Avatar of Willy Vereb
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    1. Willy Vereb 10 yrs ago


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I'll be on vacation for a few days so my activity will be low


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An old man sat serenely against a rock, paging through a picture book. He was neither old nor a man. He was a god, perhaps the youngest of the lot. Yllwythyr was the name yet he might be most recognizable for his blackened walking cane. A man of few phrases, the audaciousness of the island host merely made him cloud his face. He then continued to browse the pages. It was a very interesting picture book.
@TheodorableSo about bidding for a specific Domain. I have two questions.
1.) It counts as a power usage, right? So you have three such actions per every turn. Also obviously as a power its cost is deduced from your power pool as soon as you use it. I feel this is obvious yet needs clarification.
2.) Minor and major domains introduced a new aspect to things. How should we envision this?
a.) Whoever bids first for a domain gets the major field, second bidder gets the minor.
b.) You first bid for the minor domain and then spend arbitrary amount of turns and/or power points to upgrade it to major domain.

Thank you in advance!
<Snipped quote by Willy Vereb>

"almost nothing" well that is a depressing start
It's just in his nature. He's to observe first. Act later.

BTW, am I correct assuming that the planet is inhabited by ordinary plants and animals?

@TheodorableI might make a post in turn 1 just to start gaining power and then do what my deity would do in-character in the beginning... almost nothing.
I like this one! Accepted.
He's vaguely based after Tylwyth Teg from Welsh folklore although with touches of Merlin and some other inspirations. His goal is actually less about being a treehugger and more along the lines of evolution and progress. Depending on circumstances he could be absolutely harmless or a massive annoyance.

Yllwythyr the Blackstaff is an aloof studious member of the Pantheon. He does not appear to be overtly ambitious nor seeking confrontation with his siblings. He's fascinated by life and seems to be content observing its wonders. By nature he seeks harmony and creation, uninterested in petty power plays. In a sense he could be described as a scholar, a wise deity eager to know more. Yet he's an ambivalent entity who would not allow himself to develop overt sways. Yllwythyr (or just Blackstaff) can only hold temporary allegiances and like life he's ever changing. He preaches balance above all. While many consider Yllwythyr a good entity he has no interest in fighting evil, much less to eliminate them. In his view there's no "bad" life, only life.
I'll be in Sweden for a week so I don't really have the activity to participate in this NRP.
Would latecomers be acceptable or perhaps you are already pretty full?
@TheodorableSystem appears to be light enough on the game mechanics to not worry about such.
So long you also avoid stat numbers and players influencing these it's actually easy to keep things pure.
As for overall the system sounds similar to what Alternate History forums and Sufficient Velocity uses, maybe a bit simpler thus more free.
Albeit the idea of saving up leftover action does worry me a bit. It might allow some cheesy things by giving the player freedom to stack up their actions while watching what everyone else does while negating the chance the other side would do the same. I'd say you could invent a theoretical limit to this while also watching out for players who appear to be intentionally making this sorts of play. This is the only potential pitafall I can see. Intentionally saving up a few points is fine, just don't stack up ridiculous numbers. Because I feel it'd be trouble. Kinda the same as having dimension door in Heroes of Might and Magic, especially the earlier games. You stack up sufficient "mana" that you can basically perform several if not dozens of turns worth of stuff without the other side being able to do much to counter it.
While I say this is trouble, all it really requires is you to say "no" when somebody tries to scum like this.

As for tyranny of majority, I don't think it was a trouble in narrative NRPs. The main reason they fail is because there's nothing to really hold them together. Many games are just too freeform and/or lack GM presence to be kept being engaged. With your more prominent presence and sufficient number of players I bet this could be fairly successful.
I'll throw my hat into the "Gods, Men and Everything in between" idea. God NRPs were actually tried and there's a decent following for it. I figure the reason why this is picked is the same for most of us. We wish to finally play such game to competition or at least to our satisfaction.

@TheodorableCan you divulge more details about how this game would be played? Would there be game mechanics or more narrative based with events spawning and in-character deeds rewarded with various achievements? I'd support the latter more as it's basically the ideal of what most players in this section like (yet never really get). Game mechanics have to be very expertly created to avoid somebody gaming the system. Plus I don't like the idea of being beaten because of a cheese strat rather than writing down a fun story and mutually decide to have things play out the way they do.
I am just curious. Thank you in advance.

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