Jim was also happy to show off his piloting skills in a vehicle that could both fly and travel underwater, it reminded him of that Tom & Jerry movie from years ago.

When his eyes finally saw the ruins of the once great city, he felt a creepy feeling looking at the wreckage created from the war. Whether he felt uneasy or not, he still had a mission to do. Besides there would probably tons of Atlantean items that Lex Corp could turn into profitable products and he was sure that this mystical trident would make a very marketable toy replica for the kids to play with. When he parked the ship he took out his notebook and started writing down notes. This mission would make a great episode for Mr. Clutch and Friends.

Unlike one of his teammates Jim was glad that Captain Marvel was the leader, at least it wouldn't be one of the brooders. He checked to make sure he had everything he needed and was now prepared for this strange underwater world.

"It's a good thing none of us watched Jaws right before joining this mission" he said to them as he checked his ray gun to make sure it was functioning properly, good thing it was water proof.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's go treasure hunting."
I'm still here, but I've been busy this week. I'll probably won't be able to post until the weekend
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