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    1. Willy Vereb 10 yrs ago


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Hmm, so it's 1500 now, huh?
well, I suppose that makes for a nice round number. Speaking of which, what would be the seasons in Albion be like? Four seasons and preferably Northern Hemisphere style?
@Willy Vereb

"And with the king beheaded, England entered a most unusual phase in which it was called the Commonwealth. It was effectively a republic! Of course, all this ended a few uears later when the Puritans stormed into Parliament with a monarchyand banished any pretences of democracy. Then we entered a period called the Protectorate!

Oliver Cromwell was Lord Protector (that means dictator) because the Puritan army backed him, and all was stable and well until the Puritans banned Christmas and closed all of England's theatres. Then the people got upset."

<Snipped quote by Willy Vereb>

Sometimes dictatorships work.

It's peaceful now but just wait untill someone else tries to 'free' your people and 'fix' your nation.
Stable dictatorships aren't stratocracies or anything similar. They are just enforced political parties with an army backing them.
> Insert Austrian proverb about the bayonet here...

To be fair though just as my "poor" navy this can be spun into something more sensible with ease. For example like an extreme version of Sparta and have the military rule as well as a relatively recent government united by a warlord. I just love how the two rolls strictly contradict each other. Please don't spoil my fun.

Government Type:
5. Your nation is ruled by the sword, and the cogs of its "political system" are oiled with blood. Though they might put it more eloquently in order to conjure an image of legitimacy, your nation is quite frankly ruled by whatever warlord(s) are currently at the top of the food chain. This chaotic military dictatorship has the potential to perhaps transform into something more like a monarchy, but for now birthright means nothing and the man with the most soldiers at his back is always the man that lays out the law.
Political Stability:
5. You enjoy the benefit of having a serene and peaceful nation. There's barely any crime and you don't have a rebellion brewing, so rejoice!
Gdi Cyclone, there must be always something in the rolls that trip things up.

The chaotic tribal military dictatorship ruled in complete peace and stability...
This is better than my grand professional army fed by a levy system.

To be fair Albion is supposed to be the smallest continent. And to kind of the British isles to the Commonwealth side of the world.
There will indeed be a larger world map which should improve the sense of scale, so ill hold off major edits till i do that.
The other two continents are indeed larger, with Albion being relatively small.
The map is honestly supposed to feature only the larger things on it. I'd imagine there are indeed way more islands or smaller rivers and mountains in the world. But are far too small to be drawn of the world map. I guess the art style does make it seem like they should still be there (as it is a realism style, as opposed to a old hand drawn map style where this would be obvious).
Mountains Irl can also be rather large irl, i think the issue here is that this continent is indeed small, but the sense of scale is almost non exzistent as i haven't mapped the rest of the world.
I will indeed keep trying to improve this map till the RP launches, and even afterwards albeit with much less major changes.

I do indeed also have a blank slate map which will have it's own degree of use.
Thanks for the advice mate.
Hm, if the Commonwealth is larger than us then how in the blue hell we aren't conquered yet?
They are more advanced, they are bigger and they are in the colonizing biz earlier than us.
Heck, why they haven't colonized the New World yet?
If we're so inferior then we don't really have a place in this whole imperialism idea aside from playing second fiddle and hoping we earn a few crumpets from the bread of the Great Commonwealth.
Combined we're the equivalent of Japan at best and more likely something even less.

At least if our continent is bigger than the Commonwealth with combined military might enough to challenge them we can reason away why the Commonwealth don't literally own the entire world yet.
<Snipped quote by Willy Vereb>

Hey there man. I do get where you're coming from on most of these (even although it does pain me to see my map smacked aside and other random maps recommended in it's place, i worked really hard on it!).
To answer some of your worries:
Yeah i do agree with you the sense of scale is rather odd, and i recognize this is due to my drawing style. It's rather hard to add more features without making the map look like a mess of features. In short adding more features would make it feel a rather bit too crowded.
I understand it is not perfect but i don't feel a true need for perfection. But i see some people might want to disagree with me on this.

I can though alleviate your worries about the map lacking the new world. I do intend on finishing a complete world map at some point. We just focused on Albion as it is more important that the rest of the world game wise. So when the full world map is finished things may look a bit less 'oversized' as what you are currently looking at is but a section of the world map.

If you do have any advice about how you think the map may be altered i will be glad to hear you out. But don't expect too much from me as people have already started making claims and things are almost set in stone.
When I make a suggestion, it's that. I don't demand anything but offer alternatives people to consider. So don't worry I am not urging you to replace the map. Not like I'd even have the power for it but it's good if I make this certain.

As for advices? Hmm, I'll be honest and say that you're likely more skilled making maps than me so in a way my suggestions might be not as useful. With that said as fellow artist I might be able to give you explanations why is it like that:

1.) Your map of the main continent doesn't fill up a sufficient portion of the image. Thus feels small.
2.) Your map shows the edges of the two other continents. They both seem to be larger. Thus feels small.
3.) The narrowed "tendril" half-islands seem to be almost as articulated as the random wavy borders of the main continent. This leaves the illusion that the territory is small. Non-native speaker here so I hope I explained this sufficiently.

These three actually contribute to making it look not massive. I can also talk from the perspective of a player. Those bay-like areas are neat but also charm the player to encompass them even as a small nation. Thus reducing the perceived area. Mountains are another thing, they can define borders for players but they're so large here. Check Africa for comparison (which kinda looks like your continent):

They're hard to do as subdued like this, though.
And one of the maps I suggested, Strangereal, had a similar issue. So it isn't as big of a problem as it sounds.
To be fair though this is why the geographical map was never used for player colored borders. Perhaps making a blank alternative for your map would solve some issues? Players are already encouraged to imagine up the details. We have beautiful examples where players drew their own detailing for within their country borders.

Another suggestion from game perspective, add sub-continents if possible. I mean the "small" islands are good but there'd be always players who want to be England or your stereotypical semi-isolated country. In this case players with smaller territory but big navy rolls might even be designed for it.

Alight, it wouldn't be really fair to redraw the map. But how about altering it a bit?
Making it blank might be easy via tracing and then zoom it on a bit to make it almost as big as the entire image? That could solve some issues already.
If you want to do more serious work on it you can try straightening out the outlines or making it straighter and less angular most of the time. Also potentially adding a mini-continent close by for people who wishes to have a faint water surface between them and the rest of the continent. The "small" islands are good but only a specific kind of player style would really want to be on those.

Again, I repeat these are just ideas of mine. You aren't forced to do any of these. I try just my best to help you.

@Willy Vereb

I'm already somewhat adverse to changing the map after everyone has seem it and several have staked their claims. We're pretty invested in it now.

Perhaps you should direct any objections to @TheArhive who has worked on the map. I believe he actually said this was a rough draft of the terrain and that he'd add rivers and generally improve it.
Is it made by a player here?
Well, adding extra landmarks doesn't improve much so rivers may not change my opinion. Actually that was one of my reasons why it felt small. As it looks the main continent can barely handle 8 players and I suspect we'd have more than that.
That's my worry.
Also it could be neat if we can have a map for the New World, too.

Anyways, I do have my issues with the current map.I put it into points:
1.) It's somewhat featureless which in turn makes it crowded. If there are more features then people find it easier to make smaller nations.
2.) Landmarks are too big. Mountains, forests and everything are too large on the map. Again contributing to make it feel small.
3.) It doesn't show the New World. Since colonialism is going to be a major thing that should get relevant very soon. Heck, some countries may have a headstart in that for all I know. Their territories must involve some colonial zone with their colors.

@Cyclone, if you don't mind I post a couple of map ideas I found which could be interesting:

So any of these catches your fancy?

@Willy Vereb
This almost describes Yllendthyr to the T. Oh well, looks like I'm gonna play elves in two games consecutively.
There are few elements which I might wish to change though. So rerolls? Also I thought you'd post these in the PM.

Are rolls mandatory?
Also do we have a map or anything similar?
Oh well, tthen I guess the mantle is on me. I probably opt for my Federation expies then but witha further twist.
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